unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Web on Windows XP and Windows Vista

At the end of March 2019, developers have stopped supporting classic Skype and require users to upgrade to the latest version. The biggest problem is that Skype 8 does not support Windows XP and Windows Vista, which means that many users have lost contact with friends, for example, if they have an old computer or they cannot update the operating system.

For example, when you try to start the Skype 8 installer on Windows XP, the following error occurs:
This program does not support the version of Windows your computer is running
This program does not support the version of Windows your computer is running

Also, an error occurs if you try to open Skype for Web:
Browser not supported
Browser not supported
Use Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome to access Skype for Web experience.
Alternatively, download Skype on your desktop computer.

Thus, considering that Skype 7 no longer works, officially users can no longer use Skype on Windows XP and Windows Vista. Nevertheless, unofficially, we can use Skype for Web on these operating systems, and I will teach you how to do it, but first of all I want to warn you:


  • Using old software significantly reduces the security of your computer. Therefore, I strongly recommend upgrading the OS as soon as possible.

  • To use Skype, you need to outsmart the official site, so that it “thinks” that you are using a modern browser and OS.

  • This is not an official way, which means that no one can guarantee neither proper work nor long-term support. That is, tomorrow it may stop working.

And so, to use Skype for the Web on Windows XP or Windows Vista, you need:
  1. Download and install Chrome 49.0.2623.112 (it is an outdated version, but it is the latest version supported for Windows XP and Vista).

  2. Download or create a new shortcut on desktop by pointing to the following path:
    "%ProgramFiles%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36"

  3. Be sure to close Chrome, double-click the new shortcut, and enjoy Skype.
    Skype for Web on Windows XP

I tested Skype for Web on Windows XP and I did not encounter any problems while chatting and transferring files. I also managed to make audio calls and video calls, but noticed several times that the call button did not respond and I had to restart the browser.

Additional tips:
  • If you still get the “Browser Not Supported” error message, be sure to close Chrome before launching the new shortcut. If this does not help, run the CreateWebSkypeLNK.vbs script that will automatically create the necessary shortcut on your desktop.

  • Change the icon of the shortcut: download icon, right click on the shortcut, choose “Properties”, press “Change icon”, and specify path to the downloaded icon.

  • Hide the warning about the outdated version of Chrome by adding an --disable-infobars to the shortcut path.

  • Instead of a shortcut, you can install an extension for Chrome, that allows you to fake User Agent string. This can be more convenient because it allows you to replace the string only for certain domains.

  • Instead of Chrome, you can use Firefox 52.9.0 by adding Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36 for general.useragent.override in about:config. But, according to my tests, it loads the processor at 100% and the OS becomes unusable.

I would appreciate any comments with details, if you managed to start Skype for Web, and if so, on which OS and what features do you use. I want to thank all users who help other visitors by sharing their knowledge. I would like to express special gratitude to Alex, Enhashe, PolarBear, Tomzo, Serg, Uncle Misha, and others.


Useful comments

  • TheSeer: Everything said above in this article for Windows XP and Windows Vista, also works on Windows 2000 SP4 with (unofficial) BlackWingCat's extended kernel. Bu… Read more

  1. 3 +3 0
    stefy (karma: +17),
    No, nothing works .... you can explain me clearly thanks

    [Updated ]
    the file asks me what it should be opened with .... ?? And try searching the web to figure out how to open it .....

    [Updated ]
    Yes, well OK !!!! It works OK, but the file works if it is downloaded with Firefox, if it is downloaded with Chrome the file doesn't look right to me! Thanks win xp SP3 many thanks !!

