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Remarkable features of Skype

How to see online friends in Skype 8?

By default, unlike classic Skype, the new Skype shows the list of conversations in the sidebar, not the list of contacts. For this reason, some users can not display only the contacts that are "online".

To see only online friends in Skype 8:
  1. From the left sidebar click "Contacts"
  2. Click the down arrow icon (the default value is "All")
  3. Select "Active Now".
How to see online friends in Skype 8?


  1. 1 +1 0
    George (karma: +26),
    I think this behaves differently than the previous 'Online now' and much less contacts appear in the list. 'Online now' also showed the ones that were "on standby", especially on mobile devices.

    "Active now" perhaps only lists contacts that are currently chatting or in a call.
  2. 0 0 0
    Carnifex (karma: +3),
    This only shows online .. (aka green colored on previous version)
    doesnt shows away users etc ...
  3. 1 +1 0
    Rumata (karma: +4),
    I have friends who are always in Skype. Not anymore, with the new version What is going on with Microsoft? Aren't you going to fix this garbage?
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      As far as I remember, developers said that they are working on improving presence statuses. Unfortunately, I don't know any details.
  4. 0 0 0
    Ann Smith (karma: 0),
    I agree with Rumata. Seeing if a contact is online is the second most important aspect of Skype, after being able to call for free!
  5. 0 0 0
    Lawrence (karma: +3),
    With version,where are all my contacts? Please get them back soonest!!!!
    My original call sign is/was Lawrence3400
  6. 0 0 0
    John (karma: +3),
    Being able to see who is on/off line on a single pane showing all my contacts was very important to me. The new Skype has illuminated this. Perhaps this version of Skype was made by the same group that eliminated the Windows 10 start menu and then had 2-3 updates to get it back close to the way it was. Sometimes when something really works and everyone likes it, just leave it alone.
    1. 0 0 0
      Charles (karma: +3),
      Oh yes, you are so right! Today I had the new Skype (version 8) forced on to me after I had held out with version 7 for so long..
      Now in version 8 (the app) the Contacts are there, but no indication as to which of them is online......which was a main reason I went back to version 7 last year.
      Hard to believe that in this modern era it seems that Microsoft/Skype cannot seem to work out something so necessary with the now seemingly inescapable and often maligned version 8 app.
      Yet, if I use the web version in a web browser, the online status of my Contacts does show!

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