unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. As for changes in the Skype for Mac OS X, on the official website, the developers reported the following:
  • Translated Conversations: Talking and chatting with people all over the world in a different language just got even easier with Translated Conversations in Skype. Learn more about Translated Conversations.
  • Share Away: We've made it easier to give Skype permission to share your screen on Macs running the lastest macOS (Catalina). Learn more about sharing your screen on Skype for Mac.
  • Check It: We've added the Checkmark and the Crossmark to our available emoticons. Learn more about emoticons in Skype.
  • Bug fixes and stability improvements.

Skype for Mac OS X

File size:

97.8 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings BalanceStatePanel_AddCreditButtonTitle:
= Add credit
Strings BalanceStatePanel_BuyCreditButtonTitle:
= Buy credit
Strings BalanceStatePanel_NoCreditButtonTitle:
= No credit
Strings CallCard_TranslationRequest:
= Translation request
Strings CallPreview_CameraAndMicrophoneOff:
= Video and audio switched off
Strings CallPreview_CameraOff:
= Video switched off
Strings CallPreview_MicrophoneOff:
= Audio switched off
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionScreenRecording:
= Screenshare
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionScreenRecordingPrePrompt:
= Grant Skype permission to share your screen.
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionScreenRecordingDeniedPrompt:
= To grant Skype permission to share your screen, go to Mac System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Screen Recording, and grant access to Skype.
Strings ContentToDisplayTransformerBase_TranslationsRequestedMessage:
= Translated Conversation requested
Strings ContentToDisplayTransformerBase_TranslationRequestCancelled:
= Translated Conversation request cancelled
Strings ContentToDisplayTransformerBase_TranslationRequestDeclined:
= Translated Conversation request declined
Strings DetailsPanelHeader_StartPhoneCallButtonTitle:
= Start phone call
Strings GroupProfilePanel_ShareCopyButtonLabel:
= Copy link to clipboard
Strings GroupProfilePanel_ShareCopiedButtonLabel:
= Copied to clipboard
Strings LocationPicker_LocationSent:
= Location sent
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_SearchResultsHeaderTitleCapsSplitPolicySettings:
Strings PSTNPhoneNumberInput_AccessibilityLabelNumberPlaceholder:
= Phone number, text field
Strings PSTNPhoneNumberInput_AccessibilityLabelEnteredPhoneNumber:
= Phone number: {number}, text field
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TranslationPrivacyConsentSwitch:
= To improve the accuracy of Skype Translator, allow Microsoft employees and vendors to review voice snippets we’ve taken steps to de-identify. You can change your permissions at any time. {learnMoreLink}
Strings TranslationBanner_RequestReceivedTextv2:
= {gender, select, female{{userName} wants to enable Translated Conversations. To control how your data is used {learnMoreLink}} male{{userName} wants to enable Translated Conversations. To control how your data is used {learnMoreLink}} other{{userName} wants to enable Translated Conversations. To control how your data is used {learnMoreLink}}}
Strings TranslationBanner_OldBotDeprecationTextV1:
= Skype Translator is getting an upgrade. From {date}, the Skype Translator bot will no longer appear in your contact list and will not respond to new messages. Instead translations can be turned on in the profile view for all contacts.
Strings TranslationBanner_OldBotDeprecationTextV2:
= Skype Translator is getting an upgrade. From {date}, the Skype Translator bot will no longer appear in your contact list and will not translate new messages. Instead translations can be turned on in the profile view for all contacts.
Strings TranslationBanner_TryNewTranslationsButtonV1:
= Try the new experience
Strings TranslationBanner_TryNewTranslationsButtonV2:
= Enable translations with {userName}
Strings StreamItem_DumpMessage:
= Dump message
Strings StreamItem_DumpMessagePretty:
= Dump message (formatted)
Strings CallSubtitleToast_MultipleSpokenLanguageWarningText:
= There's multiple spoken language defaults in this call. The language spoken is:
= Oops, we can't detect your language.
Strings MeetNow_ShareInviteMenuCopyLink:
= Copy link
Strings MeetNow_ShareInviteMenuSkypeContacts:
= Skype contacts
Strings MeetNow_ShareInviteMenuSMS:
= SMS / Text message
Strings MeetNow_ShareInviteMenuOutlook:
= Outlook Mail
Strings MeetNow_ShareInviteMenuGmail:
= Gmail
Strings MeetNow_XSkypeContactInvited:
= {count, plural, =1{1 Skype contact} other{# Skype contacts}} invited
Strings MeetNow_ShareLinkSMSDialogTitle:
= SMS / Text message
Strings MeetNow_ShareLinkSMSDialogMessage:
= Send an SMS / Text message to your contacts by typing the URL below on your phone's texting app
Strings MeetNow_EmailInviteSubject:
= Meet Now on Skype
Strings MeetNow_EmailInviteBody:
= You have been invited to meet on Skype. Click here to join the meeting {link}
Strings MeetNow_MobileInviteMessage:
= You have been invited to meet on Skype. Click here to join the meeting
Strings MeetNow_YourCallHasStartedLabel:
= Your call has started
Strings MeetNow_MeetNowPanelSubTitleForNonGuest:
= {gender, select, female{Are you ready to Meet Now?} male{Are you ready to Meet Now?} other{Are you ready to Meet Now?}}
Strings MeetNow_MeetNowPanelTitleForGuest:
= {gender, select, female{Hello {name}! Are you ready to Meet Now?} male{Hello {name}! Are you ready to Meet Now?} other{Hello {name}! Are you ready to Meet Now?}}
Strings MeetNow_StartCall:
= Start call
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ImportContacts:
= Import contacts
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ImportGoogleContactsTitle:
= Import Google contacts
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ImportGoogleContactsSubtitle:
= Find people you know on Skype
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactsTitle:
= Google Contacts
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactsSubtitle:
= Find friends and family on Skype by importing your Google contacts.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleSignInBodyText:
= Find friends and family already using Skype through a one-time import of your Google contacts. To get started, simply sign in to your Google account and we'll match your Google contacts to people on Skype.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleSignInButtonTitle:
= Sign in
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ImportingContactsPlaceholderText:
= Importing contacts...
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ContactsImportedHeader:
= Contacts imported
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ContactsImportedTitle:
= Import successful. These are your contacts we've found on Skype.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_NoMatchesFoundHeader:
= No matches found
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_NoMatchesFoundTitle:
= We were unable to find any of your Google contacts on Skype.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_NoMatchesFoundBodyText:
= Use Search to quickly find anyone on Skype via their name, email, phone number or Skype Name.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactAnnotationText:
= From your Google contacts
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactsOAuthAbortedErrorTitle:
= It looks like you navigated away or closed the Google login screen. Please try again.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactsOAuthPermissionDeniedErrorTitle:
= Looks like Skype was denied permission to access your Google contacts. Skype needs access for the import to complete.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_GoogleContactsErrorTitle:
= It looks like there was a problem importing your Google contacts into Skype. Please try again later.
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_ImportButtonTitle:
= Import
Strings ImportGoogleContacts_WaveToUserDisplayNameAccessibilityLabel:
= Wave to {displayName}
Strings SettingsLanguages_LanguageAndTranslationLabel:
= Language & translation
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_EnableSkypeInBackgroundLabel:
= Sync SMS when Skype is not running
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_EnableSkypeInBackgroundDescription:
= Allow Skype to run in the background to make sure you always receive your SMS in Skype even when the app is not open.
Strings MeetNow_MeetNowPanelSubTitle:
= Are you ready to Meet Now?
Strings MeetNow_GotToChatButton:
= Go to chat

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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