The list of Skype chat commands
It is necessary to note that the following is a list of all commands that are available in the chat, but some of them are not supported in all versions of Skype. In the table below in the column “Command” the name of the command is marked in green, and arguments — in grey.
Command | Description |
Adds specified Skype users to the chat (you can add a number of users, if you separate them by a space). Examples: /add echo123 /add alice bob carlos Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Disables notifications of new messages that have been set, using the command /alertson. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Displays notifications of new messages, if someone from the chat users writes a message containing the word “text”. Examples: /alertson Skype Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Cancels the password which protects the chat via /set password, and removes the tip, mounted via /set password_hint. Chat type: P2P |
Creates a new group chat, which supports the traditional functions of moderation. Is analogous to two commands: /newchat + /set options +MODERATED Chat type: cloud |
Displays the commands available for debugging Skype. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Displays information about MSNP protocol. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Searches for the first mention of “text” in the chat. Examples: /find Skype Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Creates an exact copy of the current chat, keeping those participants who are in the user's contact list. If pass username as an argument he will be excluded from the list. Chat type: P2P |
Shows a list of the chat administrators. Chat type: cloud |
Shows information about users who have access to the chat. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Displays banned users, deprived of access to the chat. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Shows the login of the creator of the chat. On cloud chats says that “This chat type does not have a creator” and returns the list of admins Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Displays the description of the chat defined using /set description. Chat type: P2P |
Shows the chat rules, specified with /set guidelines. Chat type: P2P |
Displays a list of helpers. Chat type: P2P |
Displays a list of listeners. Chat type: P2P |
Displays a list of masters. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Returns the name of the chat. With the help of this command you can determine, what type of chat is used. Thus, if as a result of command the name of the chat contains name=19:*** , it is the cloud chat. If name=#username$*** means that is a P2P-chat.Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Displays chat parameters (see the command /set options). Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Shows password prompt when logging into the chat, which have been installed with the command /set password_hint. Chat type: P2P |
Displays the role of the current user in the chat (see /setrole). Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Creates a unique URL that allows inviting new users to join the Skype chat. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Shows a list of participants with the role of the each user. Chat type: P2P |
Starts a group call involving all the users of the chat. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Displays a list of some of the available Skype chat commands. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Loads the entire history of correspondence in the active chat window. |
Shows the number of chat participants and the current member limit. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Excludes the specified user from the chat (but at any time he can join again). Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Eliminates the specified user from the chat and deprives him of the right to return back. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
To leave the group chat. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Displays the current user name and the specified “text”. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Activates MSNP24 protocol. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Creates a new group chat. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Disables notifications of chat participants’ birthdays. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
To end the user’s session from all devices, except the current one. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Synchronizes the list of contacts. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
If you add a “+” in front of username, this command indicates which users have the right to join the chat. The sign “-” in front of username removes it from the trusted list. To display the list of trusted members, use /get allowlist. Examples: /set allowlist +echo123 /set allowlist -echo123 Chat type: P2P, cloud |
If you add a “+” in front of username, it forbids the user to take part in the chat. The sign “-” in front of username removes the ban and re-allows him to join the chat. To show the list of banned users, use /get banlist. Examples: /set banlist +echo123 /set banlist -echo123 Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Defines chat description that can be displayed with the command /get description. Examples: /set description Chat is designed for Skype users who need help or want to help others. Chat type: P2P |
Sets the chat rules, which can be shown with the command /get guidelines. Examples: /set guidelines 1. Be polite Chat type: P2P |
Sets the role of listener for the specified users. You can specify one or more users, separating them by a space. Thus, instead of three commands:/setrole alice LISTENER /setrole bob LISTENER /setrole carlos LISTENER we can use only this one: /set listeners alice bob carlos Chat type: P2P |
