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Download Skype for Windows

The free application Skype for Windows has been updated to version, and this means that right now you can download the new version from the official site or from our blog using the button below…
«More about Skype for Windows»

(11 votes)

File size:

59.2 MB

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Total downloads:

2 891


  1. 0 0 0
    Jerzy (karma: +11),
    Jestem głuchoniemy potrzebuję go cały czas Skype !!!.
    Muszę pozostać skype, ale dlaczego zabawiasz kilku skype nie zgadzasz się na numer poza grą, w którym nie grasz poza skypem okay...
  2. 0 0 0
    Queenon1 (karma: +3),
    in the newest windows version; how can i "export" an entire chat history with date and time stamps for evidence in a court case?
  3. 0 0 0
    JAMES (karma: -3),
    suggestion: skype to add time to "read" icon during session. Nice to know when the recipient noticed my comments
  4. 1 +1 0
    alex (karma: +1),
    Don't download this ever...Cant use multiple chats anymore all opens in same windows and you can't see what other people in other chats says. You need to go back with back arrow and open another chat…Only one chat at a time boys and girls.. No settings to change it anywhere.
    This is so bad.. Can't even be used in a normal manner anymore.
  5. 0 0 0
    Fernando.Serna.Barbosa1 (karma: 0),
    se borro el programa y no he podido reinstalarlo
  6. 1 +1 0
    Simon (karma: +4),
    My god, I hate this new Skype with a passion! my old Skype 7 stopped working today, so I had to switch to Skype 8, and my god, it is AWFUL.

    Please can someone tell me how when I am in video call and my camera is open, all of the buttons never disappear, even if i do not touch the mouse for 5 minutes. In the old Skype, if you didnt touch the mouse, all of the visible icons in the video call would hide and you would just see the video of the other person, but now this doesnt happen.

    Additionally, how do i stop Skype filling up the WHOLE screen in full screen mode with a blue background and white text, when the other person in the call writes a message? it is infuriating, whoever designed that should be in jail! lol.

    I am lost for words how bad this version of Skype is, my god, why did they deactivate Skype 7, I just dont understand it.

    Please someone help me, I need to fix these problems :(

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