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Open Skype for UWP

Skype for UWP or Skype for Universal Windows Platform is a special version of Skype available in the Microsoft apps store. Like other versions, Skype for UWP is available for free and supports all basic features of Skype, such as instant messages and calls…
«More about Skype for UWP»

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  1. 1 0 1
    nagyrakoi (karma: +7),
    How do I change the settings⁉
    After installing the new Skype UWP on my windows 10 PC I wanted to check the version (formerly in the menu-bar under about Skype) and set the options to show me Away if I am not at the PC for 3 minutes
    andt the notifications to stop telling me when someone signs on.
    Also I want to change to Split windows view‼

    [Updated ]
    In the older versions, Icould select between showing all my contacts or those contacted recently.
    How can I do this in Skype UWP⁈

    [Updated ]
    1.) How can I set after what time shows Skype me inactive. I used to set it to 3 minutes, in which time i may still be near enough to my PC to hear and answer the call.
    2.) There used to be a Skype icon in the systray, showing my network status.
    Why is it not there any more⁉
    3.) How can I turn off certain notifications⁉ 4.) why did the developers remove a number of useful features
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1207),
      Hi! The Skype for UWP is still in active development, this iss why some functions are not yet implemented.
      If these features are important to you, I recommend you to install version
      1. 0 0 0
        nagyrakoi (karma: +7),
        I would prefer to install Skype 8.20, which I have already downloaded, but when I try to install it, it redirects me to install Skype 12. UWP.
        How can I install Skype 8⁉
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1207),
  2. 1 +1 0
    John (karma: +1),
    Isn't this being slowly discontinued?

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