unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Android

A new version of Skype for Android has been released. You can install it from the Play Store or download from our blog. As for changes in the Skype for Android, about them nothing is yet known.

Skype for Android

File size:

30.2 MB

Operating system:


Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Android. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Android, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings quick_actions_change_presence:
= Change Presence
= Change presence
Strings quick_actions_chats:
= View chats
Strings quick_actions_dialpad:
= Dialpad
= Open dial pad
Strings quick_actions_new_call:
= New Call
= New call
Strings AboutPeopleYouMayKnowPanel_GetInTouch:
= Get in touch if you haven’t chatted lately
= Get in touch if you haven't chatted lately
Strings AboutPeopleYouMayKnowPanel_ControlPrivacy:
= You’re in control of your privacy
= You're in control of your privacy
Strings AboutPeopleYouMayKnowPanel_RelevantSuggestions:
= We pull relevant suggestions based on mutual contacts you’ve added or chatted with on Skype.
= We pull relevant suggestions based on mutual contacts you've added or chatted with on Skype.
Strings AboutPeopleYouMayKnowPanel_ManageInPrivacySettings:
= Manage how and when you’re found in {link}.
= Manage how and when you're found in {link}.
Strings AddressBookContactListItem_EmailBody:
= Hi {receiverName}, {senderName} would like to chat with you on Skype. It’s free! {link}
= Hi {receiverName}, {senderName} would like to chat with you on Skype. It's free! {link}
Strings AddressBookContactListItem_EmailBodyNoReceiver:
= {senderName} would like to chat with you on Skype. It’s free! {link}
= {senderName} would like to chat with you on Skype. It's free! {link}
Strings AddressBookContactListItem_TextMessageBody:
= Hi {receiverName}, {senderName} would like to chat with you on Skype. It’s free! {link}
= Hi {receiverName}, {senderName} would like to chat with you on Skype. It's free! {link}
Strings AddressBookContactListItem_TextMessageBodyNoReceiver:
= {senderName} would like to chat with you on Skype. It’s free! {link}
= {senderName} would like to chat with you on Skype. It's free! {link}
Strings AlertCard_OnePersonReactedToYourGIF:
= {gender, select, female{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your GIF.} male{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your GIF.} other{{firstOtherPerson} reacted to your GIF.}}
Strings AlertCard_TwoPeopleReactedToYourGIF:
= {firstOtherPerson} and {secondOtherPerson} reacted to your GIF.
Strings AlertCard_MoreThanTwoPeopleReactedToYourGIF:
= {otherCount, plural, other{{firstOtherPerson} and # others reacted to your GIF.}}
Strings AudioVideoSettings_AudioSettingsClose:
= Close Audio Settings
Strings AudioVideoSettings_AVTestBody:
= Let’s make sure your equipment is on and working properly. You can always change this later in Profile > Settings > Audio & Video.
= Let's make sure your equipment is on and working properly. You can always change this later in Profile > Settings > Audio & Video.
Strings AudioVideoSettings_BackgroundBlurLabel:
= Blur my background for all calls
Strings BalanceStatePanel_GenericSubscriptionDisclaimer:
= Excludes special, premium and non-geographic numbers. A {fairUsagePolicy} applies to unlimited minutes subscriptions. Any Office 365 Personal offers apply to new Office subscribers only.
= Excludes special, premium and non-geographic numbers. A {fairUsagePolicy} applies to unlimited minutes subscriptions.
Strings BalanceStatePanel_GenericSubscriptionDisclaimerWithO365:
= Excludes special, premium and non-geographic numbers. A {fairUsagePolicy} applies to unlimited minutes subscriptions. Any Office 365 Personal offers apply to new Office subscribers only.
Strings BalanceStatePanel_HowToRefund:
= Turn off Auto-recharge any time. Refunds only in accordance with {refundPolicyLink}. Funds can’t be exchanged for cash, except as required by law.
= Turn off Auto-recharge any time. Refunds only in accordance with {refundPolicyLink}. Funds can't be exchanged for cash, except as required by law.
