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Download Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X…
«More about Skype for Mac OS X»

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87.5 MB

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Mac OS X

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  1. 0 0 0
    DennyHayes (karma: 0),
    Does anyone understand how, where, and when Skype messages are stored. I assume that the messages are only stored on the Mac in a user folder, but they do not seem to update, because I will have a chat and later do the export and they are not there. I created a database where I parse the messages, so that I can keep all messages forever. I use to be able to jump the message window to the beginning and do a copy/paste all of the messages to the database, and a script parsed the information. Then they removed the jump to feature, and I had to slowly scroll to the beginning. But MS then removed the date from each message, which made it harder, but I did a workaround to solve that problem. Now they have it so that a copy/paste only captures what is seen on the screen. So I decided to try to use the export function, but it's not updating. I feel like I am loosing the battle, and maybe need to use something else other than Skype. I have been fighting people who complain when I try to get them to use Skype, but unless I can figure this out, I might be forced to.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Skype 8 no longer stores messages locally. If I'm not mistaken, Skype will keep all the messages in the cloud for the last year.

      The “export” feature just save conversations from the Skype 7. If you no longer use this version, its database is no longer updated.

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