    [Updated ]
    Does the file contain no virus or haker? All clean? Many thanks!
    1. 1 -1 2
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi! Thank you for your comment. Indeed, on Chrome it is saved as "", but it should be "" (so you can rename it manually). By the way, this file is a regular shortcut pointing to Chrome.exe, and you can create it yourself in accordance with the instructions.
      1. 1 -1 2
        Stefy (karma: +17),
        Many thanks, I understand, and sorry but I'm not very experienced, but I can solve! Greetings
      2. 2 +2 0
        Stefy (karma: +17),
        XPsp3 with Google chrome = I can use skaipe from web, but the sharing of the screens does not work .... so the webcam does not work both for me and for my friends friends ..... I can perfectly see my webcam try online, but with users it doesn't work .... I have not tried Firefox ..... is it a browser problem that does not transmit and receive the webcam?
        1. 0 0 0
          loue (karma: +3),
          Same problem here! Help, please!
      3. 0 0 0
        Mr Vista (karma: 0),
        Tried this today July 2024(Vista) and this method no longer seems to work. The link points correctly to Chrome which opens and I can log into my Skype account but then it gets stuck on a page with the Skype logo and a whirly wheel, Skype web does not load at all. Has anyone had any luck with this recently. (also tried a different pc with XP and got the same result

    2. 0 0 0
      Rainbow Computers (karma: 0),
      I managed to get this working on a customers computer tonight.

      I highly suggest you forget about downloading the link, and just 'create a new shortcut' on the desktop, and insert EVERYTHING from the %ProgramFiles onward.

      CLOSE Chrome as the instructions say, even go so far as to open task manager and ensure there are NO stray processes.

      At that time double click on the new Skype link, it'll open a microsoft account page, if you're logged in you'll be able to click through, otherwise log in and boom, it'll be working.
  2. 0 0 0
    Mr X (karma: +10),
    In theory there may be another way around this however I am unsure it would work and there is a possibility if Microsoft detects it you may get your account banned for terms violation I assume or at least blocked out again as they patch such a loophole if it exists. Basically you just have to modify the version the version number information to match a supported version of Skype. There are several programs available several for free that claim they can modify version numbers and other program information even in closed source software. I should note if this works do not distribute this modified version or you will get Microsoft after you.

    Another option is running the Linux version of Skype using a virtual machine or something like Cooperative Linux.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      The problem is that the new Skype uses a different protocol, so I think, first of all, the problem is that the old versions do not support new technologies. For example, so even if we were able to log in using Skype 6, we could not join group chats or transfer files.
      1. 1 +1 0
        Mr X (karma: +10),
        That may be true for my first alternative though my second method mention is viable for people who just want to keep using Skype and their unsupported operating system but find the web version not with enough features they need. I meant to say use the latest Linux version of Skype in a VM or Co-Linux run within Windows. I have no understanding how Cooperative Linux works though as I have never used it myself so I can't explain further and am not 100% sure if that's what the software is capable of but I am 100% sure on the virtual machine. Sorry for any confusion.
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          Sorry sir, I thought you meant the old version in both cases. In this case, this is a really good point. At least because users can install Linux on old computers that cannot be upgraded to newer versions of Windows.
          1. 0 0 0
            Mr X (karma: +10),
            Some people are quite attached to Windows XP and use it even if they hardware that can handle a new Windows OS. I haven't heard many praise Windows Vista though. Of course if their hardware is very lacking in specs to where a VM or Co-Linux is not an option they may have to do a dual boot with Linux and their XP or Vista instead which of course would be a hassle having to reboot every time they want to use one OS or the other.
        2. 0 0 0
          Stefy (karma: +17),
          I ask for WIN xp sp3 which VM to install? Any links? Does it exist in Italian? And which version of Linux do you recommend? I'm not very experienced but I always manage to fix everything .... Thanks
          1. 0 0 0
            Mr X (karma: +10),
            I'm not experienced with virtual machines or Windows XP. I had trouble finding results because usually it's XP in a virtual machine people do rather than a virtual machine with XP as the host but so far out of what I found I think VMware Workstation can work on XP at least certain versions of the VM can. This is a handy comparability check their site has.
            If you can find one that works I suggest using a Linux distribution that is small in size if you don't have a lot pf ram to spare.
            1. 1 +1 0
              Bogdan (karma: +10),
              Hello !

              VMware 10 is known to work on Windows XP, at least on the Professional x64 version of Windows XP.

