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Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Windows

Good news for users which use older versions of Skype without the support of NGC codec — seems to be in the new version of Skype for Windows has been fixed the bug due to which the Linux and Windows XP users can not join group calls initiated via Skype or

Also, for HoloLens owners developers have prepared a pleasant surprise: the HoloLens Add-in for Skype that allows users to point, ink and add holograms to video calls. To install the Add-in, on Skype menu bar click "Tools", select "Install the HoloLens Add-in" and follow the installer instructions. It is worth noting that, in Skype installation folder exists the VideoN.DLL library that do not have a digital signature, and perhaps some anti-virus programs can raise "false alarms".

And the last known change in Skype for Windows — the preparation of the application for the arrival of chat bots.

Skype for Windows

File size:

45.2 MB

Operating system:


Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:

2 178


The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Windows. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Windows, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Fixed Fixed a bug with joining the group calls
New Developed the HoloLens Add-in for Skype
Unresolved VideoN.DLL library does not have a digital signature
New Added support for chat bots

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.


  1. 0 0 0
    Craig Isherwood (karma: +20),
    Skype version has not fixed the problem of XP users being unable to initially join group calls. When the XP user is included in the group being initially called, as a group, the message comes up that they have to upgrade their Skype. THis has only been happenning within the last three weeks or so. However, if you initiate a one-on-one call with that same XP user and then bring other people in, one at a time, it works. It is just an unnecessary waste of time doing it this way.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi! Sorry for the inaccuracy. This bug was completely fixed in the latest version (Skype for Windows).
      1. 0 0 0
        Craig Isherwood (karma: +20),
        HI again. Sorry but the problem is still not fixed with ".108".
        I have just been through the process of trying to establish a group call and nothing has changed.
        The person using XP are running Service pack 3, and everything was running OK until just the last three weeks. Given that support of XP dropped off quite a while ago, it seems Skype has changed is operation to create these problems.
        To test .108, we had all the group users load that version of Skype and then cold reboot there computers so that any drivers required were loaded afresh. One person then initiated a call with four other people. The person with the XP came up with the same, "Need to upgrade" message and failed to connect into the group call.
        We repeated the approach of bringing that XP user in first, then manually adding the other three users, and that worked fine.
        Do you have any suggestions of how to solve this problem, outside of the latest Skype .108 update?
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          It's very strange because I received confirmation from several users that the bug is fixed. That's why I want to ask if you are really sure that all users have the .108 version? The problem is that using default Skype updater or Web Installer may not install the latest version. In such cases, or if you want to install latest version, you should use the Full or Light Installer (read more about Skype installers for Windows).

          If, indeed, all of you use the latest version, I recommend you to ask for help on official Skype community

          Also, as temporary workaround you can try to install previous version. As far I know, this bug appeared in 7.21, versions 7.19 and 7.20 has been skipped and 7.18 also have some bugs. So, best option is to install Skype for Windows.
          1. 0 0 0
            Craig Isherwood (karma: +20),
            Thanks. I downloaded the .108 version off your blog-site and uploaded it onto our shared drop-box so that every person/skype user did a complete reinstall of that version from that install file. Everyone confirmed that they are using that version. When it did not work the first time, we then cold-booted the machines, and tried to form the group a second time, but the same problem occurred.
            I will contact skype directly and see what help is available.
            1. 0 0 0
              Administrator (karma: +1208),
              I'm sorry but in this case I really don't know how to help you and hope that on the official website you will find the solution. If so, I would be grateful if you let me know how the problem can be solved.
  2. 0 0 0
    martha diez (karma: 0),
    voter messgas ici skype oui merci ok

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