unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.

Skype for Mac OS X

File size:

93.1 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings AccessibilityLabel_ChatClosed:
= Chat closed
Strings AccessibilityLabel_SubtitlesClosed:
= Subtitles history closed
Strings CallControls_CallButtonMergeCall:
= Merge calls
Strings CallControls_CallButtonSwitchToGridView:
= Switch to grid view
Strings CallControls_CallButtonSwitchToFocusView:
= Switch to focused view
Strings CallControls_CallButtonMergeLabel:
= Merge call from {conversationName} into current active call
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StartTranslation:
= Turn translation on
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StopTranslation:
= Turn translation off
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_TranslationToggle:
= Enable translation
Strings CallBanner_IncomingCallMergeCallWarning:
= Answering this call will place your active call on hold, or you can merge calls
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRingTheGroupButtonScreenReaderText:
= Use the ring the group button to ring everyone.
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRingTheGroupButtonDescriptiveScreenReaderText:
= We've notified the group, use the ring the group button to ring everyone.
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRinglessSmallGroup:
= Introducing ringless calling
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRinglessSmallGroupExplanation:
= We've made group video calling a little less intrusive. Group members will now receive a notification to join the call.
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRinglessLargeGroup:
= Big news for large groups
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRinglessLargeGroupExplanation:
= Hooray, Skype now supports calling groups larger than 25 people, like this one. Group members will receive a notification to join the call.
Strings CallPreview_StartCallButtonTitle:
= Start call
Strings ConnectivityStatusBar_CaptivePortalDismissHeader:
= Not useful?
Strings ConnectivityStatusBar_CaptivePortalDismissQuestion:
= We would like to understand why you closed the panel.
Strings ConnectivityStatusBar_CaptivePortalDismissOptionInvalid:
= I'm actually connected to internet
Strings ConnectivityStatusBar_CaptivePortalDismissOptionUseless:
= I know I'm not connected and don't wish to see the message anymore
Strings ConnectivityStatusBar_CaptivePortalDismissOptionNotUnderstand:
= I don't understand the message
Strings ConnectivityStatusBar_CaptivePortalDismissOptionOther:
= Other reasons
Strings ContentPanelHeader_NoCameraVideoCallButtonTitle:
= Video calling disabled. No camera found.
Strings ContentPanelHeader_SearchConversationPlaceholderMobile:
= Find in chat
Strings PhoneNumberVerification_EmailVerifiedText:
= Email verified
Strings DateTimePickerDialog_InvalidDateErrorMessage:
= Select a date in the future
Strings DateTimePickerDialog_InvalidTimeErrorMessage:
= Select a time in the future
Strings DateTimePickerDialog_DatePickerPanelHeaderTitle:
= Choose a Date
Strings DateTimePickerDialog_DateTimePickerButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Double tap to show the date time picker
Strings DateTimePickerDialog_DatePickerButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Double tap to show the date picker
Strings DateTimePickerDialog_TimePickerButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Double tap to show the time picker
Strings DateTimePickerDialog_DatePickerCloseAccessibilityLabel:
= Date and time has been set to {date}.
Strings TodoAddin_CreateTaskErrorMessage:
= We were unable to create your todo, please try again later
= We were unable to create your task, please try again later
Strings TodoAddin_ServiceError:
= Failed to contact Microsoft To-Do service. Please try again in a few minutes.
Strings TodoAddin_ShowCompletedTasksErrorMessage:
= We were unable to show your completed todos, please try again later
= We were unable to show your completed tasks, please try again later
Strings GroupProfilePanel_NotificationsSettingsTitle:
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_MicrosoftAccountSectionExplanation:
= This information is shared across all your Microsoft apps and services. {learnMoreLink}
Strings MessageSearchNavigation_NumberOfResults:
= {currentIndex} of {totalNumberOfResults, plural, =1{1 result} other{{totalNumberOfResults} results}}
Strings MessageStream_NewConversationLandingGroupSettingsLink:
= Group settings
Strings MessageStream_NewConversationLandingActionsCaption:
= Here are some actions to get going…
Strings MessageStream_NewConversationLandingAddPeopleButton:
= Add People
Strings MessageStream_NewConversationLandingShareGroupLink:
= Share group link
Strings MyProfilePanel_GetSkypeAppButtonTitle:
= Get Skype app
Strings MyProfilePanel_AvatarActionSheetSubTitle:
= Keep your profile picture up to date so friends can find you on Skype
Strings MyProfilePanel_AvatarVisibilityLabel:
= Only visible to my contacts
Strings MyProfilePanel_ProfilePictureTitle:
= Profile picture
Strings MyUserInfo_ContactInfoHeader:
Strings MyUserInfo_MicrosoftAccountHeader:
Strings MyUserInfo_ShareProfileTitle:
= Share your profile
Strings MyUserInfo_PhoneTitle:
= Phone
Strings MyUserInfo_AddPhoneNumberSubTitle:
= Add a phone number
Strings MyUserInfo_MobilePhoneTitle:
= Mobile Phone
Strings MyUserInfo_BusinessPhoneTitle:
= Business Phone
Strings MyUserInfo_HomePhoneTitle:
= Home Phone
Strings MyUserInfo_AddEmailSubTitle:
= Add an email address
Strings MyUserInfo_AddCountrySubTitle:
= Add your country or region
Strings MyUserInfo_AddBirthdaySubTitle:
= Add your birthday
Strings MyUserInfo_AddGenderSubTitle:
= Add your gender
Strings MyUserInfo_UnspecifiedGenderSubTitle:
= Not specified
Strings MyUserInfo_SkypeNameSubTitle:
= Your Skype Name is your unique personal identifier on Skype. Share it with friends and family so they can add you on Skype.