              VirtualBox, up until very recent version 6, works in Windows XP. Unlike VMware, VirtualBox is free. (-:

              Good luck !
  3. 1 0 1
    Anysz (karma: 0),
    Hi, does it work anymore? I am opening WebSkype through the shortcut in Chrome but it says "browser not supporting".
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hello! Yes, it works. Just make sure to close Chrome before launching the new shortcut.
  4. 0 0 0
    Stefy (karma: +17),
    I ask the users of skype web that use Win xp sp3 with Chrome browser if the Webcam works ?? ... The online video test works, but the webcam / screen sharing with users / friends does not work ..... Thanks

    [Updated ]
    Sorry I forgot to mention that I use it "" By Karma TKS
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Video calls are working only for web-to-web calls. That is, it won't work if your friend don't use Skype for Web.
      1. 0 0 0
        stefy (karma: +17),
        Ahhhhh ok !!!! Godd TKS !

        [Updated ]
        OK with XPsp3 Chrome video calls work, but the CPU always comes to 100% and everything crashes ...... Chrome problem or is it normal that using Skaip web you block everything
        1. 1 0 1
          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          I faced the same issue on Firefox, but not on Chrome. I do not know what the problem is, but try to create a new Chrome profile and use it to access Skype. If it doesn't help, try to install the Maxthon browser.
  5. 0 0 0
    Falcon (karma: +20),

    I installed Google Chrome 49.0.2623.112 and created a shortcut precisely with the modified user agent string. Starting the shortcut link opens the newly installed browser. The Skype login screen appears fine and I can give in my username and password. Then a title appears: Logging into Skype, please be patient, finally I get to a white browser screen. (I can send the source if you need it.)

    I checked my useragent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36

    OS: Windows Vista Ultimate, SP2

    Any idea how to get it working?

    Thank you!
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hello! Are you sure that you are using Chrome 49.0.2623.112? I mean, do you see it on the "About" section?

      By the way, some users say that Skype for Web works properly on Maxthon without changing the user agent. Chan you check it please?
      1. 0 0 0
        Falcon (karma: +20),
        Hi! Yes, I am absolutely sure. I opened Help, About box and typed the version from there.

        I will check Maxthon as well (tomorrow) and will write back soon. :-)

        Thanks for the advice!
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          In this case I do not know what could be the problem. Anyway, a nice try would be checking various user agents of Chrome 73 for different operating systems.

          As for Maxthon, I'll be waiting for good news only ;)
          1. 0 0 0
            Falcon (karma: +20),

            Now I got back and had some time to continue the previous test. Before installing Maxthon I removed all cookies for Skype(.com) in my browser and deleted the download history and downloaded files as well. started at once, no more white screen anymore.

            Now I can use Skype with Vista again.

            Thank you for the guide! :-))
            1. 0 0 0
              Administrator (karma: +1208),
              I'm glad to hear good news from you. You're welcome!
              1. 1 +1 0
                Falcon (karma: +20),
                Another plus information that could cause my problem and I forgot to mention.

                Years ago I had made some changes to the Windows hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) to completely block Skype adverts and social media annotations.


                Now I've disabled the first two lines because of the mentioned white screen. I've restarted the browser (after the cache and cookie deletions) and since then everything is fine.

                Maybe this will be useful for someone else too.

                1. 0 0 0
                  Administrator (karma: +1208),
                  Well, I'm pretty sure that this solved your problem. Thank you for sharing.
            2. 0 0 0
              Lina (karma: +15),
              Hi Falcon,

              May I know that what version of Maxthon that you have got? I have tried to install it but it says that is not compactible with my 32 bit vista..

              I have the last version of Chrome and Firefox for vista too but none of them work...

              1. 0 0 0
                Falcon (karma: +20),
                Hi Lina,

                Sorry, but I don't have Maxthon, because I managed to fix the problem with Chrome (49.0.2623.112).

       works even with Slimjet ( (Based on Chromium 50.0.2661.75)) with Vista 32 bit. Slimjet is my favourite browser because it has got a dozen built-in properties that Chrome has not.

                So you don't need Maxthon. Use Chrome or Slimjet this extension:

                Don't try to download the most recent Chrome version, because it is not compatible with Vista as you mentioned as well. As for Firefox: just forget it and uninstall any versions... its a memory leaking, extremely slow and obsolete browser by now. It was fast and useable 10 years ago.

                Good luck!

