unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype emoticons → Xmas woman

Xmas woman

Since this emoticon is hidden, it can not be found on the emoticons picker, however, you can send it using the following methods:
  1. Type or paste into the input field one of the following codes and send the message:

  2. If someone sent you "Xmas woman" emoticon, highlight it, right-click and select "Copy selection". Then, right-click on the input box and select "Paste as Text". Now you can send the message.

Please note that the "Xmas woman" emoticon is not supported by all versions of Skype. This emoticon has become available starting from version Skype 7.6 for Windows.

# Download "Xmas woman" emoticon:
To download this animated smiley, press the right-click on the link xmaswoman1.gif and click on the "Save" option. Also, you can open this link in a new browser tab, and then press the key combination Ctrl + S

# Tags:
holidays, people, new year, women

# Keywords:
female, wave, hello, salute, greetings, gesture, welcome, happiness, christmas, holidays, xmas, festivities, winter, celebration, happy, family, merry christmas, woman, girl, bye, goodbye, bell, ring, santa

# Collections of emoticons:

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