Changes the chat options. To enable a chat option, you need to add “+” in front of the parameter name, and to disable, add “-”. Use the command /get options, if you want to see the current settings of the chat. Examples: /set options -JOINING_ENABLED /set options +HISTORY_DISCLOSED Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Sets the password for the chat, and only users who know the password can join. Please note that the password cannot contain spaces. Chat type: P2P |
Creates a hint to the password that you have set for chat. Chat type: P2P |
Is analogous to two commands: /set password + /set password_hint. Thus, instead of two commands:/set password_hint In what year was developed Skype? /set password 2003 Just execute: /setpassword 2003 In what year was developed Skype? Chat type: P2P |
Remove the avatar of the group chat. Chat type: cloud |
Sets a new role for the specified user. The list of available roles can be found in this table. For example, to prevent the user echo123 from writing messages, set the role of observer for him: Examples: /setrole echo123 LISTENER Chat type: P2P, cloud |
If you specify only a variable, the command displays the current settings. But if you specify the variable and its value, the settings will be saved forever (variables list). To delete a variable, add the character “!” after the command name. By the way, many changes will take effect only after you restart Skype. Examples: /setupkey *Lib/Connection/LastIP /setupkey *Lib/Conversation/EnableWiki 0 /setupkey! /*Lib/FileTransfer/Disable Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Displays a list of participants who are online. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Displays a list of all participants and the role of each of them. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Alias of the command /get name. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Shows a list of all devices which at the moment are using your current account. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Displays information about the chat (date of the last message, date of the creation of the chat, number of messages, some identifiers). Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Changes the topic of the chat. If you are the creator of the chat and want to prevent users from changing the topic, run the command:/set options +TOPIC_AND_PIC_LOCKED_FOR_USERS Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Cancels the latest edit of your message. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Shows the “missed” messages. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Displays information about a participant of the chat. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Enables (on) or disables (off) the formatting of text in the chat. Examples: /wikimarkup on /wikimarkup off Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Skype chat settings
You can enable or disable chat options, using the command /set options. To show all the current settings, use the command /get options
Parameter | Description |
Prevents regular users from adding new participants. Chat type: P2P |
New members can see the messages that had appeared in the chat before they joined. There is a limit either on the number of displayed messages (maximum – 400) or on the duration of the period during which the displayed messages were published (two weeks), depending on what kind of limitation will be reached sooner. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
New users can join the chat, but they cannot write or receive messages, until they get permission from the user, who has the role of CREATOR or MASTER. Chat type: P2P |
New members see other users’ messages, but they cannot write their own ones, until they obtain the role of USER. Chat type: P2P |
New users can join the chat. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Enables the mode of “moderator”. In this mode, users cannot change the avatar or the name of the conference. Chat type: cloud |
Only a user with the role of CREATOR has the right to change the subject or the chat logo. Chat type: P2P |
All participants with the role of USER will receive messages from other users, but cannot write new messages. Chat type: P2P |
The roles of the Skype chat participants
Creator and Master can change the roles of the chat participants with the command /setrole. In his turn, each user, using the command /get role, can find out, what is his role.
Role | Name | Description |
Administrator | The administrator of the chat (he can assign the role of ADMIN to other participants). Chat type: cloud |
Applicant | A user who expects the permission to participate in the chat (doesn’t see and cannot write messages). Chat type: P2P |
Creator | The user who created the chat, and only he can have this role. Only the creator has the right to set any chat options or change any roles of other users. Chat type: P2P |
Helper | A user with only a few additional privileges, who has no right to change the roles of other users. He isn’t affected by the value of the parameter USERS_ARE_LISTENERS. Chat type: P2P |
Listener | A user who sees the messages, but cannot write new ones. Chat type: P2P |
Master | An authorized user with the ability to customize the chat. However, the master cannot assign the role of MASTER to other users or remove it. Chat type: P2P, cloud |
Speaker | A regular user of the chat (can write messages and participate in calls). Chat type: cloud |
User | A common chat participant who can read and write messages. Chat type: P2P |
Application Variables
The list of variables with which the command /setupkey can be used. Please note, this command changes the settings of Skype, not only of a particular chat. Given that in this way you can “break” Skype, it should be noted that you must perform these commands at your own risk.
