Emoticon | Description | Code | Version |
Abrosexual |
(flag:abrosexual) ↓ (flag-abrosexual)(flagabrosexual) | 7.6/* | |
Agender |
(flag:agender) ↓ (flag-agender)(flagagender) | 7.6/* | |
Bigender |
(flag:bigender) ↓ (flag-bigender)(flagbigender) | 7.6/* | |
Demisexual |
(flag:demisexual) ↓ (flag-demisexual)(flagdemisexual) | 7.6/* | |
Genderflux |
(flag:genderflux) ↓ (flag-genderflux)(flaggenderflux) | 7.6/* | |
Neutrois |
(flag:neutrois) ↓ (flag-neutrois)(flagneutrois) | 7.6/* | |
Pangender |
(flag:pangender) ↓ (flag-pangender)(flagpangender) | 7.6/* | |
Yammer |
(yammer) | 7.6/* | |
Teams |
(teams) | 7.6/* | |
Recycle |
(recycle) | 7.6/* | |
Wind Turbine |
(windturbine) | 7.6/* | |
Seedling |
(seedling) | 7.6/* | |
Deciduous Tree |
(deciduoustree) ↓ (treedeciduous) | 7.6/* | |
Evergreen Tree |
(evergreentree) ↓ (treeevergreen) | 7.6/* | |
Lacrosse |
(lacrosse) | 7.6/* | |
Motorbike |
(motorbike) | 7.6/* | |
Orangutan Wave |
(orangutanwave) | 7.6/* | |
Orangutan Scratching |
(orangutanscratch) ↓ (orangutanscratching) | 7.6/* | |
Lizard |
(lizard) | 7.6/* | |
Butterfly |
(butterfly) | 7.6/* | |
Jane Goodall |
(janegoodall) | 7.6/* | |
Man Skipping |
(manskipping) | 7.6/* | |
Man Motorbike |
(manmotorbike) | 7.6/* | |
Woman Motorbike |
(womanmotorbike) | 7.6/* | |
Man Award |
(manaward) | 7.6/* | |
Man Techie |
(mantechie) | 7.6/* | |
Man Scientist |
(manscientist) | 7.6/* | |
Woman Recycling |
(womanrecycling) | 7.6/* | |
Man Recycling |
(manrecycling) | 7.6/* | |
Woman Hiker |
(womanhiker) | 7.6/* | |
Man Hiker |
(manhiker) | 7.6/* | |
Man standing |
(manstanding) | 7.6/* | |
Woman standing |
(womanstanding) | 7.6/* | |
Standing |
(standing) ↓ (nonbinarystanding) | 7.6/* | |
Man woman holding hands |
(manwomanholdinghands) | 7.6/* | |
Man woman kiss |
(manwomankiss) | 7.6/* | |
Male woman heart |
(manwomanheart) | 7.6/* | |
Man Busy Day |
(manbusyday) | 7.6/* | |
Man Super Hero |
(mansuperhero) | 7.6/* | |
Backhand Index Pointing Left |
(pointleftindex) ↓ (pointleftindexfinger) | 7.6/* | |
Backhand Index Pointing Right |
(pointrightindex) ↓ (pointrightindexfinger) | 7.6/* | |
Backhand Index Pointing Down |
(pointdownindex) ↓ (pointdownindexfinger) | 7.6/* | |
Index Pointing Up |
(pointupindex) ↓ (pointupindexfinger) | 7.6/* | |
Canoe |
(canoe) ↓ (1f6f6_canoe) | 7.6/* | |
Sailboat |
(sailboat) ↓ (yacht)(26f5_sailboat) | 7.6/* | |
Sunrise |
(sunrise) ↓ (1f305_sunrise) | 7.6/* | |
Umbrella on ground |
(umbrellaonground) ↓ (26f1_umbrellaonground) | 7.6/* | |
Holiday ready |
(holidayready) | 7.6/* | |
Snorkler |
(snorkler) | 7.6/* | |
Man surfer |
(mansurfer) ↓ (msurfer) | 7.6/* | |
Woman surfer |
(womansurfer) ↓ (wsurfer)(fsurfer) | 7.6/* | |
Palm tree |
(palmtree) | 7.6/* | |
Sandcastle |
(sandcastle) | 7.6/* | |
Tropical fish |
(tropicalfish) ↓ (fishtropical) | 7.6/* | |
Turtle |
(turtle) | 7.6/* | |
Water wave |
(waterwave) ↓ (waves)(1f30a_waterwave) | 7.6/* | |
Shark |
(shark) ↓ (jaws)(1f988_shark) | 7.6/* | |
Shrimp |
(shrimp) ↓ (1f990_shrimp) | 7.6/* | |
Squid |
(squid) ↓ (1f991_squid) | 7.6/* | |
Lobster |
(lobster) ↓ (1f99e_lobster) | 7.6/* | |
Crab |
(crab) ↓ (1f980_crab) | 7.6/* | |
Stone wall 50 |
(stonewall50icon) | 7.6/* | |
Woman woman holding hands |
(womanwomanholdinghands) | 7.6/* | |
Woman woman kiss |
(womanwomankiss) ↓ (womanwomankissing) | 7.6/* | |
Woman woman heart |
(womanwomanheart) | 7.6/* | |
Couple holding hands |
(holdinghands) ↓ (coupleholdinghands)(nonbinarynonbinaryholdinghands) | 7.6/* | |
Couple kiss |
(kissing) ↓ (couplekissing)(nonbinarynonbinarykiss) | 7.6/* | |
Couple with heart |
(coupleheart) ↓ (nonbinarynonbinaryheart) | 7.6/* | |
Man man holding hands |
(manmanholdinghands) | 7.6/* | |
Man man kiss |
(manmankiss) ↓ (manmankissing) | 7.6/* | |
