unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Not receiving messages on Skype

Today, our blog reader, dear Dmitry Pankov, told me about a bug in Skype and how to fix it. The problem is that some users even if they can send messages, they cannot receive them. Sometimes notifications of incoming calls are not displayed, but notifications of missed calls are received. Besides, even if they are online, the interlocutors do not see them as their online status is displayed as “Offline”.

Number of users confirming this error: ???

Apparently, this error affects only the “old accounts” for which the email address was not specified. Anyway, to fix this bug it is necessary to “upgrade Skype account” — that is, to merge Skype and Microsoft accounts.

According to official documentation and Skype support, it can be done as follows:
  1. Go to, if you’re already signed in, sign out.
  2. Enter your Skype name and password when prompted and then select Sign in.
  3. If your Skype account is not updated already, you will be notified to update your account.
  4. Select Next to continue.
  5. You will be asked to add an email to your account, and verify that email.
  6. Congrats, your Skype account is also a Microsoft account.

More detailed instructions about this process can be found on this page:


  1. 1 0 1
    miko (karma: +301),
    i don't have problem with send and receive messages, i have problem to see some contacts online and be online for them. This not sloved my problem.
  2. 0 0 0
    Angel (karma: +3),
    I am not receiving messages nor am I able to send them. When I do try to send them it says sending but never actually sends. Plus all of my contacts say that their "invisible". What's going on?
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
  3. 0 0 0
    Linda Gray (karma: +3),
    New laptop w/windows 10. Am unable to receive messages on skype through my msn or skype download. Have yo keep signing out n back in to get them
  4. 0 0 0
    Ray Carman (karma: 0),
    I can Skype others, but they cannot Skype me. I have been a Skype user for a long time, and find that maybe must link my Skype account with my Microsoft account. I have done this - requiring a change of password, but I still do not receive Skype calls from others. They are told ' I am offline', when I am not.

    Windows 10, latest update on a Desktop; Skype
    Thanks for any help.

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