unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.

Skype for Mac OS X

File size:

91.9 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings AboutPanel_Copyright:
= © 2018 Skype & Microsoft
= © 2019 Skype & Microsoft
Strings AccessibilityLabel_AudioMessage:
= a voice message
= a {duration} voice message
Strings AccessibilityLabel_DiverseEmoticonAccessibilityLabel:
= Double tap and hold to bring up skin tone options
= Double tap and hold to bring up more options
Strings AccessibilityLabel_PlayButton:
= Play audio message
= Play audio message, {timeElapsedLabel}
Strings AccessibilityLabel_ScheduledCallInvitationStreamItem:
= call invitation {subject}
= Call invitation titled {subject} on {time}
Strings AudioVideoSettings_VideoSettingsClose:
= Close Video Settings
Strings AudioVideoSettings_CameraDeniedPermissionDescription:
= Skype needs access to your camera. {learnMoreLink}.
Strings AudioVideoSettings_CameraDeniedBannerSuggestion:
= To use your camera for video calls, you need to grant Skype permission
Strings OfferCard_SeeRatesAccessibilityLabel:
= See calling rates around the world
Strings CallControls_SendMessageFromParticipantMenuAccessibilityLabel:
= Send message
Strings CallControls_CallMenuBlurBackground:
= Blur background
= Blur my background
Strings CallControls_CallMenuUnBlurBackground:
= Unblur background
= Unblur my background
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_AdjustVideoSettings:
= Video settings
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_ReactWithHeart:
= Send a heart
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_CelebrateBirthday:
= Wish happy birthday
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_UnencryptedAudioCallAlertTitle:
= Unencrypted Skype call
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_UnencryptedAudioCallAlertBody:
= Are you sure you want to make a regular Skype call without end-to-end encryption?
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_UnencryptedVideoCallAlertTitle:
= Unencrypted Skype video call
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_UnencryptedVideoCallAlertBody:
= Encrypted video calling is not currently supported in Skype. Would you like to make a regular Skype video call instead?
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_UnencryptedCallAlertYes:
= Yes, continue
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_UnencryptedCallAlertNo:
= No, cancel
Strings CallPanel_CompositeAudioChanged:
= Composite audio device changed to {deviceName}.
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallWithOnlyCallInitiatorMessage:
= You're the only one in the call
= You're the only person on the call
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRingless:
= Ringless group calling
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRinglessExplanation:
= We know its not always ok to interrupt when you want to talk - so now when you start a group call, you can choose whether to ring the group or just send a notification.
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRingLessContinueToCallButtonTitle:
= Continue to call
Strings CallTranscription_ExpandButton:
= Open subtitle history panel
Strings CallTranscription_Collapse:
= Close
= Close subtitle history panel
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionCalendarDeniedPromptIOS:
= To grant Skype permission to access your calendar, go to your device Settings > Privacy > Calendars.
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionCalendar:
= Calendar
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionCalendarPrePrompt:
= Grant Skype permission to access your calendar.
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionCameraDeniedPromptWindows:
= To grant Skype permission to access your camera go to Windows > Settings > Privacy > Camera.
= Go to Start, then select the Settings gear > Privacy > Camera.
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionMicrophoneDeniedPromptWindows:
= To grant Skype permission to access your microphone go to Windows > Settings > Privacy > Microphone.
= Go to Start, then select the Settings gear > Privacy > Microphone.
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionMicrophoneDeniedPromptMac:
= To grant Skype permission to access your microphone, go to Mac System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy Tab, and grant access to Skype.
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionCameraDeniedPromptMac:
= To grant Skype permission to access your camera, go to Mac System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy Tab, and grant access to Skype.
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionBackgroundExecutionDeniedPromptWindows:
= Incoming call and message notifications may not arrive due to your current background apps setting. Go to Windows Settings > Privacy > Background apps and enable Skype.
Strings AddPhoneNumberPanel_PhoneNumberLabel:
= Phone number
Strings ContentPanelHeader_SMSConversationTabWithNumber:
= SMS (*{digits})
Strings ContentPanelHeader_SMSConnectConversationTabWithNumber:
= Phone SMS (*{digits})
Strings ContentPanelHeader_SkypeSMSConversationTabWithNumber:
= Skype SMS (*{digits})
Strings ContentToDisplayTransformerBase_E2eeInvitationReceived:
= {AParty} invited you to a private conversation.
= {gender, select, female{{AParty} invited you to a private conversation.} male{{AParty} invited you to a private conversation.} other{{AParty} invited you to a private conversation.}}
Strings ContentToDisplayTransformerBase_E2eeInvitationGotAccepted:
= {BParty} accepted your invite.
