unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.

Skype for Mac OS X

File size:

87.5 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings AccessibilityLabel_LeftRightArrowKeysToNavigate:
= Use left and right arrow keys to navigate.
Strings AccessibilityLabel_AllArrowKeysToNavigate:
= Use arrow keys to navigate.
Strings AdaptiveCard_InputChoiceSelectedAccessibilityLabel:
= {text}, selected
Strings AdaptiveCard_InputChoiceUnselectedAccessibilityLabel:
= {text}, not selected
Strings CallControls_CallButtonMicrophoneVolumeLabel:
= Change microphone volume
Strings CallReactionsBar_PhotoMomentsCoachMarkLabelForScreenshare:
= Use snapshots to capture the shared screen
Strings CameraEffects_OriginalFilterAccessibilityLabel:
= Original
Strings CameraEffects_ColorFilterAccessibilityLabel:
= Color Filter
Strings CameraEffects_ColorFilterBWAccessibilityLabel:
= Black and White Filter
Strings CameraEffects_StyleTxFilterAccessibilityLabel:
= Style transfer Filter
Strings CameraEffects_CaptionsFilterAccessibilityLabel:
= Captions Filter
Strings CameraEffects_PhotoFrameFilterAccessibilityLabel:
= Photo Frame Filter
Strings CameraEffects_FaceSwapFilterAccessibilityLabel:
= Face Swap Filter
Strings CameraEffects_PhotoBoothFilterAccessibilityLabel:
= Photo Booth Filter
Strings CameraEffects_WeatherFilterAccessibilityLabel:
= Weather Filter
Strings CameraEffects_TeleportFilterAccessibilityLabel:
= Teleport Filter
Strings CameraEffects_HowOldFilterAccessibilityLabel:
= How Old Filter
Strings CameraEffects_CelebsLikeMeFilterAccessibilityLabel:
= Celebrity Filter
Strings CameraEffects_LocationFilterAccessibilityLabel:
= Location Filter
Strings TodoAddin_DefaultTaskFolderAlias:
= To-Do
Strings TodoAddin_CreateNewList:
= Create new list
Strings TodoAddin_AddTodo:
= Add a to-do
Strings TodoAddin_HideCompletedTasks:
= Hide completed to-dos
Strings TodoAddin_ShowCompletedTasks:
= Show completed to-dos
Strings TodoAddin_DeleteList:
= Delete list
Strings TodoAddin_EditTaskFolderName:
= Edit task folder name
Strings TodoAddin_SaveTaskFolderName:
= Save task folder name
Strings TodoAddin_SaveTaskSubject:
= Save task subject
Strings HighlightsConfirmationDialog_BulkDownloadTitle:
= Save all your highlights to camera roll
Strings HighlightsConfirmationDialog_BulkDownloadText:
= Do you want to save all active and archived highlights to your device camera roll?
Strings HighlightsConfirmationDialog_SaveAllButtonLabel:
= Save All
Strings HighlightsConfirmationDialog_DownloadingFilesTitle:
= Saving {count, plural, =1{# highlight} other{# highlights}}
Strings HighlightsConfirmationDialog_BulkDownloadErrorTitle:
= Save error
Strings HighlightsConfirmationDialog_BulkDownloadErrorText:
= We were unable to save some of your highlights to your camera roll.
Strings HighlightsDisabledDialog_Content:
= Highlights will be coming soon to this platform.
= Unfortunately, highlights are no longer supported on Skype.
Strings HighlightsDisabledDialog_Title:
= We're sorry!
= Highlights is not available
Strings InfoPanel_DeleteConfirmationDialogContentGroup:
= Are you sure you want to delete all chats with {name}?
Strings InfoPanel_SkypeChat:
= Skype chat
Strings InfoPanel_PrivateChat:
= Private conversation
Strings InfoPanel_SMSChat:
= SMS conversation
Strings InfoPanel_WhichConversationToDelete:
= Which one do you want to delete for {name}?
Strings InfoPanel_DeleteAll:
= Delete all
Strings InfoPanel_MultipleConversationsDeletedAnnouncement:
= Conversations were deleted.
Strings MessageComposer_FileSentLabel:
= File sent.
Strings MessageComposer_FilesSentLabel:
= Files sent.
Strings MyProfilePanel_AvatarSaveSuccessAccessibilityLabel:
= Avatar saved successfully.
= Avatar updated successfully.
Strings NotificationsPrompt_Heading:
= Stay Up to Date
= Stay up to date!
Strings NotificationsPrompt_HeadingAlternative1:
= Stay in touch
Strings NotificationsPrompt_HeadingAlternative2:
= Turn notifications on
Strings NotificationsPrompt_HeadingAlternative3:
= Stay connected
Strings NotificationsPrompt_ShortText:
= Push notifications are turned off
Strings NotificationsPrompt_TextAlternative1:
= Turn on push notifications so you never miss a thing on Skype.
Strings NotificationsPrompt_TextAlternative2:
= Keep in touch with friends while you're away from Skype with push notifications.
Strings NotificationsPrompt_TextAlternative3:
= Never miss another call or message by turning push notifications on.
Strings NotificationsPrompt_TextAlternative4:
= Push notifications help you stay connected to friends while you're away from Skype.
Strings NotificationsPrompt_ButtonLabel:
= Enable Push Notifications
= Enable
Strings NotificationsPrompt_ButtonLabelAlternative:
= Turn on
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelRemoveAllButtonBody:
= Are you sure you want to remove all devices from SMS Connect? Your SMS conversations will also be deleted from Skype.​
= Are you sure you want to remove all devices from SMS Connect? Your SMS conversations will also be deleted from Skype.​​
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_SendViaSkypeAlertTitle:
