Skype for Mac OS X
The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.

File size:
87.5 MBOperating system:
Mac OS XSkype version: date:
Total downloads:
The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.
Strings | AccessibilityLabel_LeftRightArrowKeysToNavigate := Use left and right arrow keys to navigate. |
Strings | AccessibilityLabel_AllArrowKeysToNavigate := Use arrow keys to navigate. |
Strings | AdaptiveCard_InputChoiceSelectedAccessibilityLabel := {text}, selected |
Strings | AdaptiveCard_InputChoiceUnselectedAccessibilityLabel := {text}, not selected |
Strings | CallControls_CallButtonMicrophoneVolumeLabel := Change microphone volume |
Strings | CallReactionsBar_PhotoMomentsCoachMarkLabelForScreenshare := Use snapshots to capture the shared screen |
Strings | CameraEffects_OriginalFilterAccessibilityLabel := Original |
Strings | CameraEffects_ColorFilterAccessibilityLabel := Color Filter |
Strings | CameraEffects_ColorFilterBWAccessibilityLabel := Black and White Filter |
Strings | CameraEffects_StyleTxFilterAccessibilityLabel := Style transfer Filter |
Strings | CameraEffects_CaptionsFilterAccessibilityLabel := Captions Filter |
Strings | CameraEffects_PhotoFrameFilterAccessibilityLabel := Photo Frame Filter |
Strings | CameraEffects_FaceSwapFilterAccessibilityLabel := Face Swap Filter |
Strings | CameraEffects_PhotoBoothFilterAccessibilityLabel := Photo Booth Filter |
Strings | CameraEffects_WeatherFilterAccessibilityLabel := Weather Filter |
Strings | CameraEffects_TeleportFilterAccessibilityLabel := Teleport Filter |
Strings | CameraEffects_HowOldFilterAccessibilityLabel := How Old Filter |
Strings | CameraEffects_CelebsLikeMeFilterAccessibilityLabel := Celebrity Filter |
Strings | CameraEffects_LocationFilterAccessibilityLabel := Location Filter |
Strings | TodoAddin_DefaultTaskFolderAlias := To-Do |
Strings | TodoAddin_CreateNewList := Create new list |
Strings | TodoAddin_AddTodo := Add a to-do |
Strings | TodoAddin_HideCompletedTasks := Hide completed to-dos |
Strings | TodoAddin_ShowCompletedTasks := Show completed to-dos |
Strings | TodoAddin_DeleteList := Delete list |
Strings | TodoAddin_EditTaskFolderName := Edit task folder name |
Strings | TodoAddin_SaveTaskFolderName := Save task folder name |
Strings | TodoAddin_SaveTaskSubject := Save task subject |
Strings | HighlightsConfirmationDialog_BulkDownloadTitle := Save all your highlights to camera roll |
Strings | HighlightsConfirmationDialog_BulkDownloadText := Do you want to save all active and archived highlights to your device camera roll? |
Strings | HighlightsConfirmationDialog_SaveAllButtonLabel := Save All |
Strings | HighlightsConfirmationDialog_DownloadingFilesTitle := Saving {count, plural, =1{# highlight} other{# highlights}} |
Strings | HighlightsConfirmationDialog_BulkDownloadErrorTitle := Save error |
Strings | HighlightsConfirmationDialog_BulkDownloadErrorText := We were unable to save some of your highlights to your camera roll. |
Strings | HighlightsDisabledDialog_Content := = Unfortunately, highlights are no longer supported on Skype. |
Strings | HighlightsDisabledDialog_Title := = Highlights is not available |
Strings | InfoPanel_DeleteConfirmationDialogContentGroup := Are you sure you want to delete all chats with {name}? |
Strings | InfoPanel_SkypeChat := Skype chat |
Strings | InfoPanel_PrivateChat := Private conversation |
Strings | InfoPanel_SMSChat := SMS conversation |
Strings | InfoPanel_WhichConversationToDelete := Which one do you want to delete for {name}? |
Strings | InfoPanel_DeleteAll := Delete all |
Strings | InfoPanel_MultipleConversationsDeletedAnnouncement := Conversations were deleted. |
Strings | MessageComposer_FileSentLabel := File sent. |
Strings | MessageComposer_FilesSentLabel := Files sent. |
Strings | MyProfilePanel_AvatarSaveSuccessAccessibilityLabel := = Avatar updated successfully. |
Strings | NotificationsPrompt_Heading := = Stay up to date! |
Strings | NotificationsPrompt_HeadingAlternative1 := Stay in touch |
Strings | NotificationsPrompt_HeadingAlternative2 := Turn notifications on |
Strings | NotificationsPrompt_HeadingAlternative3 := Stay connected |
Strings | NotificationsPrompt_ShortText := Push notifications are turned off |
Strings | NotificationsPrompt_TextAlternative1 := Turn on push notifications so you never miss a thing on Skype. |