Strings MyUserInfo_ShareProfileSubTitle:
= Share your profile with friends and family so they can instantly add you on Skype.
Strings MyUserInfo_AddPhoneNumberActionSubTitle:
= Adding a phone number to Skype allows you to sign in using that number.
Strings MyUserInfo_VerifyNumberLabel:
= Verify number
Strings MyUserInfo_ShowOnSkypeProfileToggle:
= Show on Skype profile
Strings MyUserInfo_DeleteFromSkypeProfileLabel:
= Delete from Skype profile
Strings MyUserInfo_SelectOrAddPhoneNumberLabel:
= Select a verified phone number or add a new number below.
Strings MyUserInfo_AddToSkypeProfileLabel:
= Add to Skype profile
Strings MyUserInfo_MicrosoftAccountLabel:
= Microsoft account
Strings MyUserInfo_VisitMicrosoftAccountLabel:
= Visit Microsoft account
Strings MyUserInfo_AddEmailActionSubTitle:
= Adding an email to Skype allows you to sign in using that email.
Strings MyUserInfo_VerifyEmailLabel:
= Verify email
Strings MyUserInfo_SelectOrAddEmailLabel:
= Select a verified email or add a new email below
Strings MyUserInfo_UpdateBirthdaySubTitle:
= You can update your birthday and its visibility by using the settings below.
Strings MyUserInfo_SyncedItemsAlertLabel:
= Items marked in blue are synced items from your Microsoft account
Strings MyUserInfo_MakeVisibleToggle:
= Make visible to others
Strings MyUserInfo_UpdateBirthdayLabel:
= Update birthday
Strings MyUserInfo_UpdateCountrySubTitle:
= You can update your country/region and its visibility by using the settings below.
Strings MyUserInfo_UpdateCountryLabel:
= Update country/region
Strings MyUserInfo_UpdateGenderSubTitle:
= You can update your gender and its visibility by using the settings below.
Strings MyUserInfo_UpdateGenderLabel:
= Update gender
Strings MyUserInfo_NamePlaceholderText:
= Name cannot be blank
Strings MyUserInfo_CityPlaceholderText:
= City
Strings MyUserInfo_StatePlaceholderText:
= State
Strings MyUserInfo_LocationPlaceholderText:
= Add your location
Strings MyUserInfo_UpdatingProfileFailed:
= Updating profile information failed.
Strings MyUserInfo_ManagePrivacyTitle:
= Other ways people can find you
Strings Notifications_NotificationsLevelNone:
= Mute conversation
Strings Notifications_NotificationsLevelNoneSecondary:
= No notifications at all, not even @mentions
Strings Notifications_NotificationsLevelSmart:
= Smart notifications
Strings Notifications_NotificationsLevelSmartSecondary:
= Quotes and @mentions only
Strings Notifications_NotificationsLevelAll:
= All notifications
Strings Notifications_NotificationsLevelAllSecondary:
= Receive notifications for all messages
Strings Notifications_GlobalNotificationsLevelNone:
= Disable
Strings Notifications_GlobalNotificationsLevelNoneSecondary:
= No notifications at all, not even @mentions
Strings Notifications_GlobalNotificationsLevelSmart:
= Only important
Strings Notifications_GlobalNotificationsLevelSmartSecondary:
= Smart notifications (quotes and @mentions) from group chats and all messages from other chats.
Strings Notifications_GlobalNotificationsLevelAll:
= All
Strings Notifications_GlobalNotificationsLevelAllSecondary:
= Receive all notifications. Specific conversations can still be muted.
