unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype


“Reset_Settings_For_Skype.HTA” is a free application with which you can restore the functionality of Skype for Windows, if the program has stopped working properly due to incorrect settings (both the program itself and other programs or system components).

File size:

90.7 KB

File name:


File date:

Total downloads:

7 979

The application helps to reset the following:
  • Skype settings
    Only the general settings of the program are deleted, and as a rule, when you start Skype, you don’t need to reconfigure anything.

  • User settings
    Settings of the selected profile (the history of the correspondence and the transferred files are not deleted). At startup, you will have to re-enter the password and reconfigure the program.

  • Emoticons
    The smileys database and images of emoticons are deleted. When you start, you'll have to wait a couple of minutes until the emoticons are downloaded again.

  • AppData folder
    Renames the folder %AppData%\Skype as %AppData%\Skype-timestamp (if necessary, the history of correspondence can be found in this folder).

  • Windows Audio Service
    Restarts the AudioSrv service.

  • Internet Explorer
    Displays a window for resetting Internet Explorer settings; after that the user must choose by himself, which settings he should reset.

  • Windows Firewall
    Removes all firewall rules that control Skype's access to the network. Also, disables outgoing rules that block access to remote servers.

  • File Hosts
    Creates a backup copy of the file Hosts (it is saved in the same folder) and returns the contents of the file by default (depending on the version of Windows).

  • Flash Player
    Deletes the settings files of Adobe Flash Player.

  • Windows Installer
    Configures and restarts the Windows Installer service.

  • Network Settings
    Updates the configuration of network adapters and clears the cache memory DNS.

  • Windows registry
    Removes all partitions from the Windows registry that store the Skype settings.


  1. 0 0 0
    C. Tony Liang (karma: +12),
    I don't know why the font in instant message is changed. How to reset skype version 8 to default setting?
  2. 0 0 0
    brian drew (karma: 0),
    we have lost skpe please can you reset it for me
  3. 0 0 0
    joseph tonkery (karma: +3),
    when I go into my skype :: Notice comes up it gives me my name and my email: then said or do I ant another account:: I click on each same thing happens just comes back up the same:; Can you help me to retsore or at least get back so I can use my skype account:: Thank You

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