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Remarkable features of Skype

Process SkypeBrowserHost.exe

Recently, more and more users of Skype for Windows began to notice a new process SkypeBrowserHost.exe, which appears in the list of processes while working Skype. Given that the developers haven’t told officially about it, and that sometimes you can notice not one, but up to 5 processes SkypeBrowserHost.exe, some users have mistakenly assumed that this is a virus. Having looked through the official forum, in this post I have gathered answers to the most frequently asked questions related to this process.
Process SkypeBrowserHost.exe

What is SkypeBrowserHost.exe?

SkypeBrowserHost.exe for surely is not a virus (at least, if the file has a digital signature), and it is intended to put all the functions, associated with the display and processing of web components, in a separate process. For example, the Web components include the main page, profile editing, advertising banners, feedback and authorization form.

It is known that currently these tasks are performed by Internet Explorer, and any critical errors in this browser also affect the program Skype. However, if you move them to a separate process, even if an error occurs, Skype won’t complete its work forcefully. So to say, SkypeBrowserHost.exe plays the role of a sandbox, thanks to which the stability and performance of the program improve.

Can I remove SkypeBrowserHost.exe?

According to some tests and user’s messages, the removal of this process doesn’t disable any features of Skype, which seems to work well without this process too. I believe that in the absence of this process Skype uses the standard functions for processing Web components.

Nevertheless, I strongly recommend not to remove SkypeBrowserHost.exe without good reasons for this, since the presence of this process on some computers can be binding, and without it Skype can become unstable.

How to remove SkypeBrowserHost.exe?

If you have decided to delete SkypeBrowserHost.exe process on your own risk:
  1. Close Skype
  2. Open the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Browser
  3. Rename the file SkypeBrowserHost.exe to something else
  4. Run Skype
Note! When reinstalling or upgrading Skype, the process is likely to reappear, and you’ll have to rename the file again.

When did SkypeBrowserHost.exe appear?

For the first time this file was added in version, but since this program is in the testing stage, the process is run only on a limited number of computers.

Why are there multiple processes?

Each opening a Web component by Skype will generate a new process SkypeBrowserHost.exe (for example, if you open two home pages, two SkypeBrowserHost.exe processes will appear in the process list). The developers assure that Skype will launch at most 5 of these processes, which are automatically closed, when the program doesn’t need the presence of the web component (for example, when you close the home page).


  1. 3 +3 0
    Tony (karma: +3),
    This is not true. I've had over a dozen of these processes pop up, chewing memory and CPU. I have an 8-core 4GHz machine with 32GB RAM and it came to a halt. I will be disabling skypebrowserhost and turning updates off.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1209),
      Hi! It shouldn’t happen. There for sure is something wrong (perhaps Skype is forbidden to close these processes). In such cases, I recommend you to contact developers so they can fix the bug.
  2. 5 +4 1
    SkypeUser (karma: +4),
    Can you please stop making useless stuff? Skype runs perfectly without this browser thing, so why do we need it in the first place? Ads? Skype is an old program and I still use it, since I am used to it, but with each update it gets worse and worse. It started as the program you need -> to chat and make a call with other people. Now it is this big process that is constantly running and has absolutely nothing better than what it had 9 years ago. Just stop making it do useless stuff! If you wonder why users are leaving it is precisely that! I want the version from 9 years ago to be working and you guys not making me constantly update my Skype to a worse version.
    1. 2 +1 1
      Administrator (karma: +1209),
      Hi! Please note that this is an unofficial blog and I’m not working at Skype. So, if you want to send feedback to developers use the in-app form, visit Skype community, or contact Skype support.

      As regards to SkypeBrowserHost.exe — I already wrote what’s its purpose. However, if you think that it is necessary only to show ads you’re wrong because ads are shown even if you disable SkypeBrowserHost.exe. If you never encountered issues due to misconfiguration of Internet Explorer, I’m sure this is because you are able to configure your computer and installed software. But most users are inexperienced and they often encounter connection issues.

      And the last thing about absolutely nothing better than what it had 9 years ago — even if sometimes developers are doing wrong things I cannot agree with you, at least for the good of offline messages/files delivery, group calls, screen sharing or Skype Translator.
  3. 0 0 0
    Fernando (karma: 0),
    Hi, i uninstalled skype recently and i'm asking if the skype host browser can appear if i install the skype again
    1. 1 +1 0
      Administrator (karma: +1209),
      Hi! Yes, because on the latest Skype versions the SkypeBrowserHost.exe is required to display the login and authorization forms. By the way, the latest version contains a bugfix related to SkypeBrowserHost.exe.
  4. 0 0 0
    Nopetrain (karma: 0),
    I just removed skype completely because it made 36 of these. Renaming it didnt help as skype just "fixed it" by updating. no virus or malware detected by 7 programs run. This "feature" just ruined skype completely. If they dont remove it i will stop using it permanently. Just like everything Microsoft touches it turns to S#!В§
    1. 0 0 0
      ... (karma: 0),
      I think the same Nopetrain.... They re doing lots of fails and theyre still talking to people about "improved system and programs", but the truth is not the same.... Sorry, but im really bored about it.
  5. 1 +1 0
    Victor (karma: +1),
    Whether if it's of use or not, it's nonsense to include a feature which users disable/block constantly, it's consuming the 100% cpu!! Causing sometimes aplications not running corectly, internet connection going down...
    I renamed the file and now my pc is usable without that useless thing.
    I hope developers have this in mind and not put it in the next update.
    There are other options nowadays and people won't care losing their messenger/skype contacts if they have a FAST and efficient aplication instead.
  6. 1 +1 0
    Cimmay (karma: +1),
    It had a big performance impact on a 4 core Athlon with 32 gb ram. I renamed it and all problems solved. Also disabled skype updater but that's always is overriden buy Windows Updates.
  7. 0 0 0
    Danilo (karma: 0),
    Sempre removo Skypebrowserhost dos meus clientes, quando está instalado trava o computador.
  8. 0 0 0
    Phil (karma: +3),
    I am just an end user also suffering from SkypeBrowserHost.exe killing my old desktop with 90 percent CPU usage. Several of these processes are running. I tried the above hint to rename the process subsequently when restarting the program I cannot log in to Skype anymore; a message about the network not being present comes up (nothing wrong with my connection). Oh give me back the old Skype from years ago B4 Microsoft improved it .... I am going to make my call on the landline now. Sad.
  9. 0 0 0
    Brian (karma: 0),
    There are 151 instances of SkypeBrowserHost.exe running. My computer has be very hot lately and I now have a fan blowing on it to keep it cool. Don't know if this is why or not, but jeezzzz.
  10. 0 0 0
    alexander.jakubowsky (karma: +7),
    I can't open my skype
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1209),
      Please provide more info about your issue.

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