= Send SMS via Skype
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_SendViaSkypeAlertContent:
= Send and receive SMS messages using Skype SMS. SMS Connect will be turned off and all SMS conversations and connected devices will be removed from Skype.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_SendViaSkypeAlertConfirm:
Strings WindowCloseUtils_CancelButtonText:
= No
= Cancel
Strings WindowCloseUtils_ConfirmButtonText:
= Yes
= Quit Skype
Strings WindowCloseUtils_CallInProgressCloseButtonAlertTitle:
= Call in progress
Strings WindowCloseUtils_CallInProgressCloseButtonAlertText:
= Are you sure you want to quit Skype? Quitting the application will end all current calls.
Strings WindowCloseUtils_CallInProgressCloseAppNotificationToastTitle:
= Quit Skype
Strings WindowCloseUtils_CallInProgressCloseAppNotificationToastBody:
= Quitting Skype and ending all current calls.
Strings WindowCloseUtils_FileTransferCloseButtonAlertTitle:
= File transfer in progress
Strings WindowCloseUtils_FileTransferCloseButtonAlertText:
= Are you sure you want to quit Skype? Your file transfer will stop and you'll have to restart it the next time you open Skype.
Strings WindowCloseUtils_FileTransferAndCallCloseButtonAlertTitle:
= Call and file transfer in progress
Strings WindowCloseUtils_FileTransferAndCallCloseButtonAlertText:
= Are you sure you want to quit Skype? Quitting the application will end all current calls and stop all ongoing file transfers.
Strings SwiftQuickReplyListView_CreateToDo:
= Create to-do
Strings UnansweredCallActions_SendMessageName:
= Send {name} a message
Strings UnansweredCallActions_CallName:
= Call {name}
Strings CreateOrModifyChatScenarioNavigator_GroupCreatedAccessibilityLabel:
= Group {groupName} has been created
= Group {conversationName} has been created
Strings CreateOrModifyChatScenarioNavigator_ConversationOpenedAccessibilityLabel:
= {conversationName} conversation
Strings Plugin_Save:
= Save
= Add
Strings Plugin_CreateTaskTitle:
= Create task
= Create to-do
Strings Plugin_CreateTaskHelpText:
= Your to-do will be saved in Microsoft To-Do
Strings Plugin_Saved:
= Task saved successfully
= Task saved to Microsoft To-Do. Tap to open.
Strings LanguagePickerAlert_ConfirmationButton:
= Confirm
Strings LanguagePickerAlert_ConfirmationTitle:
= Change app language
Strings LanguagePickerAlert_ConfirmationMessage:
= Are you sure you want to change the app language to {language}?
Strings RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeTitle1:
= You haven't made any calls on Skype yet
Strings RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeTitle2:
= Get in touch with your contacts
Strings RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeTitle3:
= Connect with the world
Strings RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeTitle4:
= Start your first call
Strings RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeTitle5:
= Call your friends
Strings StartCallUtils_NewCallPromptTitle:
= Ongoing Call…
Strings StartCallUtils_NewCallPromptText:
= You can be connected to only one call at a time. Do you want to hang up the current call to start a new one?
Strings WindowCloseUtils_CloseButtonAlertTitle:
= Quit Skype
Strings WindowCloseUtils_CloseButtonAlertText:
= Quitting Skype will also end all current calls. Are you sure you want to quit?
Strings WindowCloseUtils_CloseAppNotificationToastTitle:
= Quit Skype
Strings WindowCloseUtils_CloseAppNotificationToastBody:
= Quitting Skype and ending all current calls.
Strings Plugin_NewFolder:
= Skype To-Do

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.


  1. 0 0 0
    DennyHayes (karma: 0),
    Does anyone understand how, where, and when Skype messages are stored. I assume that the messages are only stored on the Mac in a user folder, but they do not seem to update, because I will have a chat and later do the export and they are not there. I created a database where I parse the messages, so that I can keep all messages forever. I use to be able to jump the message window to the beginning and do a copy/paste all of the messages to the database, and a script parsed the information. Then they removed the jump to feature, and I had to slowly scroll to the beginning. But MS then removed the date from each message, which made it harder, but I did a workaround to solve that problem. Now they have it so that a copy/paste only captures what is seen on the screen. So I decided to try to use the export function, but it's not updating. I feel like I am loosing the battle, and maybe need to use something else other than Skype. I have been fighting people who complain when I try to get them to use Skype, but unless I can figure this out, I might be forced to.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1212),
      Skype 8 no longer stores messages locally. If I'm not mistaken, Skype will keep all the messages in the cloud for the last year.

      The “export” feature just save conversations from the Skype 7. If you no longer use this version, its database is no longer updated.

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