                [Updated ]
                Fix: "Use Chrome or Slimjet WITH this extension"
  6. 0 0 0
    stefy (karma: +17),
    I want to stay with XP because otherwise I would have to change "Internet key / printer / scanner / etc etc ... so ok. I tried Maxton: it worked for a few times as a skype from the web, but then it started to come out as entry: Unsupported browser. Thanks for the VM information ..... this is complicated for me then ..... I continue to use Skype Web to the "Karma" system. In principle, I don't like Microsoft deciding on Cumputer to throw away and money to spend, to go to WIN 7 I should spend a total! Only for Sype ???? Noooo Blaaa uff ....... TKS to all!

    [Updated ]
    Yet I am convinced that a solution will soon come out of this website .....
  7. 0 0 0
    Vladimir Stanescu (karma: +3),
    Done in 30 seconds. Works flawlessly. Thank you. I have Avast Online Security (Free) installed on all my browsers and never had any problems. In my opinion, the "online threats" thing is just a policy to scare us into using the giant commercial platform/spyware called Windows 10. Thanks again.
  8. 0 0 0
    Lina (karma: +15),
    Hi, I have tried to login the web version of Skype via Chrome 49.0.2623.112 but it still says that it does not support this version of browser, any idea why this happens? Many thanks.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hello Lina! Please read these comments and let me know if that helped you.
      1. 0 0 0
        Lina (karma: +15),

        Thank you fo your reply.

        Indeed I have read these comments and tried the same proceedure without success...

        I am using 32bit vista, and have also tried Maxthon which does not even want to be installed although the download page says that is for vista...

        Any idea?

        Thank you again,
        1. 1 0 1
          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          Try to create the shortcut by launching the CreateWebSkypeLNK.vbs script. Then close chrome and start the «» shortcut from your desktop.
      2. 0 0 0
        stefy (karma: +17),
        Lina, try to download the "karma" file with Mozilla Firefox, if you download it with Chrome it doesn't work .... well I had the same problems ..... contact "Karma administrator" of this forum, sure to indicate the right way bye from Italy.
    2. 0 0 0
      stefy (karma: +17),
      I try to help you: if you download the file with Chrome, you have to rename it like this:
  9. 0 0 0
    Scroge (karma: 0),
    Hi! Thank you very much for the suggested solution with Chrome. Worked very good on Vista. Now I can again use Skype.
  10. 0 0 0
    Shurer (karma: 0),
    Hi! Thanks, it is working! Google Chrome with this special shortcut are the solution for using WEB-Skype in my old notebook with Windows XP sp3.
  11. 0 0 0
    T Davies (karma: +3),
    Amazing! Downloaded the vbscript and it works! Thanks :-)
  12. 0 0 0
    stefy (karma: +17),
    I can't understand why when I enter Skype from WEb, for a few minutes the connection continues to load data ..... and the blue state wheel (busy-invisible, etc. etc.) continues to run ......
  13. 0 0 0
    Daniel (karma: 0),
    It worked great!.....made shortcut with command line provided on my desktop! Thanks ;-) Using Chrome on XP
  14. 0 0 0
    T.Molnard (karma: +3),
    I installed your shortcut. It takes me to I lauch a video call, I can talk to my partner, but can't see her. I see my own photo, full screen. The same with her, she sees her own photo.
    Any suggestions?
    Many thanks
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hello! As I said above, video calls are working only for web-to-web calls. That is, it won't work if your partner don't use Skype for Web.
  15. 0 0 0
    Maria (karma: 0),
    The downloaded file cannot be opened.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Please create shortcut manually or use the CreateWebSkypeLNK.vbs script.
  16. 0 0 0
    Alex (karma: 0),
    Thanks for the guide! However, Chrome seems to open to about:blank every time I click the shortcut. Navigating to Skype Web doen't do the trick, either, as the 'browser not supported' window pops up.
  17. 0 0 0
    bobbo (karma: +7),
    Very impressed. Retired, hobby is fixing old Thinkpads, most of which run XP, spent a lot of time trying to keep Skype, even switched to Hangouts only to find that too is disappearing, and this solution worked first time, out of the box. YEA!!!!!!!!!
  18. 0 0 0
    kamo (karma: 0),
    Verry good manual.. All working OK ;-)
  19. 0 0 0
    Bogdan (karma: +10),
    Another browser that supports Skype for Web well for Windows XP, including on older computers, is (Mozilla-based PaleMoon-based Basilisk-UXP-based) Serpent.