= {gender, select, female{{BParty} accepted your invite.} male{{BParty} accepted your invite.} other{{BParty} accepted your invite.}}
Strings ConversationsListItem_BotConversation:
= bot
Strings ConversationsListItem_CellularMultimediaItems:
= {count, plural, =1{1 multimedia item} other{# multimedia items}}
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_PrivacyAndCookiesButtonText:
= Privacy & Cookies
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_RefreshContacts:
= Refresh Contacts
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_SyncingContacts:
= Syncing Contacts
Strings AvatarPickerDialog_AvatarChangeStagedAccessibilityLabel:
= Avatar change is staged. In order to save the change, confirm this screen.
Strings DateTimePickerDialog_GoToToday:
= Go to today
= Today
Strings DateTimePickerDialog_DatePickerAccessibilityLabel:
= Pick the scheduled call date
Strings DateTimePickerDialog_TimePickerAccessibilityLabel:
= Type the scheduled call time
Strings DetailsPanelHeader_SearchInConversationButton:
= Search in conversation
Strings FileTransfer_AcceptLargeFilePromptTitle:
= This file is larger than {maxFileSize}MB
Strings FileTransfer_AcceptLargeFilePromptMessage:
= Are you sure you want to download this file on a cellular connection?
Strings TodoAddin_DatePickerPanelHeaderTitle:
= Reminder
Strings TodoAddin_DateTimePickerButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Double tap to show the date time picker
Strings TodoAddin_DatePickerButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Double tap to show the date picker
Strings TodoAddin_TimePickerButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Double tap to show the time picker
Strings TodoAddin_DatePickerCloseAccessibilityLabel:
= Date and time has been set to {date}.
Strings TodoAddin_InvalidDateTimeErrorMessage:
= Select a time and date in the future
Strings TodoAddin_RemindMeLabel:
= Remind me
Strings TodoAddin_ReminderNotificationMessage:
= Reminder: {subject}
Strings TodoAddin_ReminderLocalNotificationMessage:
= {folderName}: {subject}
Strings OneDrive_FolderEmptyAnnounceText:
= The folder '{folderName}' is empty
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_NextConversationLabel:
= Next Conversation
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_PreviousConversationLabel:
= Previous Conversation
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_GlobalHotkeysHeader:
= Global Hotkeys
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_DeclineIncomingCall:
= Decline incoming call
Strings InfoPanel_SMSConnect:
= Phone SMS ({phoneNumber})
Strings InfoPanel_SkypeSMS:
= Skype SMS ({phoneNumber})
Strings InfoPanel_SMSChat:
= SMS conversation
= SMS conversation ({phoneNumber})
Strings MediaBar_EmoticonPickerCloseTitle:
= Close Emoticon picker
Strings MessageComposer_MentionSuggestionConfirmed:
= Mentioned {name}
Strings MessageComposer_DraftDecorator:
= [draft]
Strings MessageComposerOverflow_CloseTitle:
= Close Add-ins
= Close content and tools
Strings MyProfilePanel_UploadErrorMessage:
= Failed to upload your image. Please try again in a bit.
= Failed to upload your image. This is most likely caused by a network error. Please check your connection and try again.
Strings MyProfilePanel_MoodMessageCleared:
= Mood message cleared
Strings MyProfilePanel_MoodMessageClearedAndSaved:
= Mood message cleared and saved
Strings MyProfilePanel_CustomStatusTitle:
= Custom status
Strings Notifications_PollPreReminderBody:
= The poll '{title}' is about to expire...
Strings Notifications_PollReminderBody:
= The results are in for '{title}'.
Strings Notifications_AddedToConversationByUser:
= {gender, select, female{{displayName} added you to {conversationName}} male{{displayName} added you to {conversationName}} other{{displayName} added you to {conversationName}}}
Strings Notifications_AddedToConversationDefault:
= You have been added to {conversationName}
Strings Notifications_MissedCallMessageGroupPermissionRejected:
= {group}: {caller} is attempting to call you. To answer, check and update your Skype permissions.
Strings Notifications_MissedCallMessageOneOnOnePermissionRejected:
= {caller} is attempting to call you. To answer, check and update your Skype permissions.
