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Remarkable features of Skype

Skype 7 does not work on Windows 10

Recently, some Windows 10 users have been faced with the fact that classic Skype (Skype 7) does not work on this OS, when other versions of Skype (for example, the version from the store or for the browser) it’s working without problems. More precisely, if the user is authorized and does not log out from Skype, the network status is constantly spinning and the Skype home is not available.

If the user is not authorized, and tries to log in, then he encounters an “infinite” loading:
Endless authorization of Skype 7 on Windows 10

After a while, the loading stops and the following error appear:
Skype can’t connect
Skype can’t connect

I do not know exactly why the error began to arise only now, but I think I know the reason of this problem. The fact is that on all computers where the authorization error or network status occurs, the DWS Lite application was used (and not all users know about it). This application disables telemetry in Windows 10, but does it in a very aggressive manner, blocking access to various domains, IP addresses and even entire Microsoft subnets.

The solution is very simple: you need to find the “right” domains or IP addresses in the Windows Firewall settings and in the hosts file, and unlock access to them. If you do not know how to do this, or if you want to return everything back automatically, try the following:


  1. Download and run the Reset_Settings_For_Skype.HTA application.
  2. Select the “Windows Firewall” and “File Hosts” options.
  3. Click “Perform” and wait until you receive a notification of a successful reset.
  4. Restart Skype.

Please tell in the comments, if this instruction helped you.


  1. 1 +1 0
    cmd (karma: +1),
    broken for long time on insider builds even though full telemetry enabled - running fiddler while signing in workarounds it
    1. 1 +1 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      I remember that a warning was posted about this in the Skype community, but a lot of time has passed since then. However, since May 8, many users began to report this issue. Apparently, the developers have recently changed the IP addresses of the authorization servers.
  2. 0 0 0
    zelles (karma: +53),
    Skype 7 works fine on Windows 10 for me.... Unless this just started in the past 3 days?

    Also, today I noticed that in Skype 7... If you use the "/showplaces" code to see how many places/devices you are logged in. It returns "You have 0 online endpoints:". I'm not sure if this is just for me, but it used to show at least 1 online end point, the one I was using to type the command.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Not sure I understand you correctly. Have you encountered the same problem as I described? Did you fix it?

      As far as I remember, the /showplaces command was broken several months ago, and it no longer shows valid results.
      1. 0 0 0
        zelles (karma: +53),
        What was there to not understand. Your title says "Skype 7 does not work on Windows 10" and I clearly stated "Skype 7 works fine on Windows 10 for me."

        I never had any issues with v7 running on Windows 10. Mine was setup to auto-login though.
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          Please note that you said that "Skype 7 works fine on Windows 10 for me.... Unless this just started in the past 3 days".
  3. 0 0 0
    Suni (karma: 0),
    it gives me a "not valid win32 application" error, any luck?
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hello! Try this:
      1) Right-click on the Reset_Settings_For_Skype.HTA app
      2) Select Open with → Choose default program → Browse
      3) Paste the file path: %SystemRoot%\system32\mshta.exe
      4) Click «OK» and try to run the Reset_Settings_For_Skype.HTA
  4. 0 0 0
    Maggs (karma: +3),
    Hello there!

    Ive just done the impossible and downloaded Skype 7. It worked, however all my contacts are offline. What do I do? Do NOT wish to go to the new Skype, prefer the old.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hello! Did you reset the Windows Firewall and Hosts file?
  5. 0 0 0
    Josh (karma: +1),
    I tried the above earlier but It still said Skype can't connect. I assume it doesn't work anymore.

    Are their any classic Skype versions that still work on windows 10? I downloaded a few to try and I either got the can't connect message or it said the version was outdated and I must update it.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hello! Unfortunately, Microsoft has disabled Skype 7 and users cannot use it anymore on any operating systems.
      1. 0 0 0
        Josh (karma: +1),
        I understand. Is there any specific Skype 8 version you would recommend for someone who prefers the old layout of Skype or are all the Skype 8 versions similar in that regard?
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          Sorry, but all are the same. The only thing is to enable the "classic color scheme" and "compact list mode" from Settings → Appearance.

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