Emoticon | Description | Code |
Bald man with glasses |
(tauri) ↓ (Tauri)(taur)(Taur) | |
Drunk |
(drunk) ↓ (Drunk) | |
Finger |
(finger) ↓ (Finger) | |
IAAF 2017 |
(iaaf2017) ↓ (Iaaf2017) | |
IAAF Jump |
(iaafjump) ↓ (Iaafjump) | |
IAAF Run |
(iaafrun) ↓ (Iaafrun) | |
IAAF Throw |
(iaafthrow) ↓ (Iaafthrow) | |
Mooning |
(mooning) ↓ (Mooning) | |
Neil |
(neil) ↓ (Neil)(feetontable)(Feetontable) | |
Oliver |
(oliver) ↓ (Oliver) | |
On the loo |
(ontheloo) ↓ (Ontheloo)(onloo)(Onloo)(nr2)(Nr2)(twittering)(Twittering)(verybusy)(Verybusy) | |
Peter |
(peter) ↓ (Peter)(skill)(Skill) | |
Pile of poo |
(poop) ↓ (Poop)(poo)(Poo) | |
Pool party |
(hrv) ↓ (poolparty)(Poolparty)(Hrv) | |
Santa mooning |
(santamooning) ↓ (Santamooning)(mooningsanta)(Mooningsanta) | |
Sheep |
(sheep) ↓ (bah)(Sheep)(Bah) | |
Skype |
(ss) ↓ (skype)(Skype)(Ss) | |
Smoking |
(ci) ↓ (smoke)(smoking)(Smoking)(Smoke)(Ci) | |
Tauri |
(tauri) ↓ (Tauri)(taur)(Taur) | |
Teacher |
(malthe) ↓ (Malthe)(mlt)(Mlt) | |
Teams |
(teams) | |
What the... |
(wtf) ↓ (Wtf) | |
Xmas man |
(xmasman1) ↓ (Xmasman1) | |
Xmas man |
(xmasman2) ↓ (Xmasman2) | |
Xmas man |
(xmasman3) ↓ (Xmasman3) | |
Xmas man |
(xmasman4) ↓ (Xmasman4) | |
Xmas man |
(xmasman5) ↓ (Xmasman5) | |
Xmas woman |
(xmaswoman1) ↓ (Xmaswoman1) | |
Xmas woman |
(xmaswoman2) ↓ (Xmaswoman2) | |
Xmas woman |
(xmaswoman3) ↓ (Xmaswoman3) | |
Xmas woman |
(xmaswoman4) ↓ (Xmaswoman4) | |
Xmas woman |
(xmaswoman5) ↓ (Xmaswoman5) | |
Yammer |
(yammer) | |
Access |
(access) ↓ (Access) | |
Bing |
(bing) ↓ (Bing) | |
Excel |
(excel) ↓ (Excel) | |
GroupMe |
(groupme) ↓ (Groupme) | |
Internet Explorer |
(ie) ↓ (IE)(internetexplorer)(Internetexplorer)(Ie) | |
Microsoft |
(ms) ↓ (MS)(microsoft)(Microsoft)(Ms) | |
OneDrive |
(onedrive) ↓ (Onedrive) | |
OneNote |
(onenote) ↓ (Onenote) | |
Outlook |
(outlook) ↓ (Outlook) | |
PowerPoint |
(powerpoint) ↓ (Powerpoint) | |
Publisher |
(publisher) ↓ (Publisher) | |
SharePoint |
(sharepoint) ↓ (Sharepoint) | |
Skype for Business |
(skypebiz) ↓ (Skypebiz)(sforb)(Sforb) | |
Windows 10 |
(win10) ↓ (Win10)(ninjacat)(Ninjacat)(windows)(Windows)(trex)(Trex)(windows10)(Windows10) | |
Word |
(word) ↓ (Word) | |
Xbox |
(xbox) ↓ (Xbox) |
Collections of emoticons:
How to send hidden emoticons?
- Find the smiley you need in the table above
- Across from it, copy the
of the column “Code” - Send the copied code to your friend as an ordinary message
- After you have sent the message, the code will be converted to an emoticon
Why are they called “hidden” and “secret”?
Due to the fact that the smileys are hidden from the user (i.e., they are not shown on the palette), they are called “hidden emoticons”. They are called “secret”, because many people don’t know about them. In order to send these emoticons, you need to use “secret” codes (sometimes in chat rooms users ask to share the secret of how to send them).Why do the developers create hidden emoticons?
I think they do it to:- Please their colleagues, because originally many hidden emoticons depicted Skype employees.
- Create “Easter eggs” which must be discovered by chance and pleasantly surprise users.
- Conceal “obscene emoticons” from younger users and those who consider them offensive.
- Reduce the number of displayed emoticons to show only the most popular items on the palette.
), #Why are the “hidden emoticons” code not working for me?
), # ↑(skype)
), #(p) (!) (x) (z)
In skype desktop (the normal WIndows client, 7.36.*), the following emotes did not work:
(p) (!!) (pc) (qt) (gl) (run) (w8) (s+) (z) (jet) (hrv) (ss) (ci) (!) (um) (!!?) (x) (zilmer)
Only the first "definition" for each emote was attempted. Was sent with `
<ss type="${name}">(${name})</ss>
`, forcing emote styling.+1212
), # ↑(p) (!) (x) (z)
aren’t shown. It seems developers removed these shortcuts and I should update them.I don’t know why some emoticons doesn’t work on your PC, but I recommend to install the latest version of Skype and send only one emoticon per message (or at least to be sure that there exists a space between emoticons codes).
), #someone can help me please ?
), # ↑+12
), # ↑+1212
), # ↑[Updated ]
Hello again! I created a bot for Skype that can show any emoticons (including deleted). You can share these emoticons with your friends, or add this bot to the group chats. More info please read here: https://emoticon.bot.skaip.org/. I would be grateful for any comments and suggestions.