unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

A problem was found with the version of Skype installed on this device

At starting the latest versions of Skype for Windows (more precisely, and newer) an error may occur that a wrong version of Skype is installed, and it’s recommended (while sometimes it’s required) to download and install the latest version from the official site.

A problem was found with the version of Skype installed on this device
Warning! A problem was found with the version of Skype installed on this device.
For the best experience, we recommend downloading the latest version of Skype below.

Expected: 9d5334e51ed29712d306a07dac07a216
Found: a2a076ddf7f99fdb66a6605614c1de04

As supposed, to get rid of this error, you need to click on the button “Download Skype”, download the installer, and install the application again. However, there is one problem — on some systems, the error still continues to occur, because the solution of the problem depends on version of Windows:

Solution for Windows 7, 8 and 10

On such systems, error occurs in two cases:
  1. If Skype is launched in compatibility with Windows XP or Vista. To solve the problem:
    • Close Skype
    • Right-click on Skype shortcut and choose “Properties”
    • Open the “Compatibility” tab
    • Make sure the option “Run this program in compatibility mode for” is disabled
    • Click button “Change settings for all users”
    • Make sure the option “Run this program in compatibility mode for” is disabled
    • Save your changes by clicking “OK”
  2. If Skype has been installed using SkypeSetupFullXp.exe installer. The solution is to reinstall Skype using the full installer SkypeSetupFull.exe. To download it, go to or download it from our website on the page Skype for Windows.

Solution for Windows XP and Vista

In this case, Skype was installed using the full installer that is intended for new Windows versions. To get rid of the error, you need to reinstall application using the SkypeSetupFullXp.exe installer. It can be downloaded here:

To avoid problems in the future I recommend to read the article Skype installer for Windows, where is described what kind of installers exists, and for which they are intended. Also, I want to note that in most cases, the error is recommendatory in nature — if you click “Cancel”, Skype will continue its work (of course, the program operation is not guaranteed).


  1. 1 +1 0
    Graham (karma: +13),
    Link in Solution for XP/Vista does not work
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi! Thank you for message. This link is available only under Windows XP and Vista, this is why on Windows 7 and above you'll see an error. By the way, all installers for older operating systems can be downloaded on these pages: Skype for Windows Vista or Skype for Windows XP.
  2. 0 0 0
    Onur (karma: +27),
    I started to get this error message with Skye which was the only and latest stable build for my old Vista system. Now i cannot make calls, for example Echo test service is not working. After thinking Microsoft is about the pull down Skype 7 within a month, i even don't find it annoying as i'll straight uninstall this crap. It become a REAL nightmare after Microsoft's acquistion.

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