Man man heart |
(manmanheart) | 7.6/* | |
Love Earth |
(loveearth) | 7.6/* | |
Angry Face |
(angryface) | 7.6/* | |
Yellow broken heart |
(brokenheartyellow) ↓ (yellowbrokenheart) | 7.6/* | |
Purple broken heart |
(brokenheartpurple) ↓ (purplebrokenheart) | 7.6/* | |
Green broken heart |
(brokenheartgreen) ↓ (greenbrokenheart) | 7.6/* | |
Blue broken heart |
(brokenheartblue) ↓ (bluebrokenheart) | 7.6/* | |
Black broken heart |
(brokenheartblack) ↓ (blackbrokenheart) | 7.6/* | |
Red ribbon |
(ribbonred) | 7.6/* | |
Pink ribbon |
(ribbonpink) | 7.6/* | |
Green ribbon |
(ribbongreen) | 7.6/* | |
Blue ribbon |
(ribbonblue) | 7.6/* | |
Black ribbon |
(ribbonblack) | 7.6/* | |
Diamond |
(diamond) | 7.6/* | |
Pride ribbon |
(ribbonpride) | 7.6/* | |
Flag in hole |
(flaginhole) ↓ (golfball) | 7.6/* | |
Bowling ball |
(bowlingball) | 7.6/* | |
Pool eight ball |
(eightball) | 7.6/* | |
Rugby ball |
(rugbyball) | 7.6/* | |
Tennis ball |
(tennisball) | 7.6/* | |
Baseball |
(baseball) | 7.6/* | |
American football |
(americanfootballbounce) ↓ (americanfootballeyes) | 7.6/* | |
Basketball |
(basketball) | 7.6/* | |
Soccer ball |
(soccerball) | 7.6/* | |
Croissant |
(croissant) | 7.6/* | |
Year of the pig |
(yotp) | 7.6/* | |
Monkey speak no evil |
(speaknoevil) | 7.6/* | |
Monkey hear no evil |
(hearnoevil) | 7.6/* | |
Monkey see no evil |
(seenoevil) | 7.6/* | |
Office worker male |
(officeworkermale) | 7.6/* |
Collections of emoticons:
), #If that's all too much, at the very least I guess you can pop a link to this page at the top of the old list.
), # ↑+1
), #Buuuuuuut..., may I ask for a clear link on the main page / main menu? I stumbled upon the "last 100" page fortuitously and it's a shame as it's so useful! ;)
Anyway, many thanks for the hard work, you're so much more efficient than MS... ;)
), # ↑+1
), # ↑Main page > Sorting > The newest and... bam! Done! :)
Magnificent! :)
So maybe a direct link from 1st page to the "last 100" page is no more useful, now :)
Really, your work is so useful, many many thanks!
I generally come here every 1 or 2 months, just to grab the latest ones as I generally found the skype ones really nice and I like to use them in emails :)
Thanks for all the hard work, sincerely!
), # ↑By the way, the URL of that page is updated dynamically when you change any form properties. Thus, you can bookmark it to return later to your own results. For example:
- Newest emoticons: #sort=time_desc
- Popular dancing animals: #sort=rank_desc;tags=animals|dancing
), #also, all original 'icons' have transparency but yours not. can't use with dark background.
ok, i made transparent for myself, like
but still i can't find ORIGINAL png for mooning and smoke! can you help with that?
), # ↑As for your missed emoticons, I uploaded them to smoke.png and mooning.png. By the way, please note that GIF doesn't support "true transparency" (alpha-channel) and such animations cannot look smooth on all backgrounds.
), # ↑+1208
), # ↑+7
), # ↑https://imgur.com/EjfThRK
I'm no expert on transparency but it seems that other smileys (gif format) are made without backgrounds which then allows you to paste into almost any background
That's not also possible with the Skype ones?
Thanks for the rapid reply - Mark
), # ↑By the way, even if GIF doesn't support "true transparency" you can still create such animations by using APNG/FLIF/WebP formats. However, not all browsers support them. Another method to create "true transparency" animations is to use JavaScript for "drawing" frames from a PNG image.
), #Tiger: https://az705183.vo.msecnd.net/onlinesupportmedia/onlinesupport/media/skype/fa300xx/tiger_40x40.gif
Lion: https://az705183.vo.msecnd.net/onlinesupportmedia/onlinesupport/media/skype/fa300xx/lion_40x40.gif
), #