unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. As for changes in the Skype for Mac OS X, on the official website, the developers reported the following:
  • Embiggen your chats: We've made changes so you can view your chats in fullscreen mode while you're in a call. Learn more about what you can do in a call.
  • Bug fixes and stability improvements.

Skype for Mac OS X

File size:

97.5 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings AlertCard_TranslationInviteReceived:
= {gender, select, female{{user} wants to enable Translated Conversations} male{{user} wants to enable Translated Conversations} other{{user} wants to enable Translated Conversations}}
Strings AlertCard_TranslationInviteAccepted:
= {gender, select, female{{user} has accepted your Translated Conversation request} male{{user} has accepted your Translated Conversation request} other{{user} has accepted your Translated Conversation request}}
Strings AlertCard_TranslationInviteDeclined:
= {gender, select, female{{user} has declined your Translated Conversation request} male{{user} has declined your Translated Conversation request} other{{user} has declined your Translated Conversation request}}
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_ShareCallLink:
= Share call link
Strings CallPanel_ChatTitle:
= Chat
Strings CallPanel_Expand:
= Expand
Strings CallPanel_ChatButton:
= Toggle Chat
= Chat
Strings ContentToDisplayTransformerBase_TranslationsEnabledMessage:
= Translated Conversations has been enabled
Strings ContentToDisplayTransformerBase_TranslationsDisabledMessage:
= Translated Conversations has been disabled
Strings FeedbackMechanism_FeedbackCategoryRowTitle:
= Report category (Required)
Strings FeedbackMechanism_FeedbackCategoryDefault:
= Please select an option
Strings FeedbackMechanism_FeedbackCategoryAccessibility:
= Accessibility
Strings FeedbackMechanism_FeedbackCategoryAudio:
= Audio
Strings FeedbackMechanism_FeedbackCategoryCallDrops:
= Call drops
Strings FeedbackMechanism_FeedbackCategoryMessagesChat:
= Messages & chat
Strings FeedbackMechanism_FeedbackCategoryNotificationsFeed:
= Notifications & feed
Strings FeedbackMechanism_FeedbackCategoryPerformanceCrashing:
= Performance & crashing
Strings FeedbackMechanism_FeedbackCategoryProfilesProfilePictures:
= Profiles & profile pictures
Strings FeedbackMechanism_FeedbackCategorySearch:
= Search
Strings FeedbackMechanism_FeedbackCategoryStatusPresence:
= Status & Presence
Strings FeedbackMechanism_FeedbackCategoryVideoOrScreenSharing:
= Video or screen sharing
Strings FeedbackMechanism_FeedbackCategoryOther:
= Other
Strings Hub_NewContactButton:
= New Contact
Strings MessageContentNodes_DataFallback:
= Eek! We can't show this data message on the version of Skype you have.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SendReadReceiptsSubtitle:
= Send and receive read receipts in chats with fewer than 20 people.
= Send and receive read receipts in chats with 20 or fewer people.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TranslateConversationTitleUpper:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SendTranslationRequest:
= Send translation request
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SendTranslationRequestExplanation:
= We will send an invitation to the other user to have this conversation translated
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TranslationRequestSent:
= Translation request sent
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TranslationRequestSentExplanation:
= We’ve sent your translation request. Waiting for response
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TranslationsEnabled:
= Translations enabled
Strings UserSettingsPanel_CancelTranslationRequestButtonTitle:
= Cancel
Strings UserSettingsPanel_StopTranslationsButtonTitle:
= Stop translations
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TranslationSettingsTitle:
= Translation settings
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TranslationCELAStatement:
= When you use Translator, Skype may collect and use your audio, video, messages and content to help improve Microsoft services. {learnMoreLink}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TranslationCELAStatementLearnMore:
= Learn more
Strings TranslationBanner_RequestSentText:
= Translated Conversation request has been sent to {userName}. Waiting for response...
Strings TranslationBanner_RequestReceivedText:
= {gender, select, female{{userName} wants to enable Translated Conversations. Skype may collect and use your data to help improve Microsoft services. {learnMoreLink}} male{{userName} wants to enable Translated Conversations. Skype may collect and use your data to help improve Microsoft services. {learnMoreLink}} other{{userName} wants to enable Translated Conversations. Skype may collect and use your data to help improve Microsoft services. {learnMoreLink}}}
Strings TranslationBanner_RequestReceivedLearnMoreLink:
= Learn more
Strings TranslationBanner_AcceptButtonTitle:
= Accept
Strings TranslationBanner_DeclineButtonTitle:
= Decline
Strings TranslationBanner_TranslatedConversationInCallText:
= This is a Translated Conversation. {learnMore}
Strings TranslationBanner_TranslatedConversationInCallLearnMoreLink:
= Learn more
Strings SubtitlesSettingsPanel_SpokenLanguageExplanation:
= Improve the accuracy of subtitles for other people on the call by selecting the language you normally speak.
= Choose the language you would like messages, calls and subtitles to be translated into.
Strings SubtitlesSettingsPanel_SpokenLanguageNewExplanation:
= Choose the language you would like messages, calls and subtitles translated to
Strings ReactionsStream_ReactionBarDrawerTitle:
= Reaction
Strings CallSubtitleToast_MultipleSpokenLanguageWarningText:
= There are multiple spoken language defaults on this call. Select the language spoken on this call:
= There's multiple spoken language defaults in this call. The language spoken is:
Strings MeetNow_FeatureName:
= Meet Now
Strings MeetNow_EntryPointButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= New Meet Now
Strings MeetNow_EducationalSubtitle:
= We will create a call for you, all you need to do is
Strings MeetNow_EducationalActionOneTitle:
= Share
Strings MeetNow_EducationalActionOneExplanation:
= Share the invite with anyone even if they aren't on Skype
Strings MeetNow_EducationalActionTwoTitle:
= Join
Strings MeetNow_EducationalActionTwoExplanation:
= Anybody can join your call - no Skype account needed!
Strings MeetNow_EducationalBottomNavButton:
= Continue
Strings MeetNow_AddPeople:
= Add people
Strings MeetNow_CopyLink:
= Copy Link
Strings MeetNow_LinkCopied:
= Link copied!
Strings MeetNow_EngagementMainLabel:
= Invite Skype contacts or share the link
Strings MeetNow_OpenMenuAccessibilityLabel:
= Open recent conversations
Strings MeetNow_CloseMenuAccessibilityLabel:
= Close recent conversations
Strings MeetNow_MeetNowPanelTitle:
= Hello {name}!
Strings MeetNow_MeetNowPanelSubTitle:
= Are you ready to Meet Now?
Strings MeetNow_CallLinkGenerated:
= Your call link has been generated.
Strings MeetNow_ShareLinkToInviteOthers:
= Share the link to invite others.
Strings MeetNow_ShareInvite:
= Share invite
Strings MeetNow_ActiveParticipants:
= {count, plural, =1{1 participant} other{# participants}} in the call
Strings MeetNow_GotToChatButton:
= Go to chat

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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• When asking a question, please specify the operating system and the version of Skype.
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• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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