Skype for Mac OS X
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The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.
File size:
102.9 MBOperating system:
Mac OS XSkype version: date:
Total downloads:
The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.
Strings | MeetNowCallControls_StartRecording := Record |
Strings | MeetNowCallControls_StopRecording := Stop |
Strings | MeetNowCallControls_ShareCallLink := Share |
Strings | MeetNowCallControls_ReactionBarDrawerTitle := React |
Strings | MeetNowCallControls_CallButtonStopScreenShareControlFromViewer := Stop |
Strings | MeetNowCallControls_StopShareScreen := Stop |
Strings | CallControls_RemovedFromCallMessage := You have been removed from the call by another participant. |
Strings | CallControls_RemovedFromCallMessageWithName := You have been removed from the call by {name}. |
Strings | CallControls_ScreenShareControlRequesting := Requesting |
Strings | CallControlsOverFlowMenu_EnableBackgroundBlur := Enable background blur |
Strings | GroupProfilePanel_ModeratedGroup := Moderated group |
Strings | LocalNotificationChatCategory_MarkAsRead := Mark as read |
Strings | MeetNow_LobbyCreatorInviteTitleV1Uppercase := INVITE OTHERS |
Strings | MeetNow_LobbyCreatorInviteViaEmailTitleV1Uppercase := VIA EMAIL |
Strings | MeetNow_LobbyCreatorInviteViaSocialTitleV1Uppercase := VIA SOCIAL MEDIA |
Strings | MeetNow_LobbyCreatorGoToMeetingTitleV1Uppercase := GO TO MEETING |
Strings | MeetNow_LobbyCreatorMeetingNameLabelV2Uppercase := WHAT IS THIS MEETING ABOUT? |
Strings | MeetNow_LobbyCreatorInviteTitleV2Uppercase := INVITE OTHERS TO JOIN |
Strings | MeetNow_ShareInviteMenuFacebook : |
Strings | MeetNow_JoinLobbyTitleNoCall := No one is in the Meeting! |
Strings | MeetNow_MeetingNameInputPlaceholder := Type a meeting name (optional) |
Strings | CallControls_RemovedFromCallAccessibilityLabel := |
Strings | MeetNow_LobbyCreatorInviteTitleV1 := |
Strings | MeetNow_LobbyCreatorInviteViaEmailTitleV1 := |
Strings | MeetNow_LobbyCreatorInviteViaSocialTitleV1 := |
Strings | MeetNow_LobbyCreatorGoToMeetingTitleV1 := |
Strings | MeetNow_LobbyCreatorMeetingNameLabelV2 := |
Strings | MeetNow_LobbyCreatorInviteTitleV2 := |
Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.
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