- Reduced speed. Even if the sides are on the same local network, the data transfer speed will be significantly limited, because the files will be uploaded on a remote server (probably located in another country).
- Additional fee for Internet traffic. Many Internet providers encourage the use of internal traffic, when external traffic is limited and more expensive. That's why sending files to the cloud server of Skype will entail additional expenses.
- Limitation of the size of files. From now the maximum size of a file for sending is 300MB, and maybe it’s enough for most of users, and the rest can use other programs or services for transferring large files. Anyway, it’s much more convenient to send files of any size right on Skype.
- Too long transfer. Due to the fact that first the file is sent to a cloud server and only then it can be downloaded, even if the speed is not limited, the recipient will have to wait twice normal.
Given the above, I propose to solve all problems by allowing users, if necessary, to enable and use the P2P transfer of files – that is, to send the files directly to the partner without sending them to the cloud server. Ideally, the settings of the program should have the following options:
- Use P2P file transfer if the size exceeds [x] MB
- Use P2P file transfer if the partner is on the same local network
- Use P2P file transfer for the following extensions: [zip, tar, dmg]
- Always use P2P file transfer.
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