Strings BotDetailsPanel_CapabilitiesText:
= Here’s what you can do with this bot: {capabilitiesList}.
= Here's what you can do with this bot: {capabilitiesList}.
Strings CallControls_RemovedFromCallAccessibilityLabel:
= You have been removed from the call by another participant.
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_SubtitlesToggle:
= Show subtitles
Strings CallOptionsMenu_CallFundedBy_TasterCall:
= {numberOfMinutes, plural, =1{Talk free for 1 minute} other{Talk free for {numberOfMinutes} minutes}}
Strings CallReactionsBar_PhotoSnapshotButtonShortTitle:
= Snapshot
= Take snapshot
Strings CallPanel_ReconnectingBody:
= Your connection is poor.
= There is a poor network connection
Strings CallPanel_ReactionsMessage1User:
= {firstUser} is using a previous version of Skype and will not see your reactions or pictures.
= {firstUser} is using a version of Skype that will not see your reactions or pictures.
Strings CallPanel_ReactionsMessage2Users:
= {firstUser} and {secondUser} are using previous versions of Skype. They will not see your reactions or pictures.
= {firstUser} and {secondUser} are using versions of Skype that will not see your reactions or pictures.
Strings CallPanel_ReactionsMessageMoreUsers:
= {count, plural, =1{{firstUser}, {secondUser} and 1 other are using previous versions of Skype. They will not see your reactions or pictures.} other{{firstUser}, {secondUser} and # others are using previous versions of Skype. They will not see your reactions or pictures.}}
= {count, plural, =1{{firstUser}, {secondUser} and 1 other are using versions of Skype that will not see your reactions or pictures.} other{{firstUser}, {secondUser} and # others are using versions of Skype that will not see your reactions or pictures.}}
Strings CallPanel_ReactionsMessageDefault:
= Other people on this call are using previous versions of Skype and will not see your reactions or pictures.
= Other people on this call are using versions of Skype that will not see your reactions or pictures.
Strings CallPanel_ReactionsShortMessage1User:
= {firstUser} is using a previous version of Skype and will not see your reactions.
= {firstUser} is using a version of Skype that will not see your reactions.
Strings CallPanel_ReactionsShortMessage2Users:
= {firstUser} and {secondUser} are using previous versions of Skype. They will not see your reactions.
= {firstUser} and {secondUser} are using versions of Skype that will not see your reactions.
Strings CallPanel_ReactionsShortMessageMoreUsers:
= {count, plural, =1{{firstUser}, {secondUser} and 1 other are using previous versions of Skype. They will not see your reactions.} other{{firstUser}, {secondUser} and # others are using previous versions of Skype. They will not see your reactions.}}
= {count, plural, =1{{firstUser}, {secondUser} and 1 other are using versions of Skype that will not see your reactions.} other{{firstUser}, {secondUser} and # others are using versions of Skype that will not see your reactions.}}
Strings CallPanel_ReactionsShortMessageDefault:
= Other people on this call are using previous versions of Skype and will not see your reactions.
= Other people on this call are using versions of Skype that will not see your reactions.
Strings CallPanel_PhotoCoViewShortMessageDefault:
= Other people on this call are using previous versions of Skype and will not see your photos.
= Other people on this call are using versions of Skype that will not see your photos.
Strings CallPanel_RinglessCallHeader:
= Notification sent
Strings CallPanel_RinglessCallDescription:
= This group is too large to ring.
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallWithOnlyCallInitiatorMessage:
= You're the only one in the call
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallNotifiedTheGroupMessage:
= We've notified the group
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRingTheGroupButtonTitle:
= Ring the group
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallDontRingNotifyButtonTitle:
= Don't ring - Notify instead
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRingAllButtonTitle:
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRingingStatusMessage:
= Ringing the group...
Strings CallPanel_GroupCallRingingStatusCountdownMessage:
= Ringing the group in...
Strings CapturePanel_SwitchedCameraToFrontAccessibilityLabel:
= Switched to front-facing camera
Strings CapturePanel_SwitchedCameraToBackAccessibilityLabel:
= Switched to back-facing camera
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionMicrophoneAndCameraDeniedPromptIOS:
= To grant Skype permission to access your microphone and camera, go to your device Settings > Privacy.