    It is a free and fast browser, which supports Windows XP and Windows Vista.

    It is included in Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 - Integral Edition (***).

    It has been uploaded here: *** (the link should work for 30 days, i.e. until 2019-06-08). It can be run from extracted folder without other installation procedure.

    Thank you for this guide !
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Thank you for your comments. I’m very glad that you find it useful.

      Please excuse me for deleting your links, but I cannot allow any materials that potentially can harm inexperienced users. I always try to share only trusted or official info. For example, there is an official FTP server where anyone can download old versions of Basilisk browser:
      1. 1 +1 0
        Bogdan (karma: +10),
        Thank you a lot for finding the official links !

        I had been unable to locate the official download site for the browser !

        I had also tried PaleMoon-based NewMoon. Unlike Basilisk, it did not seem to work well with Skype website on my computer.

        For either NewMoon or Basilisk, we have to change the UserAgent string.

        We open the about:config webpage. We right-click and Add New String value. The key should be and the value should be the user agent string for Chrome or Edge.

        (I do not have them handy right now.)

        Thanks again !!!
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          Also you can try Maxthon — it should work without changing the user agent.
  20. 0 0 0
    Gina Leibbrandt (karma: +15),
    Hi, I did download the chrome link and the shortcut for skype as on this site (no 1 and 2)
    Skype worked fine for a month but for the last 5 days I log into skype and then it just hangs it does not want to open
    - 3 blue dots that's all I get
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      What is your Chrome version?
      1. 0 0 0
        Gina Leibbrandt (karma: +15),
        Hi I used the link on your website Chrome 49....... worked 100% and it suddenly did not want to connect anymore, I deleted and installed the same Chrome and skype link again but it still "hangs" just the 3 blue dots .

        [Updated ]
        Internet is very slow at the moment, could that be the problem?
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          Yes, I think a slow connection may be problem. Anyway, you can try the Maxthon browser.
          1. 0 0 0
            Gina Leibbrandt (karma: +15),
            can download Maxthon browser,and just download skype again? or use the existing link I have at the moment? Unsure what to do.

            [Updated ]
            I have downloaded Maxthon Browser but what do I do with it, how will this help me with skype?
            1. 0 0 0
              Administrator (karma: +1208),
              Just open the Skype for Web: (it should work without changing user agent).
              1. 0 0 0
                Gina Leibbrandt (karma: +15),
                Had no luck with Maxthon, deleted all the links .

                Re-installed chrome and web skype , no luck.
                Installed and deleted several times and suddenly it was working again.

                So all is good for the moment
                Thanks, Gina
                1. 0 0 0
                  Administrator (karma: +1208),
                  I'm glad you could fix it. Perhaps it was a temporary issue.
  21. 0 0 0
    Martin (karma: +3),
    hi admin,
    I have serious trouble with skype 8. They are removed the ability to create contacts list to organize them in different categories. I have lost all my list with skype 8. I desperately need skype classic.

    Is there any solution to it? If I install linux or Mac, does the skype classic work with it?

    Please let me know

    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hello! Unfortunately, at the moment you can neither create your own lists, nor use the classic version.
  22. 0 0 0
    stefy (karma: +17),
    When I log in to Skype Web, upon entering my status is always "Available", even if it was set to "Invisible or to any other state" .... difficult to solve? .......
    1. 0 0 0
      stefy (karma: +17),
      Do any of you experience the same problem?
  23. 0 0 0
    toing (karma: 0),
    Thanks for your CreateWebSkypeLNK.vbs and now my friend computer can using skype
  24. 1 +1 0
    leon187 (karma: +4),
    Works fine on WIndows XP with portable Chrome version. September 2019.

