unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.

Skype for Mac OS X

File size:

91.6 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings CallControls_CallButtonSwitchToSpeakerView:
= Switch to speaker view
Strings CallControls_CallButtonSwitchToContentView:
= Switch to content view
Strings CallPanel_CallHeaderSpeakerViewLabel:
= Speaker view
Strings CallPanel_CallHeaderContentViewLabel:
= Content view
Strings CallPanel_IncomingCall:
= Incoming call
Strings CallPanel_IncomingVideoCall:
= Incoming video call
Strings CallPanel_IncomingAudioCall:
= Incoming audio call
Strings CallPanel_MessageButtonText:
= Message
Strings CallPanel_AudioButtonText:
= Audio
Strings CallPanel_VideoButtonText:
= Video
Strings CallPanel_DeclineButtonText:
= Decline
Strings CallPanel_ResizeCameraPreviewText:
= Resize camera preview
Strings CallPanel_ScreenSharingFailureReasonStoppedRemotelyText:
= Someone else started sharing content
Strings CallPanel_ScreenSharingFailureReasonStoppedLocallyText:
= You have stopped screen sharing
Strings CallPanel_ScreenSharingFailureReasonNotAtSkypeAppText:
= You must be on a Skype call to broadcast to Skype
Strings CallPanel_ScreenShareFailText:
= There is a problem with video or screen sharing
Strings CreditPurchase_ContinueButton:
= Continue
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ImportContacts:
= Import contacts
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ImportGoogleContactsTitle:
= Import Google contacts
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ImportGoogleContactsSubtitle:
= Find people you know on Skype.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactsTitle:
= Google Contacts
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactsSubtitle:
= Find friends and family on Skype by importing your Google contacts.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleSignInBodyText:
= Find friends and family already using Skype through a one-time import of your Google contacts. To get started, simply sign in to your Google account and we'll match your Google contacts to people on Skype.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleSignInButtonTitle:
= Sign in
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ImportingContactsPlaceholderText:
= Importing contacts...
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ContactsImportedHeader:
= Contacts imported
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ContactsImportedTitle:
= Hooray! We've found the following Google contacts on Skype.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_NoMatchesFoundHeader:
= No matches found
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_NoMatchesFoundTitle:
= We were unable to find any of your Google contacts on Skype.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_NoMatchesFoundBodyText:
= Use Search to quickly find anyone on Skype via their name, email, phone number or Skype Name.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactAnnotationText:
= From your Google contacts
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactsErrorTitle:
= It looks like there was a problem importing your Google contacts into Skype. Please try again later.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ImportButtonTitle:
= Import
Strings MessageActionMenu_ShareMenuOpenInNewTab:
= Open in New Tab
Strings MessageComposer_MediaDraftLabel:
= files
Strings MyUserInfo_ProfilePicturePrivacyToast:
= Profile picture visibility updated
= Failed to update profile picture visibility
Strings Notifications_IsOnlineNowLabel:
= is online
Strings PSTNConversation_FreeCallTollFreeNumber:
= Free phone call
Strings UserSettingsPanel_NotifyOnPresenceChangeLabel:
= Show presence change notification
Strings UserSettingsPanel_NotifyOnPresenceChangeSecondary:
= {gender, select, female{Notify me when someone comes online} male{Notify me when someone comes online} other{Notify me when someone comes online}}
Strings SignOutConfirmation_SignOutRememberYourAccountContent:
= Remember your account on this device?
Strings StreamItem_OpenInNewTab:
= Open in New Tab
Strings UserPresence_StatusSetTo:
= Status set to {status}
Strings CallControls_CallButtonSwitchToFocusView:
= Switch to focused view
Strings CallPanel_CallHeaderFocusViewLabel:
= Focus view
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallDontRingNotifyButtonTitle:
= Don't ring - Notify instead
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRingingStatusCountdownMessage:
= Ringing the group in...
Strings PopCards_CelebrationEngagementTitle:
= Call {firstName} {lastName} to celebrate together!
Strings PopCards_CelebrationEngagementCallAndMessageTitle:
= Send a message or give {firstName} {lastName} a call and celebrate together.
Strings PopCards_CelebrationEngagementButtonText:
= Call {firstName}
Strings PopCards_CelebrationEngagementMessageButtonText:
= Send message
Strings SignOutConfirmation_SignOutSaveCredentials:
= Save my details
Strings SignOutConfirmation_SignOutRememberMeButtonTitle:
= Yes
Strings SignOutConfirmation_SignOutRemoveAccountTitle:
= Yes and remove my account
Strings TextEditControl_DisplayNameAndMoodAccessibilityLabel:
= Edit display name and mood message.

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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