Skype for Windows
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The free application Skype for Windows has been updated to version, and this means that right now you can download the new version from the official site or from our blog using the button below. Although it is not known what changed in the Skype for Windows, we can only assume that the application has become better.
File size:
71.1 MBOperating system:
WindowsSkype version: date:
Total downloads:
The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Windows. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Windows, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_NoiseSuppressionControlLabel := Noise cancellation |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_NoiseSuppressionOff := Off |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_NoiseSuppressionAuto := Auto (default) |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_NoiseSuppressionLow := Low |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_NoiseSuppressionHigh := High |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_NoiseSuppressionLearnMore := Choose Low if you want others to hear music. {learnMoreLink} |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_BackgroundEffectCategoryMyBackgrounds := My Backgrounds |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_BackgroundEffectCategoryHolidays := Holidays |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_BackgroundEffectCategoryProfessional := Professional |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_BackgroundEffectCategoryNature := Nature |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_BackgroundEffectCategoryMovies := Movies |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_BackgroundEffectCategoryOther := Other |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_BackgroundEffectCategoryFeatured := Featured |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_BackgroundEffectCategoryNew := New |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_BackgroundEffectCategoryFun := Fun |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_BackgroundEffectCategoryColors := Colors |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_BackgroundEffectCategoryTextures := Textures |
Strings | AudioVideoSettings_BackgroundEffectCategoryCultural := Cultural |
Strings | BalanceStatePanel_AmazonPurchase := Please visit {amazonPurchaseLink} in your web browser for more details |
Strings | BalanceStatePanel_AmazonPurchaseInfo := Amazon devices do not support direct credit charge |
Strings | BalanceStatePanel_AmazonPurchaseLinkUrl := Skype's purchases for Amazon devices |
Strings | SkypeNumberPanel_NumberBeingProvisioned := Number is being provisioned and should be ready soon. |
Strings | SkypeNumberPanel_NumberBeingProvisionedToast := Your number is being provisioned and should be ready soon. |
Strings | SkypeNumberPanel_NoSkypeNumbersToShow := Your Skype Numbers will appear here. |
Strings | SkypeNumberPanel_CannotRefreshToast := Not possible to refresh at the moment. |
Strings | CallPanel_StageModeRequiresMoreParticipantsTooltip := Requires {count} participants |
Strings | SyncAddressBookDialog_DescriptionTextWithPymkNotice2 := To find your friends, we'll need to sync and store your contacts. You can turn this off at any time. |
Strings | SyncAddressBookDialog_SyncMyContactsLabel := Yes! Sync my contacts |
Strings | SyncAddressBookDialog_SyncContactsButton := Sync contacts |
Strings | Global_LearnMore := Learn more |
Strings | PromptPermissionPanel_HeaderText2 := Get the most out of Skype |
Strings | PromptPermissionPanel_DescriptionText2 := We need access to your microphone and camera. Stay informed with notifications. You can change your permissions at any time. |
Strings | PromptPermissionPanel_FinishButton := Finish |
Strings | MeetNow_CopyLinkAndShare := Copy this link and send it to people you want to meet with. |
Strings | MeetNow_MeetNowPanelTitleForLoggedInPartnerFlow := {gender, select, female{Hello {name}! Are you ready for your meeting?} male{Hello {name}! Are you ready for your meeting?} other{Hello {name}! Are you ready for your meeting?}} |
Strings | MeetNow_LeaveMeeting := Leave meeting |
Strings | MeetNow_DontHaveALinkLabel := Don't have a meeting link? {createLink} |
Strings | MeetNow_CreateLinkLabel := Create one! |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_ConversationHeader := Improve the accuracy of Microsoft’s speech technology |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_ConversationBody := Your everyday use of subtitles in call could improve the accuracy of Microsoft's speech technology for everyone who speaks your language. |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_TellMeButton := Tell me more |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_MayBeLaterButton := Maybe later |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_DontShowButton := Don't show again |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_PanelTitle := Help us improve Skype subtitles |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_PanelMainContent := Your everyday use of subtitles could make Microsoft’s online speech technology more accurate for everyone who speaks your language. If you decide to contribute your voice clips, some of these clips will be reviewed by Microsoft. |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_PanelPriorityHeading := Privacy is our priority |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_PanelPriorityBody := Voice clips aren’t linked to you. If we find a clip with personal info, we delete it. |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_PanelVoiceHeading := Voice clips are only used by Microsoft |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_PanelVoiceBody := Voice clips are only used by Microsoft employees and vendors to improve our speech technology. |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_PanelKeyContentHeading := Skype subtitles are available to everyone and are not limited to people who provide voice samples. |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_PanelKeyContentBody := You can change your mind at any time by going to |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_PanelSettingsPath := Settings > General > Voice clip contribution. |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_AgreeToContributeButton := Yes, contribute voice clips |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_DisagreeToContributeButton := No, do not contribute |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_PrivacyStatement := Privacy Statement |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_ThankYouReceiptTitle := Thank you |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_ThankYouReceiptBody := By helping to provide voice samples, Microsoft's speech recognition technology will only get better for anyone using subtitles in Skype. If you change your mind at any time, simply visit |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_ThankYouReceiptLearnMore := Learn more about how voice clip contribution works |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_VoiceClipContribution := Voice clip contribution |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_VoiceClipContributionCaption := Your contributed voice clips are improving the accuracy of Microsoft’s speech technology for everyone who speaks your language. |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_ContinueContribute := Continue to contribute |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_StopContribute := Stop to contribute |
Strings | SpeechConsentPanel_DontShowAgain := Don't show again |
Strings | CallPanel_CallHeaderModernGridViewLabel := |
Strings | CapturePermissions_PermissionCameraDeniedPromptWindows := |
Strings | CapturePermissions_PermissionMicrophoneDeniedPromptWindows := |
Strings | CapturePermissions_PermissionMicrophoneAndCameraDeniedPromptWindows := |
Strings | QuitDialog_WindowMessage := |
Strings | QuitDialog_EndCallLabel := |
Strings | SignInSignUp_AutoSignedInWelcomeHeader := |
Strings | SignInSignUp_AutoSignedInWelcomeText := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CancelButtonText := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_ConfirmButtonText := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CallInProgressCloseButtonAlertTitle := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CallInProgressCloseButtonAlertText := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CallInProgressCloseAppNotificationToastTitle := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CallInProgressCloseAppNotificationToastBody := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_FileTransferCloseButtonAlertTitle := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_FileTransferCloseButtonAlertText := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_FileTransferAndCallCloseButtonAlertTitle := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_FileTransferAndCallCloseButtonAlertText := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CallInProgressCloseSplitViewNotificationToastTitle := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CallInProgressCloseSplitViewNotificationToastBody := |
Strings | MeetNow_MeetNowPanelSubTitleForNonGuest := |
Strings | MeetNow_MeetNowPanelTitleForGuest := |
Files | / [++] |
Files | /Skype.exe [+62.52KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar [-3503.99KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/Processing.NDI.Lib.x86.dll [-0.01KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/RTMPLTFM.dll [-34.48KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/RtmCodecs.dll [+158.01KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/RtmControl.dll [-0.49KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/RtmMediaManager.dll [-4.49KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/RtmPal.dll [+7.01KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/TxNdi.dll [+5.01KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/onnxruntime.dll [+0.02KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/platform.node [+0.01KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/sharing-indicator.node [+0.01KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/skypert.dll [-18.49KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/slimcore.node [-195KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/ssScreenVVS2.dll [+7.01KB] |
Files | /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/trouter-client.node [-1.99KB] |
Files | /resources.pak [-0KB] |
Files | /third-party_attributions.html [-15.63KB] |
Files | / [--] |
Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.
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