Emoticon | Description | Code |
Angel |
(a) ↓ (angel)(A)(Angel) | |
Avocado Love |
(avocadolove) ↓ (Avocadolove) | |
Black heart |
(heartblack) ↓ (blackheart) | |
Blue heart |
(heartblue) ↓ (blueheart) | |
Blushing |
:$ ↓ :-$:=$:">(blush)(Blush) | |
Bunny |
(bunny) ↓ (Bunny)(lovebunny)(Lovebunny)(rabbit)(Rabbit) | |
Cactus Love |
(cactuslove) ↓ (Cactuslove) | |
Cake |
(^) ↓ (cake)(Cake) | |
Champagne |
(champagne) ↓ (Champagne)(sparkling)(Sparkling) | |
Cheers! |
(cheers) ↓ (Cheers) | |
Dancing penguin |
(penguin) ↓ (Penguin)(dancingpenguin)(Dancingpenguin)(penguindance)(Penguindance)(linux)(Linux) | |
Dog |
(&) ↓ (dog):o3(Dog) | |
Dreaming |
(dream) ↓ (Dream) | |
Engagement ring |
(ring) ↓ (Ring)(engagement)(Engagement) | |
Falling in love |
(fallinlove) ↓ (Fallinlove)(fallinlove)(Fallinlove) | |
Flower |
(f) ↓ (flower)(F)(Flower) | |
Forever love |
(foreverlove) ↓ (Foreverlove) | |
Gift |
(g) ↓ (gift)(G)(Gift) | |
Great pear |
(greatpear) ↓ (Greatpear) | |
Green heart |
(heartgreen) ↓ (greenheart) | |
Growing heart |
(growingheart) | |
Happy |
(happy) ↓ (Happy) | |
Heart |
<3 ↓ (heart)(h)(H)(l)(L)(Heart) | |
Heart Eyes |
(hearteyes) ↓ (Hearteyes) | |
Heart Hands |
(hearthands) ↓ (Hearthands) | |
Heart eyes cat |
(hearteyescat) | |
Heart eyes dog |
(hearteyesdog) | |
Heart eyes koala |
(hearteyeskoala) | |
Heart eyes monkey |
(hearteyesmonkey) | |
Heart eyes robot |
(hearteyesrobot) | |
Hug |
(hug) ↓ (bear)(Hug)(Bear) | |
I heart You |
(iheartu) ↓ (Iheartu) | |
In love |
:] ↓ (inlove)(love):-](Inlove)(Love) | |
In love pose |
(bollylove) ↓ (Bollylove) | |
Joy |
(joy) ↓ (Joy) | |
Kiss |
:* ↓ (kiss):-*:=*(xo)(K)(k)(Kiss) | |
Lips |
(lips) ↓ (Lips) | |
Love Gift |
(lovegift) ↓ (Lovegift) | |
Love bites |
(lovebites) ↓ (Lovebites) | |
Love cat |
(womanholdingcat) ↓ (Womanholdingcat) | |
Love dog |
(manholdingdog) ↓ (Manholdingdog) | |
Love letter |
(loveletter) ↓ (Loveletter) | |
Man blow kiss |
(manblowkiss) ↓ (Manblowkiss) | |
Man sign love |
(mansignlove) ↓ (Mansignlove) | |
Mariachi Love |
(mariachilove) ↓ (Mariachilove) | |
Paris love |
(parislove) ↓ (Parislove) | |
Penguin Kiss |
(penguinkiss) ↓ (Penguinkiss) | |
Polar bear |
(polarbear) ↓ (Polarbear)(polarbearhug)(Polarbearhug) | |
Pride heart |
(heartpride) ↓ (prideheart) | |
Purple heart |
(heartpurple) ↓ (purpleheart) | |
Rainbow |
(r) ↓ (rainbow)(R)(Rainbow)(pride)(Pride) | |
Sparkling heart |
(sparklingheart) | |
Star |
(*) ↓ (star)(Star) | |
Sun |
(sun) ↓ (#)(Sun) | |
Two hearts |
(twohearts) | |
Woman blow kiss |
(womanblowkiss) ↓ (Womanblowkiss) | |
Woman sign love |
(womansignlove) ↓ (Womansignlove) | |
Xmas heart |
(xmasheart) ↓ (Xmasheart) | |
Yellow heart |
(heartyellow) ↓ (yellowheart) |
Collections of emoticons:
And the last emoticon which, I hope, you won’t have to use, is the smiley Broken heart (u) which has the code
. More information about these emoticons (and not only about love) can be found on page Skype Emoticons.
It also must be noted that we should not limit ourselves by the standard emoticons. For example, we can draw a large heart using small hearts:
(h) (h) (h) (h)
(h) (h) (h)
(h) (h)
(h) (h)
(h) (h)
(h) (h) (h)
(h) (h)
(h) (h)
(h) (h)
If you want to draw such clipart images, use the Skype Emoticon Art Editor which will help you to draw pictures of Skype emoticons.
I'm sure there are also other ways to show your love through emoticons, only use your imagination and a little effort. Love and be loved!

), #I heart You
Love letter
), #The operating system is iOS. I am using a desk top computer, Windows 7. I did not use skype, and don't know how to get it.
Thanks in advance,