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Remarkable features of Skype

How to merge Skype and Microsoft accounts

Users of the old Skype accounts can transform them in the Microsoft accounts. Also, they have the opportunity to combine Skype and Microsoft accounts. As a rule, this process is optional, but there are cases, when for the use of Skype you must get a Microsoft account without fail. And as you have guessed, in this walkthrough I’ll show you how to do it.

You can combine Skype and Microsoft accounts as follows:
1) Go to page
2) Enter your Skype username and click “Next”
3) Enter your Skype password and click “Sign in”
4) As a result, you will get the following message:
Your Skype account is now a Microsoft account
Your Skype account is now a Microsoft account
You can now use your Skype account skype_login to sign in to any Microsoft app or service such as Office and Xbox. We'll just need to update your account with an email address. That will help you recover your account easily if you forget your password or your account ever gets compromised.

5) Further, depending on whether you specified before your e-mail address or not, you will need to confirm the use of this email, or you can specify a new one. Also, you have the opportunity to “Get a new email address” from

CAUTION! If you are not sure in your actions and want to avoid the confusion or problems with the migration of contacts, I strongly recommend getting a new e-mail address or specify an email, which was never used for any other Skype accounts.

6) After you specified your e-mail, check the mail – there you will find “Security code to update your Skype account”. Copy it into the input box to confirm that you are the owner of the account.
Verify that you own this email address
Verify that you own this email address

7) If you have done everything correctly, by clicking on the “Next”, you will get the following message:
You’re all set!
Old account now works with Skype, Office, Xbox, and other Microsoft apps

8) It’s rather controversial, but also very important step: you should re-confirm your email address. To do this, check the mail, and in a letter from «Microsoft account team» click on the blue button “Verify email@site.tld”.

CAUTION! In no case don’t click on the link “Click here” which is just below this button — it cancels your actions and guarantees a heap of troubles.
Finish setting up this Microsoft account
To finish setting up this Microsoft account, they just need to make sure this email address is yours.

9) The final chord: you should receive a confirmation that “everything is ready”.
Ready to go!
Thanks for verifying email@site.tld. You can now get back to what you were doing.


  1. 0 0 0
    miko (karma: +301),
    I want unlink my skype with microsoft account but i can't. What will happen if i go to my email and click "click here": from point 8. It sound that will cancel everything i did and maybe it unlink microsoft account.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi! I'm not sure how it works now, but before it can be unlinked at

      If that does not work anymore, try the 8th step.
      1. 0 0 0
        miko (karma: +301),
        I can't unlink it with this link and on email too. When i click this on email they just send me message and tell that Security info was removed.
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          Sorry, but according to official FAQ: Due to ongoing changes, unlinking of Skype and Microsoft accounts is currently unavailable.
          1. 0 0 0
            miko (karma: +301),
            Ok but do you know how can i log in normal skype and skype portable at the same time in the same account? When i sign in on skype portable it always sign me out from my normal skype after i link my skype with microsoft.
            1. 0 0 0
              Administrator (karma: +1208),
              Do you mean to use them simultaneously on the same computer? What is the version of your portable Skype? Are you sure that automatically logout happen only to linked accounts?
              1. 1 +1 0
                miko (karma: +301),
                Yes simultaneously on the same computer. I use skype portable and i'm sure that this log out me only with linked account, i was online on both skype on the same computer when i linked my skype with microsoft and it log me out and it happen anytime when i try log in in both skype. And it always log out my normal skype, never skype portable, no matter which one i log first. I can see one small detail. On all normal accounts when i click "profile" on the top is my name, then "accounts" and on all my normal accounts, even this linked account is always my skype id, but on skype portable is diffrent. On all skype portable on this place "accounts" i have write my skype id 2x, but on skype portable linked with microsoft i see in this place my skype id and my email, not x2 my skype id, and only on this skype portable i see it.

                Other accouts that are not linked i can use both skype on the same computer.
                1. 0 0 0
                  Administrator (karma: +1208),
                  Hmm... Very interesting. Thank you for details. How about this one: instead of “normal” version try to make portable version for and run it simultaneously with

                  In addition, if you have the opportunity, try to run portable Skype ( and the “normal” one on different computers.
                  1. 0 0 0
                    miko (karma: +301),
                    Sorry for late answer. I can't open two diffrent versions skype portable on the same computer with the same one account. I was try open skype portable and skype portable by click on shortcut but it not open anything and it just run script and then back to already opened skype portable

                    I also open normal skype on one laptop and skype portable on other laptop and results are always the same. My normal skype is always log out. I also try open skype portable, and it was the same. But i can open skype portable And on skype portable when i click on my profile i see normally my skype id x1 without email.

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