    By the way, portable Google Chrome 49.0.2623.112 can be downloaded from Sourceforge:
  25. 0 0 0
    GabKul (karma: 0),
    Excellent solution. Worked well for me with the chrome download provided and with the web...lnk download.
    Web skype works now on the XP machine that I still need for a while.
    Thank you.
  26. 1 +1 0
    dmiranda (karma: +1),
    Using roytam1's new moon (baslisk52), it is possible to get skype to work by adding a new string to about:config with:; Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36

    I guess it will work with most available palemoon and xul based mozilla forks.
  27. 0 0 0
    chris (karma: +3),

    i used your link with chrome 34.

    i have signed in skype for web but nothing happens...

    i see three blue dots(the sign that skype is loading) but it keeps going forever

    [Updated ]
    im using win xp sp3

    heres the proof

    [Updated ]
    hey i managed to log in with sea monkey 2.38...i ignored the message for unsupported browser and signed in.

    but i dont see my friends! it just gives info about my profile.

    how can i conversate? do i need to fool them that i have another browser?


    [Updated ]

    tell me a trick to talk with seamonkey 2.38.

    i login to web skype but i can only edit my profile, no friends and communication available

    chrome sucks, it doesnt work at all. only sea monkey gets me really in, but i cant conversate probably due to outdated browser.

    [Updated ]

    the solution with the user agent link DOES NOT work in chrome 34. I connect and it doesnt bring any message for unsupported browser but then the blue dots keep going round and round forever! I am never really in!

    Im really angry and exhausted. I was trying for days to install win7 and not that I managed neither old versions of skype work on win7.

    Neither the old versions nor skype for web work! Absolutely nothing. Its ridiculous that microsoft has put so much restrictions.

    Im not going to buy a new processor just for skype.

    Please help with alternate code and solution.

    1. 0 0 0
      Chris (karma: +5),
      Whitelist in User-Agent Switcher 0.2.7
  28. 0 0 0
    Grunchy (karma: 0),
    Wow, worked for me. I got a PS3 "eyetoy" camera but the Windows driver only works on 32 bit Skype (which you can't get anymore). I hooked it up to my Vaio UX180P (yes indeedy!) and holy cow, after monkeying around for a long while, it eventually works!
  29. 0 0 0
    BND (karma: 0),
    I have the exact same problem as Chris.Any updates ?
    1. 0 0 0
      Chris (karma: +5),
      Whitelist in User-Agent Switcher 0.2.7
  30. 0 0 0
    Natish (karma: +3),
    Best One! everything is good and cool edited soft, for all reasons.
  31. 0 0 0
    Filippo (karma: 0),
    I followed instructions and installed Skype.
    I can do video calls but only voice works fine: it does not show any video on both ends of the communication.
    Cameras works fine with Skype, I checked.

    Windows XP - Media Center Edition - 2002 - Service Pack 2
    Google Chrome 49.0.2623.112
    Skype (as opened by the link)

    Any suggestion ?

  32. 0 0 0
    Centinel (karma: +3),
    Does this still work? I have tried it on my old computer with windows XP SP3 and I get the message "Browser not supported".

    [Updated ]
    I have managed to enter skype web by closing all chrome processes, but although I see my camera and
    listen fthe conversation without problems, I cannot see the image of rest of participants (and they can't see me).
  33. 0 0 0
    Chris (karma: +5),
    I've been having the the same issue with the three blue dots (i.e. skype loading, but it keeps going on and on). To make Slimjet work, I added, to the Custom domans / urls box at the bottom of User-Agent Switcher 0.2.7 settings.
  34. 0 0 0
    Jack (karma: +3),
    What is the simplest way to video communicate in Windows XP, with Chrome or Firefox?
  35. 1 +1 0
    Willi (karma: +1),
    First, at all, thank's for all the information regarding to these theme(s) !
    I am using two notebooks, an old one with XP and a newer one with W10.
    On W10 I use Skype sometimes and it's updated with the latest version.
    On XP I stopped using Skype, when support for the installed skype app (7.36, 7.41) ends.
    Version 7.41 doesn't start with the message "The procedure entry point "CancelMibChangeNotify2"
    cannot be located in the dynamic link library IPHLPAPI", so I gave up.

