unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype emoticons → Neil

The "Neil" emoticon appeared in Skype on October 17, 2015 in honor of Neil Stevens — the Corporate Vice President Product & Engineering at Skype and Microsoft.

In addition to Neil, there are other Skype employees in honor of which are created emoticons: Hollest, Zilmer, Sander, Kate, Tauri, Oliver, Malthe, Toivo and Bartlett.

Since this emoticon is hidden, it can not be found on the emoticons picker, however, you can send it using the following methods:
  1. Type or paste into the input field one of the following codes and send the message:

  2. If someone sent you "Neil" emoticon, highlight it, right-click and select "Copy selection". Then, right-click on the input box and select "Paste as Text". Now you can send the message.

Please note that the "Neil" emoticon is not supported by all versions of Skype. This emoticon has become available starting from version Skype 7.6 for Windows.

# Download "Neil" emoticon:
To download this animated smiley, press the right-click on the link neil.gif and click on the "Save" option. Also, you can open this link in a new browser tab, and then press the key combination Ctrl + S

# Tags:
people, men

# Keywords:

# Collections of emoticons:


  1. 2 +2 0
    Neil (karma: +48),
    Haha! A friend of mine typed my name surrounded by double brackets to me as a "hug", when we were saying good night on Skype, and that emoticon appeared. I thought hey cool... Skype made one of ME! Looks just like me at work, too. ;)
    1. 1 +1 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Good one! I like such stories when people inadvertently found surprises :)
      ps. Added a short description of emoticon.
      1. 1 +1 0
        Neil (karma: +48),
        Added a description where? I'm wondering why this emoticon is named "Neil"?

        Surely it wasn't named after me... but given the amount I use Skype, it should be! ;)
        1. 1 +1 0
          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          The description is right below of emoticon on this page ;)
          1. 1 +1 0
            Neil (karma: +48),
            Oy. How did I miss that? *headsmack* :P
            1. 1 +1 0
              Administrator (karma: +1208),
              I don't know why, maybe because you were too excited by thinking that this emoticon is designed in honour of you?! (crazyxmas)
              1. 1 +1 0
                Neil (karma: +48),
                Yeah... sure! That must've been it. ;)
                1. 1 +1 0
                  Administrator (karma: +1208),
                  Now, when you are more attentive, try your emoticons knowledge with our Skype emoticons quiz. For a long time no one has subdued the top. It's time to rewrite the history! (rock)
                  1. 1 +1 0
                    Neil (karma: +48),
                    Ohh man... no doubt I'd flunk that. I don't use emoticons enough! I use some, but
                    mostly just those that appear when I type text smileys. But what the heck... I'll try it.

                    Aaaand just as I thought... here are my results:

                    *Enters Skype Emoticon Quiz Hall of Shame.*
                    1. 1 +1 0
                      Administrator (karma: +1208),
                      Anyway, for a user which do not use emoticons, you received a good result. At least you are better than ~75% of users that passed the quiz.
    2. 1 +1 0
      Neil (karma: +7),
      Well, my namesake emoticon no longer works on Skype. :/
      1. 1 +1 0
        Administrator (karma: +1208),
        It's still working for me. Which version of Skype and OS do you use?
  2. 1 +1 0
    Neil Thompson (karma: +7),
    All engineers are named Neil lol

    Explosives detonics engineering, Japanese fireworks master and Aerodynamicist wing designer

    I'm a laid back dude too
    1. 1 +1 0
      Neil Thompson (karma: +7),
      Anyways I don't do that right now too busy teaching airport traffic patterns and crosswind landings
    2. 1 +1 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Here also should be noted Neil Armstrong with his praising engineering abilities.
    3. 1 +1 0
      Neil (karma: +48),
      Haha! I'm a software engineer... does that count at all? :)

      Nowhere near as exciting as YOUR job, though, Mr. Thompson!
      1. 0 0 0
        Neil Thompson (karma: +7),
        Well I was a bored kid...

    4. 0 0 0
      Neil Thompson (karma: +7),
      BTW Neil is Gaelic it means 'Champion' which W
      E are...gentlemen
    5. 0 0 0
      Neil Thompson (karma: +7),
      Oh size 12 Men's New Balance. . .
  3. 0 0 0
    Neil Thompson (karma: +7),
    I'll get an F on the quiz Mr Admin I hate all this modern electrickery..Except Wye and Delta three phase HV circuits



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