Strings Notifications_MissedCallMessageEncryptedOneOnOnePermissionRejected:
= {emoji, select, enabled{🔒 {caller}: Missed private call} other{{caller}: Missed private call}}
Strings Notifications_MultiMessageTitleSingleConversation:
= {count, plural, =1{{title} (1 unread message)} other{{title} ({count} unread messages)}}
Strings Notifications_MultiNotificationTitle:
= {count} new messages
= {count, plural, =0{No new conversations} =1{1 new conversation} other{# new conversations}}
Strings PesPicker_GiphyAttribution:
= powered by GIPHY
= Found on
Strings PesPicker_SendGif:
= {gifName}. Double tap to send
Strings PesPicker_EmoticonGroupPickerAnnouncement:
= More {emoticonName} options
Strings PesSearch_GifPickerNoResultsSearchAccessibility:
= No GIFs found for {query}
Strings PesSearch_SearchResultsAnnouncementGifs:
= {count, plural, =0{No Gifs found.} =1{1 Gif found.} other{# Gifs found.}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_PollNotifications:
= Poll notifications
Strings UserSettingsPanel_PollNotificationsSecondary:
= Receive push notifications for polls
Strings UserSettingsPanel_InAppPollNotifications:
= Show in-app banner notifications for polls
Strings UserSettingsPanel_InAppPollNotificationsSecondary:
= Show in-app banner notifications for poll
Strings UserSettingsPanel_Syncing:
= Syncing...
Strings UserSettingsPanel_AllowCallsFromContactsOnlyOldPanel:
= Only allow calls from contacts to ring on this device
= Only allow Skype calls from contacts to ring on this device
Strings UserSettingsPanel_FileDownloadLocationLabel:
= When I recieve a file
= When I receive a file
Strings UserSettingsPanel_AutoDownloadFilesTitle:
= Automatically download incoming files
= Auto-download files
Strings UserSettingsPanel_MeControlDialog:
= Quick access menu
Strings UserSettingsPanel_PresenceSaveAccessibilityLabel:
= Presence updated to {userStatus}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ViewPresenceMenuAccessibilityLabel:
= View presence states
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SuggestedStatus:
= Suggested status, {status}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SuggestedStatusBeRightBack:
= Be right back
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SuggestedStatusCelebration:
= Celebrating
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SuggestedStatusMeetings:
= In meetings
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SuggestedStatusTravelling:
= Travelling
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SuggestedStatusWorkingFromHome:
= Working from home
Strings UserSettingsPanel_CurrentMoodMessageLabel:
= Mood message, {moodMessage}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SelectedSuggestedStatus:
= Selected suggested status, {status}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_GlobalHotkeys:
= Enable global hotkeys
Strings UserSettingsPanel_GlobalHotkeysSecondary:
= Global hotkeys allow you to perform Skype actions when the app is minimized or not in focus.
Strings CallerIdPrompt_CallerIDLabel:
= Set Caller ID
Strings CallerIdPrompt_CallerIDPromptTitle:
= Set your Caller ID
Strings CallerIdPrompt_CallerIDPromptIntro:
= Let people know it's you when you call or send them an SMS message
Strings CallerIdPrompt_CallerIDInChatIntro:
= Set your Caller ID so people know it's you who's calling
Strings NdiStrings_ActiveSpeakerStreamName:
= Active Speaker
Strings NdiStrings_AssuranceSlateMessage:
= Powered by Skype
Strings NdiStrings_LocalStreamName:
= Local
Strings NdiStrings_SharedScreenStreamName:
= Shared screen
Strings SubtitlesSettingsPanel_SpokenLanguageDefaultLabel:
= Device language
= App language
Strings SubtitlesSettingsPanel_LanguageToTranslateSubtitlesToDefaultLabel:
= Device language
= Spoken language
Strings SearchResultsList_ConnectOnSkypeHeaderAlternative:
Strings SearchResultsList_InviteToSkypeTitle:
= Invite to Skype
Strings SearchResultsList_InviteToSkypeSubtitle:
= Connect with friends and family
Strings SearchResultsList_FindContactsTitle:
= Find contacts easily
Strings SearchResultsList_FindContactsSubtitle:
= Add contacts from your device
Strings SearchResultsList_ScanQRCodeTitle:
= Scan QR code
Strings SearchResultsList_ScanQRCodeSubtitle:
= Use your code to connect with others
Strings SearchResultsList_QRCodeErrorMessage:
= There was a problem getting your QR code. Please try again later.
Strings ShareWithPanel_AudioMessageDuration:
= Duration - {duration}
Strings SignInSignUp_SignOutAnnouncement:
= Signing out
Strings SignInSignUp_ErrorNoNetwork:
= Unable to sign in, please check your internet connection and try again.
Strings SignInSignUp_ErrorSecurity:
= For your security, you've been signed out. Sign back in to continue using Skype.
Strings SignOutConfirmation_SignOutRemoveAccountTitle:
= Yes and remove my account
Strings StreamItem_SaveToDownloadsCustomFolder:
= Save to '{downloadFolder}'
Strings MobileScreenSharingToast_BannerTitle:
= Sharing screen...
Strings MobileScreenSharingToast_StopSharingLinkText:
= Stop sharing
Strings Poll_VoteSubmittedAccessibilityAnnouncement:
= Submitted vote for option {option}
Strings Poll_VoteRemovedAccessibilityAnnouncement:
= Removed vote for option {option}
Strings ScheduleCall_NowReminderSystemMessageOrganizer:
= {gender, select, female{It's time to start your call '{subject}'} male{It's time to start your call '{subject}'} other{It's time to start your call '{subject}'}}
Strings ScheduleCall_BannerDismissButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Double tap to dismiss the banner.