Key | Description |
Theoretically, must update the avatar across devices. |
Shows the last used IP. |
Disable '0' or enable '1' text formatting. Examples: /setupkey *Lib/Conversation/EnableWiki 0 |
Disable '1' or enable '0' file sending function. Examples: /setupkey *Lib/FileTransfer/Disable 1 |
What are “Skype chat commands”?
Skype chat command is a special text message that begins with a slash (/), and when you submit it in the Skype chat window, it performs a specific function or command. For example, using the commands in the chat Skype, the user can configure the group chat so that only users, who know the answer to his question, could join the chat.
How to execute a command in the Skype chat?
In principle, the execution of commands is the same as sending messages or emoticons — simply enter the command in the chat window and press Enter. The only thing you need to pay attention is the fact that the command mustn’t have any symbols in front of it (including spaces and line breaks).
Also, it is worth reminding that some commands are not available in older versions of Skype. In such cases, the only thing to do is to download the new version of Skype.
Why my command is not executed?
A command may not be performed for the following reasons:
- You have no right to execute this command;
- An unnecessary symbol (for example, a space) is added in front of the command;
- Your version of Skype doesn’t support this command;
- You have made a mistake when typing the command;
- Current type of chat doesn’t support this command;
What is a “type of chat”?
With the upgrade of Skype from P2P architecture to the cloud-based system, on the one hand, some new functions and features have appeared, and on the other hand, some old ones have stopped working. These changes have affected the Skype chat, which currently can be “new cloud” and “old peer” (P2P). Due to technical reasons, in the cloud chat some commands of the P2P chat are not supported (and vice versa). Therefore, for every command it has been indicated for each command, what type of chat is supported.
How to find out, what “type of chat” is used?
You can find out the type of chat with the command /get name (it is written in the command description).
How to create a P2P-chat?
Since May 22, 2016 on Skype is not possible to create P2P-chats. Nevertheless, cloud chat now also support moderating functions.
The only drawback of the cloud chat is the fact that it doesn’t support the traditional functions of moderation, to which many people are accustomed. To create a P2P-chat, perform the function /createmoderatedchat, with the result that an “Empty Group” will be created, where you’ll be able to invite new members and use the old commands. It should be noted that some versions of Skype don’t support this feature, and others don’t show the created chat (to see it, you need to switch on to the tab “Last”).
), #if someone is interested, I made a list of variables that can be used with /setupkey (without describing their use, it would take too long to do), I think that can be useful for some purpose :
), # ↑0
), #Very nice my friends ;)
Excellent *****
), #+2
), #Available commands: /add [skypename] /giphy [expression] - sends random GIF for given expression (optional) /alerts off | on [keywords] /alertsoff /alertson [keywords] /help /me [message] - sends special message prepended by your name
That's all ... I'd like to use more... how do I go about getting access to the others? If you could e-mail me the answer I'd be hugely grateful. Thanks!
), # ↑+2
), # ↑+1212
), # ↑0
), #+1212
), # ↑0
), #0
), #+1212
), # ↑+7
), #+1212
), # ↑Please let me know if you were able to restore the administrator role of your chat.
), # ↑+53
), #/showchatforms
[Updated ]
Oh yeah... These 2 also:
/get blob
/invite [skypename]
), # ↑/invite
command (I thought that it should be an alias for the/add
command). If it’s not difficult for you, can you please tell us more about these commands and what is your version of Skype?+53
), # ↑
As for /invite, I believe it is used to invite[add] a user to be in their contacts. This one I am not sure about.
The Skype I use is the latest desktop version available,; 104 is 151 for Windows 10 users. Not the redesigned app version, but the actual desktop software version.
), # ↑+53
), # ↑+3
), #+1212
), # ↑+179
), #
), #0
), #Thank you Iris