unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Windows

The free application Skype for Windows has been updated to version, and this means that right now you can download the new version from the official site or from our blog using the button below. Although it is not known what changed in the Skype for Windows, we can only assume that the application has become better.

Skype for Windows

File size:

71.8 MB

Operating system:


Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:

1 159


The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Windows. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Windows, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings SkypeNumberPanel_HereIsYourLocalNumber:
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_TwoWaySmsEnabled:
= 2 way SMS enabled
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_CallerIdEnabled:
= Caller ID enabled
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_CountryRegionLabel:
= Country/region
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_AreaLabel:
= Area
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_AreaTitle:
= Areas
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_RegionSearchResult:
= {count, plural, =0{No results found} =1{1 result found} other{{count} results found}}
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_PrefixLabel:
= Prefix
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_PrefixTitle:
= Prefixes
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_PrefixSearchResult:
= {count, plural, =0{No results found} =1{1 result found} other{{count} results found}}
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_OfferButtonCardLabel:
= Learn more
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_OfferCardTitle:
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_OfferCardLongTitle:
= Get a phone number for all your needs
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_RatePerMonth:
= / month
Strings SkypeNumberPanel_SkypeNumberOfferPriceLabel:
= {price} {period}.
Strings CallControls_AddParticipants:
= Add participants
Strings CallControls_Participants:
= Participants
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StartAudienceBot:
= Start virtual reality call
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StopAudienceBot:
= Stop virtual reality call
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_AudienceBotBackgroundChange:
= Virtual reality change background
Strings CallPanel_HandLoweredOther:
= You lowered {displayName}'s hand
Strings CallPanel_HandLowered:
= You lowered your hand
Strings CallPanel_CallHeaderPresentationViewLabel:
= Presentation view
Strings CallPanel_DisplayNameWithHandRaised:
= {prefix}, hand raised
Strings CallPanel_CallHeaderTogetherModeViewLabel:
= Together mode
Strings CallPanel_CallHeaderLargeGalleryViewLabel:
= Large gallery
Strings CallPanel_CallHeaderLargeGridViewLabel:
= Large grid
Strings UserProfileDialog_HeaderText:
= Let's get started
Strings UserProfileDialog_PrivacyStatement:
= Your Microsoft account picture and name will be visible to others on Skype. People can find you on Skype by: {source}.
Strings UserProfileDialog_AddEmail:
= Add email
Strings UserProfileDialog_AddPhoneNumber:
= Add phone number
Strings NativeAd_MsnNewsLabel:
= on
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardText7:
= No sign ups or downloads required
= Share the invite with anyone even if they aren't on Skype. No sign ups or downloads required.
Strings PstnUtils_BlockedRegulatoryIndia:
= You will not be able to call landlines or mobiles in India from Skype when you're inside India.
= We are sorry, it is not possible to call landlines or mobiles in India from Skype when you're inside India.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LastMessageAuthorAvatarToggleLabel:
= Last message author avatar on group chat
Strings ReactionsStream_LowerHandEventForCurrentUser:
= Your hand was lowered
Strings MeetNow_EmailInviteBodyVariant:
= I'm inviting you to meet on Skype. Click here to join the meeting (no account needed): {link}.
Strings MeetNow_MobileInviteMessageVariant:
= You have been invited to meet on Skype. Click here to join the meeting (no account needed):
Strings MeetNow_JoinFlowInputError:
= Invalid link or code
Strings AppPreview_AppPreviewHeading:
= Skype App Preview
Strings AppPreview_AppPreviewDescription:
= Gain access to exciting new Skype features by joining the Skype App Preview program.
Strings AppPreview_AppPreviewTitlePrefix:
= Preview
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StartWishUBot:
= Start virtual reality call
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StopWishUBot:
= Stop virtual reality call
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_WishUBotBackgroundChange:
= Virtual reality change background
Strings ContactsStore_ContactSpecialNotes:
= Skype contact