Strings | NotificationsPrompt_TextAlternative2 := Keep in touch with friends while you're away from Skype with push notifications. |
Strings | NotificationsPrompt_TextAlternative3 := Never miss another call or message by turning push notifications on. |
Strings | NotificationsPrompt_TextAlternative4 := Push notifications help you stay connected to friends while you're away from Skype. |
Strings | NotificationsPrompt_ButtonLabel := = Enable |
Strings | NotificationsPrompt_ButtonLabelAlternative := Turn on |
Strings | SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelRemoveAllButtonBody := = Are you sure you want to remove all devices from SMS Connect? Your SMS conversations will also be deleted from Skype. |
Strings | SmsConnectRelaySettings_SendViaSkypeAlertTitle := Send SMS via Skype |
Strings | SmsConnectRelaySettings_SendViaSkypeAlertContent := Send and receive SMS messages using Skype SMS. SMS Connect will be turned off and all SMS conversations and connected devices will be removed from Skype. |
Strings | SmsConnectRelaySettings_SendViaSkypeAlertConfirm := USE SKYPE SMS |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CancelButtonText := = Cancel |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_ConfirmButtonText := = Quit Skype |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CallInProgressCloseButtonAlertTitle := Call in progress |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CallInProgressCloseButtonAlertText := Are you sure you want to quit Skype? Quitting the application will end all current calls. |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CallInProgressCloseAppNotificationToastTitle := Quit Skype |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CallInProgressCloseAppNotificationToastBody := Quitting Skype and ending all current calls. |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_FileTransferCloseButtonAlertTitle := File transfer in progress |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_FileTransferCloseButtonAlertText := Are you sure you want to quit Skype? Your file transfer will stop and you'll have to restart it the next time you open Skype. |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_FileTransferAndCallCloseButtonAlertTitle := Call and file transfer in progress |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_FileTransferAndCallCloseButtonAlertText := Are you sure you want to quit Skype? Quitting the application will end all current calls and stop all ongoing file transfers. |
Strings | SwiftQuickReplyListView_CreateToDo := Create to-do |
Strings | UnansweredCallActions_SendMessageName := Send {name} a message |
Strings | UnansweredCallActions_CallName := Call {name} |
Strings | CreateOrModifyChatScenarioNavigator_GroupCreatedAccessibilityLabel := = Group {conversationName} has been created |
Strings | CreateOrModifyChatScenarioNavigator_ConversationOpenedAccessibilityLabel := {conversationName} conversation |
Strings | Plugin_Save := = Add |
Strings | Plugin_CreateTaskTitle := = Create to-do |
Strings | Plugin_CreateTaskHelpText := Your to-do will be saved in Microsoft To-Do |
Strings | Plugin_Saved := = Task saved to Microsoft To-Do. Tap to open. |
Strings | LanguagePickerAlert_ConfirmationButton := Confirm |
Strings | LanguagePickerAlert_ConfirmationTitle := Change app language |
Strings | LanguagePickerAlert_ConfirmationMessage := Are you sure you want to change the app language to {language}? |
Strings | RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeTitle1 := |
Strings | RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeTitle2 := |
Strings | RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeTitle3 := |
Strings | RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeTitle4 := |
Strings | RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsAlternativeTitle5 := |
Strings | StartCallUtils_NewCallPromptTitle := |
Strings | StartCallUtils_NewCallPromptText := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CloseButtonAlertTitle := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CloseButtonAlertText := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CloseAppNotificationToastTitle := |
Strings | WindowCloseUtils_CloseAppNotificationToastBody := |
Strings | Plugin_NewFolder := |
Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.
), #+1212
), # ↑The “export” feature just save conversations from the Skype 7. If you no longer use this version, its database is no longer updated.