unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Windows

The free application Skype for Windows has been updated to version, and this means that right now you can download the new version from the official site or from our blog using the button below. Although it is not known what changed in the Skype for Windows, we can only assume that the application has become better.

Skype for Windows

File size:

59.3 MB

Operating system:


Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:

1 679


The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Windows. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Windows, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings OfferCard_SmsFailureCreditOfferFullName:
= Call & SMS around the world
Strings MediaPreview_AttachMoreFilesButton:
= Attach more files
Strings NotificationsPrompt_HeadingEnableWeb:
= Enable notifications
Strings OngoingCall_OngoingCallTitle:
= Ongoing call...
= Ongoing call…
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ProfileVisiblityTitle:
= Profile visiblity
= Profile visibility
Strings UserSettingsPanel_EmailMissedCallRemindersEnabledDescriptionV2:
= {count, plural, =1{Receive email reminders about calls you have missed in the last 1 hour.} other{Receive email reminders about calls you have missed in the last {count} hours.}}
Strings CallFailurePostPurchasePrompt_Title:
= Payment successful
Strings CallFailurePostPurchasePrompt_Intro:
= You can now call the number below
Strings SignOutConfirmation_SignOutRememberYourAccountContent:
= Remember your account on this device?
= Remember account and application settings on this device?
Strings UnansweredCallTitle_NoMicDetected:
= No microphone detected.
Strings UnansweredCallTitle_NoMicDetectedMessage:
= Connect a microphone or check your microphone privacy settings to start or join a call.
Strings CallFailurePrompt_CallFailurePromptTitle_A:
= You just tried to call a number
Strings CallFailurePrompt_CallFailurePromptTitle_NoCoverSubscription:
= Your Subscription doesn't cover this number
Strings CallFailurePrompt_CallFailurePromptTitle_B:
= You don’t have Skype Credit or Subscription
Strings CallFailurePrompt_CallFailurePromptTitle_B_IOS:
= This number isn’t included in your current subscription
Strings CallFailurePrompt_CallFailurePromptCreditOnlyDisclaimer:
= Call phones at affordable rates with Skype Credit
Strings CallFailurePrompt_CallFailurePromptCreditOnlyDisclaimer_NoCoverSubscription:
= Call phones around the world at affordable rates with Skype Credit
Strings CallFailurePrompt_CallFailurePromptSubscriptionOnlyDisclaimer:
= Call phones at affordable rates with a Skype subscription
Strings CallFailurePrompt_CallFailurePromptCreditAndSubscriptionDisclaimer:
= Call phones at affordable rates by choosing one of the following options
Strings InviteButtonPanel_InviteButton:
= Invite to Skype
Strings InviteButtonPanel_InviteContactLabel:
= Or invite them to Skype to chat for free
Strings SmsFailurePrompt_SmsFailureTitle:
= You just tried to send an SMS
Strings SmsFailurePrompt_SmsFailureSubtitle:
= Send SMS messages to phones around the world with Skype Credit
Strings MessageActionMenu_ShareMenuSaveToDownloads:
= Save to 'Downloads'
Strings MessageActionMenu_ShareMenuOpenInNewTab:
= Open in New Tab
Strings StreamItem_SaveToDownloads:
= Save to 'Downloads'
Strings SwiftQuickReplyListView_CreateToDo:
= Create task
Files / [++]
Files /Skype.exe [+103.79KB]
Files /content_shell.pak [+0.33KB]
Files /resources/app.asar [-0.66KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RTMPLTFM.dll [+25KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmCodecs.dll [+15.5KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmMediaManager.dll [+0.5KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmPal.dll [+16.5KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/TxNdi.dll [-3KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/skypert.dll [-2KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/slimcore.node [-42KB]
Files /resources/electron.asar [+2.48KB]
Files /third-party_attributions.html [-0KB]
Files /v8_context_snapshot.bin [-0.04KB]
Files /version [-0KB]
Files / [--]

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.


  1. 0 0 0
    John (karma: 0),
    Does anyone have a solution? Dell Webcam not working with Skype 8.44
  2. 0 0 0
    E Dohnal (karma: 0),
    What can I do? I downloaded the latest version of SKYPE and I had a message that it was not compatible with Windows 7. Then I tried to download older versions of SKYPE and when it comes to run, it stops half way through and will not carry on till the end. I do not want windows 10 at the moment. I have it at work and it is driving me potty. Too many boxes, I need something what is quick, straight forward etc. Skype Classic was excellent. Why don't you give a chance of downloading the earlier versions to people who cannot have Skype 8.50.01 or whatever it is the latest version of SKYPE? Thank you. E.D.

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