Strings ScheduleCall_AddToCalendar:
= Add to calendar
Strings ScheduleCall_AddToCalendarLocationLabel:
= Skype
Strings ScheduleCall_AddToCalendarConfirmationTitle:
= Your scheduled call has been added to your calendar.
Strings ScheduledCallCard_AcceptButton:
= Accept
Strings ScheduledCallCard_DeclineButton:
= Decline
Strings WebFooter_Copyright:
= © 2018 Skype and/or Microsoft.
= © 2019 Skype and/or Microsoft.
Strings WebFooter_Copyright2:
= © 2018 Skype & Microsoft.
= © 2019 Skype & Microsoft.
Strings WebBanner_BannerText:
= Your comments and feedback are crucial to improving the Skype for Web experience. {link1} or {link2}
Strings WebBanner_ReportAProblemLink:
= Report a problem
Strings WebBanner_LeaveFeedbackLink:
= Leave feedback
Strings BatterySavePrompt_ToastTitle:
= Update your Background Apps setting
Strings BatterySavePrompt_ToastDescription:
= You may be missing Skype calls and messages due to your current settings.
Strings BatterySavePrompt_PromptText:
= Select ‘Yes’ to continue receiving Skype calls and messages in the background
Strings SplitViewDeeplink_ConfirmationTitle:
= Enable split view
Strings SplitViewDeeplink_ConfirmationText:
= Are you sure you want to enable the split view mode?
Strings SplitViewDeeplink_ConfirmationButton:
= Confirm
Strings AlertsPanel_EmptyStateDescription:
= Check here for new @ mentions, reactions and more when you start chatting with people on Skype.
Strings AudioVideoSettings_BackgroundBlurLabel:
= Blur my background for all calls
Strings CallBanner_LiveCallMessage:
= Ongoing call
Strings ConversationsListItem_PinnedConversation:
= pinned,
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_NotSyncedHeader:
= Find friends on Skype
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_NotSyncedFirstText:
= Some of your contacts may already use Skype.
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_NotSyncedSecondText:
= Sync your address book to find people you know using Skype.
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_SyncAddressBookButton:
= Sync Your Contacts
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_SearchCTAText:
= Use Search to find people on Skype.
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_EmptyChatsHeader:
= Time to start chatting
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_ContactsCTAText:
= Go to Contacts to see your device and Skype contacts.
Strings InfoPanel_UnpinLabel:
= Unpin chat
Strings InfoPanel_PinToTopLabel:
= Pin chat
Strings LoginScreen_ErrorNoNetwork:
= Unable to sign in, please check your internet connection and try again.
Strings MessageComposerOverflow_Title:
= Add-ins
Strings MessageComposerOverflow_SendTitle:
= Send to chat
Strings MessageComposerOverflow_ShareTitle:
= Share to chat
Strings MessageComposerOverflow_AddTitleShort:
= Add
Strings MessageComposerOverflow_SendTitleShort:
= Send
Strings MessageComposerOverflow_ShareTitleShort:
= Share
Strings Notifications_IOSNotification:
= {title}: {body}
Strings Notifications_IOSNotificationWithoutBody:
= {title}
Strings PesPicker_GifAttribution:
= From {host}
Strings RecentCallsHelper_NoRecentCallsInfo:
= Call people on Skype for free or call phone numbers using Skype Credit.
Strings SubtitlesSettingsPanel_SpokenLanguageAppLanguageOverrideDefaultLabel:
= App language
Strings SubtitlesSettingsPanel_LanguageToTranslateSubtitlesToAppLanguageOverrideDefaultLabel:
= App language
Strings SwiftQuickReplyListView_BotIconAccessibilityLabel:
= {BotName} actions.
Strings QuickActionsOptions_SignIn:
= Sign In
Strings QuickActionsOptions_NewCall:
= New Call
Strings QuickActionsOptions_Dialpad:
= Dialpad
Strings QuickActionsOptions_NewChat:
= New Chat
Strings QuickActionsOptions_Recents:
= Recents
Strings QuickActionsOptions_ShareSkype:
= Share Skype
Strings QuickActionsOptions_ChangePresence:
= Change Presence

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.


  1. 0 0 0
    rei (karma: 0),
    it's not an official skype/microsoft link but the windows version is here: ***
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Why spam if you can download it from this blog or official site?
  2. 0 0 0
    doreo (karma: 0),
    any way of getting skype classic to work?

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• When asking a question, please specify the operating system and the version of Skype.
• If you encounter any errors, copy the full text of the message here.
• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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