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionMicrophoneAndCameraDeniedPromptAndroid:
= To grant Skype permission to access your camera and microphone, go to your device Settings > Apps > Skype > Permissions.
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionMicrophoneAndCameraDeniedPromptWindows:
= To grant Skype permission to access your camera and microphone, go to Start, then select the Settings gear > Privacy.
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionMicrophoneAndCameraDeniedPromptMac:
= To grant Skype permission to access your camera and microphone, go to Mac System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy Tab, and grant access to Skype.
Strings ConnectivityStatusBar_NoInternetConnection:
= No connection
= No internet connection
Strings ContactsStore_DefaultInviteMessage:
= I’d like to add you on Skype.
= I'd like to add you on Skype.
Strings ContentToDisplayTransformerBase_BotPresentInConversationMessage:
= Welcome! This group includes one or more bots. They have access to each participant’s Skype Name, Display Name and any new chat messages or new content shared in the group.
= Welcome! This group includes one or more bots. They have access to each participant's Skype Name, Display Name and any new chat messages or new content shared in the group.
Strings ContentToDisplayTransformerBase_BotWelcomeMessage:
= Bots added to this group have access to each participant’s Skype Name, Display Name and any new chat messages or new content shared in the group.
= Bots added to this group have access to each participant's Skype Name, Display Name and any new chat messages or new content shared in the group.
Strings ContentToDisplayTransformerBase_RoleUpdateMessage:
= {gender, select, female{{initiator} updated {person}’s role to {role}} male{{initiator} updated {person}’s role to {role}} other{{initiator} updated {person}’s role to {role}}}
= {gender, select, female{{initiator} updated {person}'s role to {role}} male{{initiator} updated {person}'s role to {role}} other{{initiator} updated {person}'s role to {role}}}
Strings ContentToReactTransformer_GifCardIconPreviewLabel:
= {creator} sent a GIF
Strings CortanaConsentPanel_Title:
= I’m on Skype now
= I'm on Skype now
Strings CortanaConsentPanel_Description:
= To answer your questions, help you remember what’s important, and much more, let Cortana collect and use information including your: Location and location history Contacts, calendar details, and content and communication history from messages, instant messages, and apps Search history and other info on your device to make your experience more personal
= To answer your questions, help you remember what's important, and much more, let Cortana collect and use information including your: Location and location history Contacts, calendar details, and content and communication history from messages, instant messages, and apps Search history and other info on your device to make your experience more personal
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_LearnMoreParagraph1Description:
= After you connect your contacts, they are periodically synced and securely stored. You’ll see who is on Skype and your contacts will also find you more easily in search. You can opt out of the “search and suggestions” feature in your privacy settings.
= After you connect your contacts, they are periodically synced and securely stored. You'll see who is on Skype and your contacts will also find you more easily in search. You can opt out of the “search and suggestions” feature in your privacy settings.
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_SmsConnectLearnMoreParagraph1Description:
= After you connect your contacts, they are periodically synced and securely stored. You’ll see who is on Skype and your contacts will also find you more easily in search. You can opt out of the “search and suggestions” feature in your privacy settings. We'll also sync your contacts from SMS Connect conversations.
= After you connect your contacts, they are periodically synced and securely stored. You'll see who is on Skype and your contacts will also find you more easily in search. You can opt out of the “search and suggestions” feature in your privacy settings. We'll also sync your contacts from SMS Connect conversations.
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_LearnMoreParagraph2Description:
= You can stop sharing your phone contacts with us through your privacy settings under your profile. If you choose to stop, we’ll remove your contacts who aren’t already on Skype.
= You can stop sharing your phone contacts with us through your privacy settings under your profile. If you choose to stop, we'll remove your contacts who aren't already on Skype.
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_DesktopLearnMoreParagraph2Description:
= You can stop sharing your device contacts with us through your privacy settings under your profile. If you choose to stop, we’ll remove your contacts who aren’t already on Skype.
= You can stop sharing your device contacts with us through your privacy settings under your profile. If you choose to stop, we'll remove your contacts who aren't already on Skype.