    In the meantime I have more time for administrating my "old" equipment and so
    I tryied to solve the problem with using Skype on XP.
    I have read this comments to this theme and so I came to the solution. This is:

    1. The link for Chrome (V 49.0.2623.112 m) works, so I can use Skype ( now again on XP.
    2. For Firefox (V 52.9.0) I installed the extension "Skype Web FF 1.1" and I can
    use Skype too, but only for "chatting". VoIP is not possible, because Microphone
    and Camera doesn't work (the Folder "Audio and Video" in "Preferences" is missing).
    And also chatting is very cumbersome, because it forces the processorload to high values (50% and more).
    So I take Chrome for Skype and Firefox for all other things.

    This is my information for this thread.
    Thanks, Willi

    By the way to "Firefox" and Skype for Web ( and it's not supported by Microsoft:
    On W10 when I enter Skype for Web with Firefox (V 60.9.0), "Browser will not be supported" comes,
    on XP with the old version of Firefox (see above) it's no problem, I can login.
    But then working with the restrictions like mentioned above.
  36. 2 +2 0
    TheSeer (karma: +9),
    Everything said above in this article for Windows XP and Windows Vista, also works on Windows 2000 SP4 with (unofficial) BlackWingCat's extended kernel. But there are some catches. First, how to install Google Chrome 49.0.2623.112?

    1st try (failure): The online installer linked in this article won't install on Windows 2000 ("This version of Windows is not supported" or something like that).
    2nd try (also failure) The portable installer linked in the comment above by leon187 will install, but the executable ChromePortable.exe won't execute (like nothing happens).
    3rd try (success ): Install the online installer on Windows XP, and copy the installed folder to Windows 2000, to its original path:

    C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application

    Then copy the file chrome_elf.dll from Application\49.0.2623.112 subfolder to Application folder, right next to chrome.exe executable. And that's it. Actually, it isn't. You also need to add the flag --no-sandbox to the shortcut target (and --disable-infobars also comes handy). So the shortcut target for Skype for Web on Windows 2000 should be:

    "%ProgramFiles%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-infobars --no-sandbox --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36"

    Opera Portable 36.0 can also be used to access Skype for Web on Windows 2000. It can be downloaded here:

    Use the same shortcut target flags as with Google Chrome 49.0 (don't forget to add --no-sandbox).

    Advanced Chrome 54.20 also works on Windows 2000, but I failed to access Skype for Web. Login screen was displayed correctly, but when I logged in, it ended stuck in infinite loop (with Skype logo and blue dots circling).

    Firefox ESR 52.9.0 also works on Windows 2000, and could be used for accessing Skype for Web. But it is VERY slow, practically unusable. The same like on Windows XP, described in the arctivle above. Plus, changing the user string in about:config file as suggested renders Firefox unable to access YouTube.

    Serpent 52.9.0 (fork of Basilisk) and New Moon 28.10 (fork of Pale Moon) also work on Windows 2000, though I haven't tried Skype for Web using them.
    1. 1 +1 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hello my dear friend! Thank you very much for tips and hints. I have pinned your comment so that other users can find it more easily.
  37. 0 0 0
    khanhmy (karma: +3),
    Thank you so much for your tips. That's helps me a lot!!! ^ ^
    My company's computer still using Windows XP....

    [Updated ]
    It works fine but I can't access gmail unless uninstall the shortcut.
    Is there any solution?
    1. 0 0 0
      Lina (karma: +15),
      How about using a different browser?
  38. 0 0 0
    octav (karma: +3),
    I am not a computer specialist. I HAVE WINDOWS XP.
    My skype dosnt work no more.
    Plsssssss......tell me what i have to do, to use again skype.
    Thank you.

