Download Skype for Windows
3 393 downloads
The free application Skype for Windows has been updated to version, and this means that right now you can download the new version from the official site or from our blog using the button below…
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«More about Skype for Windows»
), #+1212
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), #Has this new version removed the offending "people you may know" function, or is it still there?
), # ↑+7
), #+1212
), # ↑1) Open Skype
2) Click on your avatar or on the “three dots” button
3) Click “Application Settings”
4) Scroll down to the “Notifications” label
5) Enable the “In-app sounds” option
), # ↑+1212
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), # ↑- To delete all messages: from the contact list, right-click on the desired contact and choose “Delete Skype conversation”.
- To delete a contact: from the contact list, right click on the desired contact, chose “View profile”, scroll down to the “Profile” label, and click “Delete contact”.
), #+1212
), # ↑1) Click on the "Use Dialpad" icon next to the "Search Skype" field.
2) Type the phone number and call it (you can cancel immediately the call).
3) Right-click on the new conversation from the "Chats" sidebar and choose "View profile".
4) Click the "Add on Skype" button.
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), #I contacted Customer Support and was advises that ye, this abilitu has been removed. Solution they propose was to upgrade my OS to W10 so then I have ability to select 'Classic" Skype. Totally ridiculos.
Without wondering why they would remove such a necessary function, (1) what was the last release that supported full configuration of audio and (2) if I uninstall 8.25 in order to install a legacy version, do I lose all my existing contacts?
), # ↑+7
), # ↑My challenge with shifting to another platform is that I have a Skype In number that is my only phone number, and I doubt that it is portable to another platform.
But honestly, why can not they keep the configurable items, perhaps even under an Advanced tab, like other Microsoft products like Office programs.
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), # ↑If you need my help, I need details about your environment (more precisely, what is version and language of OS and Skype, as well as for which language you want to enable spellchecker).
), # ↑+1212
), # ↑1) Press Ctrl+, to open Skype Settings, click “General”, open “General”, and select “English (US)”. If it is already selected, select “Device language”. Another way to select American English is to execute Skype command
/language en-US
2) After you have chosen American English, close Skype using the “Quit Skype” option (for example, right-click on the Skype icon from the taskbar or system tray).
3) Launch Skype and check if spell checker works properly. If it still does not work, tell which files are present in the following folder:
%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Skype for Desktop\dictionaries
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), #thank you