Strings AvatarPickerDialog_ChooseProfilePicHeaderTextAlternative1:
= Let them know it’s you
= Let them know it's you
Strings ColorThemeDialog_ThemeAppliedAnnouncement:
= Appearance updated
Strings ColorThemeDialog_AdditionalThemeBubble:
= What’s going on?
= What's going on?
Strings ColorThemeDialog_SettingsDescriptionText1:
= Pick how colorful you want your chats to be. You’ll see a preview below.
= Pick how colorful you want your chats to be. You'll see a preview below.
Strings ColorThemeDialog_SettingsDescriptionText2:
= Pick how bright you want Skype to be for you. You’ll see a preview below.
= Pick how bright you want Skype to be for you. You'll see a preview below.
Strings ColorThemeDialog_SettingsDescriptionText3:
= Pick a color that represents you to others. You’ll see a preview below.
= Pick a color that represents you to others. You'll see a preview below.
Strings ColorThemeDialog_SelectedHighContrastTitleAccessible:
= High contrast theme selected
Strings ColorThemeDialog_DeselectedHighContrastTitleAccessible:
= High contrast theme deselected
Strings CreditPurchase_SubscriptionDisclaimer:
= Starting today, we’ll charge you {amount} each month (inclusive of applicable taxes) until you cancel. You’ll be notified before any future price changes. Cancel any time on your account page under Subscriptions. {learnMoreLink}.
= Starting today, we'll charge you {amount} each month (inclusive of applicable taxes) until you cancel. You'll be notified before any future price changes. Cancel any time on your account page under Subscriptions. {learnMoreLink}.
Strings ProductPurchase_CreateSubscriptionOrderTitle:
= Buy subscription
Strings ProductPurchase_RecurringWarningTag:
= per month
Strings ProductPurchase_RecurringDisclaimer:
= Your subscription is renewed automatically unless auto-renewal is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period of the subscription. You can manage your subscription by going to your Apple ID account settings and choosing the auto-renewal option or turning it off any time after your purchase.
Strings ProductPurchase_SubscriptionItunesAccountDisclaimer:
= Your payment will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase. Your account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period.
Strings CurrencyConversion_ConversionRateBody:
= It looks like your App Store and Skype currency don’t match. We’ll convert the App Store currency for this purchase. To change these settings, sign in to and select 'Change currency' in My Account.
= It looks like your App Store and Skype currency don't match. We'll convert the App Store currency for this purchase. To change these settings, sign in to and select 'Change currency' in My Account.
Strings DateTimePickerDialog_GoToToday:
= Go to today
Strings DateTimePickerDialog_GoToPreviousMonthAccessibilityLabel:
= Go to previous month
Strings DateTimePickerDialog_GoToNextMonthAccessibilityLabel:
= Go to next month
Strings DateTimePickerDialog_GoToPreviousYearAccessibilityLabel:
= Go to previous year
Strings DateTimePickerDialog_GoToNextYearAccessibilityLabel:
= Go to next year
Strings DayShortName_Sun:
= S
Strings DayShortName_Mon:
= M
Strings DayShortName_Tue:
= T
Strings DayShortName_Wed:
= W
Strings DayShortName_Thu:
= T
Strings DayShortName_Fri:
= F
Strings DayShortName_Sat:
= S
Strings DetailsPanelHeader_ShareContactButtonTitle:
= Share contact with
= Share contact
Strings FeedbackMechanism_IncludeLogsButton:
= Send report with logs
Strings FeedbackMechanism_ExcludeLogsButton:
= Don't include logs
Strings FeedbackMechanism_IncludeScreenshotLabel:
= Include screenshot
Strings IntegrationsView_AddInsSuggestionBody:
= We’re creating new Add-ins every day. Let us know what you’d like to see next.
= We're creating new Add-ins every day. Let us know what you'd like to see next.
Strings TodoAddin_DeleteTaskConfirmationMenuOption:
= Delete task
Strings TodoAddin_SaveTaskLabel:
= Save task
Strings TodoAddin_DiscardChangesDialogTitle:
= Discard changes?
