unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Internet Explorer 9

Internet Explorer 9 (also known as MSIE9 and IE9) is the ninth version of the Internet Explorer browser developed by Microsoft. This version came to light on March 14, 2011 to replace the Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2008 SP2 with the Platform Update.

Now Internet Explorer 9 is recommended that you install only on Windows Vista SP2, when on the newer OS need to install Internet Explorer 11, while on the older — Internet Explorer 8.

File size:

34.5 MB

File name:


File date:

Total downloads:

1 339

This installer is intended for 64-bit systems. If you have 32-bit operating system Windows Vista, download the installer IE9-WindowsVista-x64-rus.exe.

Internet Explorer did not finish installing

If during installing IE9 you encounter the following error «This version of Internet Explorer setup doesn’t support your version of Windows», this means that you have another operating system instead of Windows Vista. Please mind that for on Windows XP should be installed Internet Explorer 8, while for Windows 7, 8 and 10 — Internet Explorer 11.

Wrong version of Internet Explorer installer

If you encounter the following error «This version of setup doesn’t support your Windows system type (32-bit/64-bit)», means you have a 32-bit version of Windows Vista, and to install Internet Explorer 9, you need to download the file IE9-WindowsVista-x86-rus.exe.

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