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Download Skype for Windows

Has been released a new version of Skype for Windows. Unfortunately, there are no news nor about Skype for Windows, nor about “Export Chat History” feature which according to the official FAQ should be already implemented (at least, starting from…
«More about Skype for Windows»

(2 votes)

File size:

55.2 MB

Operating system:

Windows 7/8/10

Current version:

Last release:

Total downloads:

2 990


  1. 1 +1 0
    Rick (karma: +179),
    It's been purged from the FAQ, presumably because the feature was buggy, but for anyone interested here's a screenshot. It's going to export to CSV. An option for nicely-formated HTML would have been good, too.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Thanks for pointing this out. I didn’t even noticed that it was removed from FAQ. I hope that it will be returned soon (at least, label “Save your history to CSV file” is still here).
  2. 0 0 0
    xbarnie (karma: +12),
    I noticed after this update there was added "Messenger" button down below contacts - All, Skype, Online, Messenger
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi! Thanks for message. As far I know this option was implemented a long time ago (a quick search through Skype strings shows that first time it appeared in the Not sure why did not see it before, but you can install an older version and check if option is enabled.
  3. 0 0 0
    avalon (karma: 0),
    can update the latest version number on right sidebar of this website? Source:
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi! Thank you for message. As I understood, you mean the latest versions for others platforms, as Skype for Windows is up-to-date. Well, the problem is that in order to update them I should publish the properly versions, but at this moment I do not have free time for this. Sorry.
  4. 0 0 0
    Bonny (karma: +1),
    The newer versions never open on my desktop, saying MSVCP140.dll is missing from my system. I delete them, reinstall an older version that works, but every day it gets removed by skype or microsoft and the newer, non-functioning one appears.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi! Please take a look at this solution: Skype can’t start because MSVCP140.dll is missing from computer.
  5. 0 0 0
    saadhassan (karma: 0),
    My friend does not hear my voice
    I want to download skype version light and fast
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Are you sure that the issue is on your side? Did you tried to make a test call to echo123?

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