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingSectionHeader:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingDescription:
= Diagnostic and error reports
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingDescriptionSubtitle:
= Changes will be applied the next time the app is launched.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingDialogHeader:
= Diagnostic and error reports
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingDialogContent1:
= Troubleshoot issues you have with Skype by sending diagnostic and error reports to Microsoft. These reports are used to diagnose problems but may contain personal information such as your name, profile details, and chat content.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingDialogContent2:
= It is recommended that you turn off these reports after you've finished troubleshooting your issue as reports are continuously collected in the background and may affect performance.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingDialogContent3:
= Would you like to enable diagnostic and error reports? Skype will automatically close and reports will be enabled the next time you launch the app.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingDialogContent3a:
= Would you like to enable diagnostic and error reports? Reports will be enabled the next time you quit and relaunch the app.
Strings SystemTray_SettingsLabel:
= Show Skype in the Windows notification area (system tray)
Strings SystemTray_ToolTipSignedInLabel:
= Skype - Signed In
Strings SystemTray_ToolTipSignedOutLabel:
= Skype - Not Signed In
Strings SystemTray_BaloonTitleLabel:
= Skype
Strings SystemTray_BaloonContentLabel:
= Skype is still connected so you won't miss new messages or calls.
Strings SystemTray_BaloonUpsellLabel:
= Collaborate over Skype with group video calling, screen sharing, and file sharing, all for free.
Strings SystemTray_UnreadMessagesLabel:
= {badgeCount, plural, =0{No unread conversations} =1{1 unread conversation} other{# unread conversations}}
Strings SystemTray_OpenSkypeLabel:
= Open Skype
Strings SystemTray_OpenSettingsLabel:
= Settings
Strings SystemTray_HideIconLabel:
= Hide
Strings SystemTray_SignInLabel:
= Sign In
Strings SystemTray_SignOutLabel:
= Sign Out
Strings SystemTray_QuitSkypeLabel:
= Close Skype
Strings SystemTray_OnlineStatusLabel:
= Status
Strings SystemTray_OnlineLabel:
= Active
Strings SystemTray_DoNotDisturbLabel:
= Do not disturb
Strings SystemTray_InvisibleLabel:
= Invisible
Strings BatterySavePrompt_ToastTitle:
= Update your Background Apps setting
Strings BatterySavePrompt_ToastDescription:
= You may be missing Skype calls and messages due to your current settings.
Files / [++]
Files /Skype.exe [+1.02KB]
Files /resources/app.asar [+167.52KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/Processing.NDI.Lib.x86.dll [+0.01KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/RTMPLTFM.dll [+90.02KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/RtmCodecs.dll [+138.52KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/RtmControl.dll [+0.52KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/RtmMediaManager.dll [+7.5KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/RtmPal.dll [-3.98KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/TxNdi.dll [+2.98KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/keytar.node [-15KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/platform.node [+0.02KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/sharing-indicator.node [+0.02KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/skypert.dll [+49.01KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/slimcore.node [+223.52KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/ssScreenVVS2.dll [+0.02KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/modules/trouter-client.node [+3.02KB]
Files /third-party_attributions.html [-0KB]
Files / [--]

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.


  1. 0 0 0
    Nedo Papanti (karma: 0),
    Info on Skype 8.65 are found here
  2. 0 0 0
    Jay (karma: 0),
    This version MAY be buggy (desktop)
    When persons send me messages, it does NOT show up for hours, upto 2 hours late
    it does NOT show that I have NEW MESSAGE from user(s)
    The New messages shows up on Phone immediately, but doesn't show on Desktop Skype for hours..

    Everything was fine on Skype, up until after I UPDATED to version , 24 hours ago.

    Someone else test to verify.

    [Updated ]
    I re-installed Skype Version ( downloaded from here )
    And messages sent to me, on this older version of Skype, arrives immediately.
    Everyone helping me test, sent me messages, and they arrive instantly... so...

    [Updated ]
    I made a TYPO in first post, it should read
    The version MAY be buggy (desktop) has the problem.

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• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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