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Remarkable features of Skype

Blank white screen in Skype for Windows

When starting Skype for Windows, some users are surprised to find a blank white screen (in older versions, it’s a blank blue screen with Skype's logo) – without any inscriptions or errors, and even the form of authorization is missing. The only thing that shows is the menu bar, which, alas, does not help to understand what the problem is and how to solve it.
Blank white screen in Skype for Windows

In most cases, users cannot eliminate the error due to the fact that the problem is not really in Skype, but in the browser Internet Explorer. Knowing this, we can eliminate the error as follows.

Solution 1

As a rule, it’s enough to delete the temporary files in Internet Explorer. Do it as follows: start Internet Explorer, click on the cog icon, select “Internet Options”, in the tab “General” click “Delete”, uncheck “Save the data of favorite web sites” and click “Delete”. Then restart Skype.

Solution 2

If the first solution does not work, or you want to protect yourself from other problems with Skype, I recommend to reset all Internet Explorer settings and restart Skype.

Solution 3

Rather seldom a white screen in Skype can appear due to the fact that Internet Explorer cannot access the JavaScript library. If the first two methods don’t help, do the following:
  1. Download script register_js.bat
  2. Press right click on the file and select “Run as administrator”
  3. As a result, you will get three notifications on the successful execution of DLLRegisterServer
  4. Restart the computer

I would be grateful for any feedback and comments with details about which solution helped


  1. 0 -2 2
    Christie (karma: -2),
    Hi, I would like to know how to fix the blank white screen on skype, i cant even log in
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi Christie! Can you please confirm that you have tried all the solutions from this article and none of them helped solve the issue?
  2. 0 0 0
    Kimberly (karma: 0),
    Solution 1 worked.
  3. 0 0 0
    Logan (karma: 0),
    But... I don't have internet explorer...
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Since you have Windows 10 installed, it means that you have Internet Explorer. Try to start this browser in the following way: press the key combination Win+R, type iexplore.exe and press Enter.
  4. 0 0 0
    Peter (karma: +3),
    I have same issue.
    Login via microsoft authenticator send to me mobile phone request a this request is approved. Skype have result and next screen is rotating circle and waitngm waitng, waiting a nothing....

    Login via password - this is error with javascript. I try all 3 your methods a nothing worked.

    Windows 10 build 17025, x64.
    browsers chrome, edge, IE.
    In all browser javascript working well, test is OK.
  5. 0 0 0
    Mdragonflame (karma: +3),
    Hi! I only get this screen when I try to use my camera on Skype. Do these solutions still apply?
    I can't seem to find any other results when I search up the issue being caused by the camera.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi! Take a screenshot of your issue and upload it to Also, please specify what is your Skype version, and using IE check access to Skype and provide the URL of the report.
  6. 0 0 0
    Gregor (karma: 0),
    He, Thank you. First Solution worked for me
  7. 0 0 0
    Tony (karma: +12),
    From last week i have the same problem. (WinXP). I tried a lot of things (reinstall), also all of yours 3 suggestions but the problem is still the same. If I try again I received:
    "We can't sign you in
    JavaScript is required to sign in. Your browser either does not support JavaScript or it is being blocked.
    Enable JavaScript in your browser or use one which supports it."

    JavaScript is working for all of my browsers correctly. What more I can do?
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi! Please take a look at JavaScript required to sign in to Skype.
      1. 0 0 0
        Tony (karma: +12),
        I already checked on all of my browsers and there is not problem. The problem is only for Skype.

        The problem appear after bad start(no start) of Skype. Dell the Skype process in Task Manager and start again.
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          Skype relies on the MSIE components, and if you see this error, it means that something is wrong. This is why you should try to fix it in accordance with these instructions.
          1. 1 +1 0
            Tony (karma: +12),
            enable_javascript.bat is not working on my PC. It starts and disappear very fast no give me any results. All the rest I have done.
            1. 1 +1 0
              Administrator (karma: +1208),
              In this case, the only thing I can offer is to help you remotely through TeamViewer. If you agree, download TeamViewerQS_en.exe, report here “Your ID” and “Password”, then I will connect to your computer and try to fix your issue.
  8. 0 0 0
    Brian (karma: +3),
    I try to start Skype and I get past the login and password, then I get the white box with the Skype logo at the top. On earlier attempts, I got less far but was able to download the latest version on Skype (just an hour ago) -- Leading to the current point of impasse. I am running Windows 7 on an HP Elitebook 6930, and all other programs and internet functions are fine for me. I have tried all 3 steps that are listed on this page, with no change. I do not get the Java Script link comment, just the blank white box. On the Skype login page I have tried using Microsoft account (Hotmail) and my old-fashioned Skype user ID methods.

    I have Team Viewer on this laptop, would love some help. Thx.
  9. 1 +1 0
    Aleksandar (karma: +4),
    Hello i have a blank screen once calls coming from another skype person
    Note that i have a skype app on my phone and skype is working ok!
    Once i do turn OFF the internet connection on my phone ,desktop skype works fine and i can receive calls ,but when i have internet connection on my phone and another skype user calling me iam able to pick up the call only from my mobile ,because skype app on desktop goes with blank white screen
    How to understand and fix that issue ?

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