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Remarkable features of Skype

Connection problems: users can not log in again to Skype

Somewhere 5 hours ago it became known that some users can not log in to Skype for Windows due to unknown problem with the connection. When the username and password are entered, the program shows the authorization pinner, but a few minutes later, reported that "Skype can't connect":
Skype san't connect

Skype for Android users also can not login to the program. They receive the following error:
Unable to connect to Skype.
You cannot be signed in at this time.
Please check your mobile network settings and try again.
Unable to connect to Skype
Currently, it is unknown what happened to the Skype server, but I know exactly what Skype for Web works without problems. So while developers do not resolve the error, please use Skype for Web.

Recall that a similar error occurred in September, when Skype worked intermittently throughout the world.

Chronicle of events:
  • [7:50]: On the official forum were the first complaints from users that it is not possible to log on Skype.

  • [13:03]: Somewhere 5 hours ago it became known that some users can not log in to Skype for Windows due to unknown problem with the connection. When the username and password are entered, the program shows the authorization pinner, but a few minutes later, reported that "Skype can't connect":

  • [13:30]: Most likely the problem has been solved, even if you have not reported it on the official site. I, as well as others have been able to log in Skype and it works.

  • [15:00]: On the official website have reported that the problem is completely solved.


  1. 0 0 0
    marri (karma: 0),
    I'm so happy to hear that it's not just me!
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi! Please note that this happened on August 14, and the problem was solved on the same day. If you are still experiencing this error, then the problem is on your side and it must be solved.
  2. 0 0 0
    Andrew (karma: 0),
    Hey, is the problem still occurring? i just came back home with this exact problem. I'm not sure if this would help but during the 5 or so seconds im allowed in my account, everything is fine until just before my skype logs out, my name changes to "(?) 390178". I've tried nearly everything.

    If there is anyone willing to help me, i would really appreciate it.

    Thanks :)
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hello! Yes, the problem described in the article was fixed. Anyway, should be noted that the connection problems may occur also on the user side (for example, firewall blocks Skype connections).

      About the "(?) 390178" bug, please try to install Skype for Windows — according to this version's changelog this bug was fixed.
  3. 0 0 0
    miko86 (karma: +301),
    I dodn't know where to write it but i have problem with skype and i use skype 7.41. I using multiple accounts and when i lost internet connection some accounts never back to online status and i can't change my status and i see all my contacts offline. I see non stop blue spinning circle and when i try log off and try sign in my skype never response. When i kill skype process and try sign in again skype say that im logged and i must always restart my laptop if i want sign in again. I was try kill skype in cmd and type "Taskkill /IM skype.exe /F" but nothing help. Sometimes it's happend when i go offline by my choice and i can't come back to online, but 1/10 tmes, before i never had it. And i don't know why microsoft do something with skype 7.41 if they want turn it off in spetember. In skype options > privacy > blocked contacts - is new option added 1 day ago.

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