Strings PesPicker_GifPreviewSendButtonTitle:
= Send Gif
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenBoxCheckAccountReadMore:
= Read more
= Learn more
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardButton4:
= Use Search
= Use search
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardButton5:
= Open Dialpad
= Open dial pad
Strings ProfileCard_CountryRegionLabel:
= Country/region
Strings ProfileCard_ScanQRCodeAccessibilityLabel:
= Scan QR code
Strings ProfileCard_MoreOptionsAccessibilityLabel:
= More options
Strings PSTNDialerPanel_PSTNDialerPanelAccessibilityTitle:
= Dialpad
= Dial pad
Strings PSTNPhoneNumberInput_A11yLabelSingleContactSelected:
= {contactName} contact selected
Strings QuickCallPanel_DialpadButtonLabel:
= Dialpad
= Dial pad
Strings QuickCallPanel_DialpadButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Dialpad
= Dial pad
Strings QuickCallPanel_DialpadButtonLabelShort:
= Dialpad
= Dial pad
Strings QuickCallPanel_DialpadButtonAccessibilityLabelShort:
= Dialpad
= Dial pad
Strings RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsInfoAlternative:
= Call anyone on Skype for free or open the dialpad to call mobiles and landlines.
= Call anyone on Skype for free or open the dial pad to call mobiles and landlines.
Strings SearchHint_Messages:
= Search for messages in your current chat or in all chats.
= Search for messages in all chats.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SmartNotifications:
= Smart notifications
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SmartNotificationsHelper:
= 1:1 chats, quotes and @mentions only
Strings UserSettingsPanel_IgnoreActiveEndpointFiltering:
= Multiple devices
Strings UserSettingsPanel_IgnoreActiveEndpointFilteringSecondary:
= Receive push notifications even while using Skype on another device
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ChatNotificationsTitleUpper:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ManageProfileMicrosoftTitle:
= Microsoft
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TranslateMessagesAndCallsLabel:
= Translate messages and calls
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TranslateMessagesAndCallsExplanation:
= Your spoken language is set to {spokenLanguageLink} When enabled, chat and call audio & subtitles will be translated for everyone in the group
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SuggestedStatusAtTheMovies:
= At the movies
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SuggestedStatusAtTheGym:
= At the gym
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SuggestedStatusDriving:
= Driving
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SuggestedStatusAtSchool:
= At school
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SuggestedStatusOutForLunch:
= Out for lunch
Strings PeopleList_PeopleYouMayKnowHeaderAccessibilityLabel:
= {count, plural, =1{People you may know, 1 item} other {People you may know, # items}}
Strings PeopleList_PstnDialpadLabel:
= Use Dialpad
= Use dial pad
Strings PeopleList_RecommendedUserAccessibilityLabel:
= {mutualContactCount, plural, =1{Recommended {userName} with 1 mutual contact} other{Recommended {userName} with # mutual contacts}}
= {mutualContactCount, plural, =1{Recommended {userName} with 1 mutual contact, {index} of {total}} other{Recommended {userName} with # mutual contacts, {index} of {total}}}
Strings SubtitlesSettingsPanel_SubtitleLanguageSpokenLanguageMatchLink:
= Your subtitle language is set to be the same as your spoken language: {language}. {languageSettingsLink}
Strings SubtitlesSettingsPanel_SubtitleLanguageSpokenLanguageMisMatchLink:
= Your subtitle language, {subtitleLanguage}, and your spoken language, {spokenLanguag}, are different. {languageSettingsLink}
Strings SubtitlesSettingsPanel_LanguageSettingLink:
= Language settings
Strings LanguageAndTranslationSettingsPanel_AppLanguageLabel:
= App language
Strings LanguageAndTranslationSettingsPanel_TranslationHeader:
Strings LanguageAndTranslationSettingsPanel_SpokenLanguageLabel:
= Spoken language
Strings LanguageAndTranslationSettingsPanel_SpokenLanguageExplanation:
= Improve the accuracy of subtitles for other people on the call by selecting the language you normally speak.
Strings LanguageAndTranslationSettingsPanel_CallSubtitleLanguageLabel:
= Subtitle language
Strings LanguageAndTranslationSettingsPanel_TranslationVoiceLabel:
= Translation voice
Strings LanguageAndTranslationSettingsPanel_TranslationVoiceExplanation:
= When your voice is translated into other languages it is spoken by our machine translator. Select the style of voice you would like spoken for you.
Strings LanguageAndTranslationSettingsPanel_TranslatedVoiceOptionMale:
= Male
Strings LanguageAndTranslationSettingsPanel_TranslatedVoiceOptionFemale:
= Female
Strings SearchResultsList_SeeAllAccessibilityLabel:
= See all, {index} of {count}
Strings SettingsLanguages_LanguageAndTranslationLabel:
= Language & translation
Strings StreamItem_ForwardMessageContact:
= Share this Contact with
= Share Contact
Strings UrlConverter_JoinConversationFailedTitle:
= Cannot join
Strings UrlConverter_JoinConversationFailedJoinDisabledMessage:
= Sorry, you cannot join this conversation as the group is disabled for joining. Please contact the person who shared the link with you, and ask them to enable joining in the conversation settings.
