unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

The procedure entry point CancelMibChangeNotify2 could not be located

When running the latest versions of Skype for Windows, Windows XP users are faced with a critical error, due to which the program forcibly stops its work.
The procedure entry point CancelMibChangeNotify2 could not be located
Skype.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point CancelMibChangeNotify2 could not be located in the dynamic link library IPHLPAPI.DLL.

This error occurs because the last Skype installers for Windows are not designed for Windows XP and Vista, and even if you install and run these versions without errors, the correct operation is not guaranteed (as a rule there are problems with sound).


Since there is a specific installer that officially supports these operating systems, it is strongly recommended to select the right installer for your OS. You can download the correct installer from the following links:

Perhaps there are some updates or workarounds for Windows XP that add support for the CancelMibChangeNotify2 procedure to the IPHLPAPI.DLL library, but according to the information on the official site, this procedure is not supported in Windows XP. So if you want to solve the problem quickly, just download the right installer.


  1. 0 0 0
    june (karma: 0),
    skype won't allow you to download the older versions .. so what do I do if I have xp .. I get the error procedure entry point cancelmibchangenotify2 could not be located in the dynamic link library IPHLPAPI.DLL

    if i upgrade my computer all the software I use that is no longer available will not that is not an option ..
    1. 0 -1 1
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      To fix this error you need to install Skype for Windows XP.
  2. 0 0 0
    Thomas W. (karma: 0),

    Thanks so much for the explanation and solution!!!
    After "Skype Classic" 7.40 installation attempt failed to open, 7.36 works great and I have gotten Skype 5.10 to work after executable replacement!!

    So great; thanks a million! :)

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