  39. 0 0 0
    gutguy (karma: +3),
    As of February 3rd, 2021 with Windows XP Professional SP3 I am able to login to with Chrome 49.0.2623.112 with useragent changed to "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36", unfortunately this is not the case with Firefox, although i am using version 52.9.0esr and useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36" as suggested on this site, it keeps trying to login complaining "Oops, it looks like something went wrong..."
  40. 0 0 0
    pop smoke (karma: +7),
    I maintain a network of old PCs running XP as a retirement hobby. The original article was a life saver and worked on all my machines for years. Last week the workaround stopped working on machines running XP with the message "weak signal." Of course the signal was not weak (on multiple machines) and this indicates Skype web is no longer working with old versions of "spoofed" Chrome. For the record, and of interest to historians of the far future, offering compatible applications for XP is no big deal and many developers do it -- Windscribe VPN, file-sharer, Mypal, etc.. The real problem is that Microsoft is philosophically opposed to any solution which keeps you away from Win10, the OS that provide you with the Big Brother you never had.
  41. 0 0 0
    Casper (karma: +3),
    It seems none of these options work any more.
    I used to be able to use Chrome 49 without any issues. Now I get no sound any more.

    Has anyone found a browser that still works with Skype for web on XP?
  42. 0 0 0
    TheSeer (karma: +9),
    One year later, since I wrote that pinned post about Skype for Web on Windows 2000, none of those options work anymore (on Windows 2000 SP4 with BlackWingCat's KernelEx). And according to some other comments, they also do not work anymore on Windows XP. Skype for Web in Opera 36.0 stopped working relatively soon after that post (I can't even log in anymore). But it continued working well using Google Chrome 49.0. As of the end of September 2021 (maybe even the beginning of October 2021), Skype for Web in Google Chrome 49.0 was still working fine under Windows 2000 (the mic, the webcam everything worked well). But as of the 16th October 2021, it does not work well anymore. The mic and the webcam are not working anymore: their buttons are gray, and there is no more Audio & Video tab, which used to be between Appearance and Calling tabs in the Settings. Also, when someone video-calls me, I do not get a notification to accept the call. Only the notification that I "missed a call" after it is already over. Now Skype for Web in Google Chrome 49.0 can only be used as a messenger.

    Fortunately, there are some new retro browsers that can help. All of them are coming from China, and I do not have any security guarantees. So, use them at your own risk. A lot of people and companies in China are still having Windows XP as their main OS. And since this pandemic forced so much of our lives online, the demand for a modern browser working on Windows XP skyrocketted in China. So numerous Chinese IT companies tried (and succeeded) making such a browser:

    360 Extreme Explorer:
    -version 11.0.2251.0 (with Chromium 69 engine)
    -version 12.0.1053.0 (with Chromium 78 engine)
    -version 13.0.2250.0 (with Chromium 86 engine)

    DC Browser (with Chromium 86)

    Mini Chrome 87.0.4280.66 (with Chromium 87)

    Mini Browser (with Chromium 87)

    Use "Translate to English" context menu option in Google Chrome to navigate those websites that are in Chinese.

    WARNING: The official installers are in Chinese language! But if you "survive" through the installation process, the browser menus are in English, so it can be used normally. But the uninstallers are also in Chinese. So it might happen you succeed installing some browser, and then cannot uninstall it. That is why I recommend portable versions. All those unnoficial links above offer portable versions, that only need to be unzipped.

    Among the above mentioned browsers, only 360 EE 11.0.2251.0 works on Windows 2000 (with KernelEx). So I tested only that one more thoroughly. Instead of the official installer I linked above, I used a modified Russian version:
    It removes telemetry, so that your browser won't chit-chat with Chinese servers all the time. And it has the portable installer option which is in English. The only thing that needs to be done manually is to edit the file 360Chrome\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences using Notepad. Change the key/value pair "accept_languages": "ru-RU,ru,en-US,en" with this one:
    "accept_languages": "en-US,en,ru-RU,ru",
    in order to have websites like Google or YouTube in English rather than in Russian. I like to use a switch --disable-infobars whenever working with older browsers. But this time, the switch --no-sandbox is not needed (in contrast to Google Chrome 49.0 in Windows 2000). So the shortcut target for Skype for Web could look something like this:

    C:\Program Files\360Chrome\Chrome\Application\360chrome.exe --disable-infobars

    The browser is not 100% stable, sometimes it freezes/crashes (luckily, that usually happens during the first 10 seconds upon starting). But in Windows 2000 that is today the only option as far as I know to use Skype (as well as other modern web apps). The reason is probably that the browser targeted and was tested on Windows XP. And Windows 2000 with KernelEx is not XP. It should be more stable on Windows XP. Anyways, good luck!

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