Strings UrlConverter_JoinConversationFailedThreadNotFoundMessage:
= Sorry, there is no Skype conversation associated with this link. Please contact the person who shared the invite with you, and ask them to resend the link to you.
Strings UrlConverter_JoinConversationFailedTooManyMembersMessage:
= Sorry, you cannot join this conversation as it has reached the maximum number of participants. Please contact the person who shared the invite with you.
Strings UrlConverter_JoinConversationFailedGenericMessage:
= Sorry, you cannot join this conversation at the moment. Please try again later.
Strings TranslationToast_TranslationIsOnText:
= Translation is on for this conversation. {callTranslationOptionsLink}
Strings TranslationToast_TranslationWasTurnedOffText:
= Translation was turned off for this conversation. {callTranslationOptionsLink}
Strings TranslationToast_CallTranslationOptionsLinkText:
= Call translation options
Strings Poll_OptionVoteCounts:
= {votedParticipants} people voted for {option}
= {votedParticipants, plural, =1{1 person voted for {option}} other{# people voted for {option}}}
Strings Poll_DeleteDialogTitle:
= Remove Poll
Strings Poll_DeleteDialogMessage:
= Are you sure you want to remove this poll?
Strings Poll_DeleteConfirmation:
= Poll was removed
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRingless:
= Ringless group calling
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRinglessExplanation:
= We know its not always ok to interrupt when you want to talk - so now when you start a group call, you can choose whether to ring the group or just send a notification.
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_DescriptionText:
= To help find your friends, we will periodically sync and store your contacts. You can change your privacy settings in Profile > Settings > Contacts, including how people can find you.
Strings NotificationsPrompt_HeadingAlternative1:
= Stay in touch
Strings NotificationsPrompt_HeadingAlternative2:
= Turn notifications on
Strings NotificationsPrompt_HeadingAlternative3:
= Stay connected
Strings NotificationsPrompt_TextAlternative1:
= Turn on push notifications so you never miss a thing on Skype.
Strings NotificationsPrompt_TextAlternative2:
= Keep in touch with friends while you're away from Skype with push notifications.
Strings NotificationsPrompt_TextAlternative3:
= Never miss another call or message by turning push notifications on.
Strings NotificationsPrompt_TextAlternative4:
= Push notifications help you stay connected to friends while you're away from Skype.
Strings Onboarding_CoachMarkChatPlusTitle1:
= Content and tools
Strings Onboarding_CoachMarkChatPlusTitle2:
= Share more
Strings Onboarding_CoachMarkDesktopChatProfileLabel1:
= Manage your chat settings
Strings Onboarding_CoachMarkDesktopChatProfileLabel2:
= Enable custom notifications
Strings Onboarding_CoachMarkDesktopChatProfileLabel3:
= Find useful chat information
Strings Onboarding_TutorialTitle:
= We've redesigned Skype for you
Strings Onboarding_NewUserTutorialTitle:
= We're glad you're here
Strings Onboarding_TutorialBody:
= Let's take a quick tour to see what's new and different!
Strings Onboarding_NewUserTutorialBody:
= Let's take a quick tour to see Skype's key features!
Strings Onboarding_TutorialCallToAction:
= Start Tutorial
Strings Onboarding_TutorialDisclaimer:
= (you can always find this tutorial later in your notifications)
Strings Onboarding_RestartTutorialButtonLabel:
= Restart Tutorial
Strings Onboarding_RestartTutorialBody:
= Take the tutorial to see where things are.
Strings PromptPermissionPanel_HeaderTextAlternative1:
= You're almost set
Strings PromptPermissionPanel_HeaderTextAlternative2:
= Almost done
Strings PromptPermissionPanel_HeaderTextAlternative3:
= Get calls and chats ready
Strings PromptPermissionPanel_HeaderTextAlternative4:
= Almost there
Strings PromptPermissionPanel_HeaderTextAlternative5:
= One final step
Strings PromptPermissionPanel_HeaderTextAlternative6:
= Finish setup
Strings ScheduleCall_InvalidDateErrorMessage:
= Select a date in the future
Strings ScheduleCall_InvalidTimeErrorMessage:
= Select a time in the future
Strings ScheduleCall_DatePickerPanelHeaderTitle:
= Choose a Date
Strings ScheduleCall_DateTimePickerButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Double tap to show the date time picker
Strings ScheduleCall_DatePickerButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Double tap to show the date picker
Strings ScheduleCall_TimePickerButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Double tap to show the time picker
Strings ScheduleCall_DatePickerCloseAccessibilityLabel:
= Date and time has been set to {date}.

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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• When asking a question, please specify the operating system and the version of Skype.
• If you encounter any errors, copy the full text of the message here.
• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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