Strings TodoAddin_DiscardChangesDialogMessage:
= Are you sure you want to discard changes made to this task?
Strings TodoAddin_DiscardChangesLabel:
= Discard changes
Strings OneDrive_CreateSharingLinkErrorMessage:
= Cannot create sharing link, please check your connection and try again
= The OneDrive extension does not yet support sharing link for this file
Strings OneDrive_CreateFolderSharingLinkErrorMessage:
= The OneDrive extension does not yet support sharing link to this folder
Strings OneDrive_GetPermissionErrorMessage:
= Cannot get sharing link, please check your connection and try again
= Sharing this {itemType} is not allowed
Strings GalleryMediaPanel_NoContentStatus:
= It’s empty right now.
= It's empty right now.
Strings Global_ErrorDialogTagline:
= It’s not you, it’s us.
= It's not you, it's us.
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_AccessibilityCategoryHeader:
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_AnnounceMuteStatus:
= Announce microphone status during a call
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_AnnounceSelfVideoOnOffStatus:
= Announce own video status during a call
Strings InputEntity_CallMessageFallback:
= Upgrade to the latest version of Skype so you don’t miss out on the in call action!
= Upgrade to the latest version of Skype so you don't miss out on the in call action!
Strings JoinLinkCard_EmailBody:
= {senderName} would like to chat with you on Skype. It’s free! {link}
= {senderName} would like to chat with you on Skype. It's free! {link}
Strings InviteUsersWorkflowStore_CannotAddUser:
= You cannot add this participant to the conversation
Strings InvitePeopleWizard_WizardText:
= Share your invite with anyone you’d like to chat with on Skype. You can always find it in the plus menu on the main view.
= Share your invite with anyone you'd like to chat with on Skype. You can always find it in the plus menu on the main view.
Strings LocationPicker_OtherPersonLocationLabel:
= {name}’s location
= {name}'s location
Strings LocationPicker_SharedCurrentLocation:
= {userName}’s Location
= {userName}'s Location
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_SearchResultsExplanation:
= You won’t appear in search results for people you haven’t chatted with
= You won't appear in search results for people you haven't chatted with
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_SearchResultsSecondaryExplanationSplitPolicySettings:
= Appear in search results for people you haven’t chatted with.
= Appear in search results for people you haven't chatted with.
Strings MediaBar_MediaAndFilePickerTitle:
= Media and Files
Strings MediaBar_MediaAndFilePickerDescription:
= Share photos, videos and files
Strings MessageContentNodes_SmsFallback:
= Eek! We can’t show this SMS message on the version of Skype you have.
= Eek! We can't show this SMS message on the version of Skype you have.
Strings MessageContentNodes_MmsFallback:
= Eek! We can’t show this MMS message on the version of Skype you have.
= Eek! We can't show this MMS message on the version of Skype you have.
Strings MessageContentNodes_ReportedMessageFallback:
= This message has been reported and hidden.
Strings MessageStream_AudioMessageNotAvailable:
= This message is no longer available
Strings MessageStream_ChatWelcomeHeaderFirstLine:
= You haven’t chatted on Skype yet.
= You haven't chatted on Skype yet.
Strings MessageStream_ChatWelcomeHeaderFirstLineWithName:
= {gender, select, female{You haven’t chatted with {name} on Skype yet.} male{You haven’t chatted with {name} on Skype yet.} other{You haven’t chatted with {name} on Skype yet.}}
= {gender, select, female{You haven't chatted with {name} on Skype yet.} male{You haven't chatted with {name} on Skype yet.} other{You haven't chatted with {name} on Skype yet.}}
Strings MessageStream_MaximumContactInviteMessagesWarning:
= You need to wait for {recipientDisplayName}’s reply to continue chatting.
= You need to wait for {recipientDisplayName}'s reply to continue chatting.
Strings MyProfilePanel_SkypeProfile:
= Skype profile
Strings NativeAd_HideAdMenuBody:
= Click 'hide' to hide ads for 24 hours.
Strings NativeAd_HideAdMenuCancelButton:
= Cancel
Strings NativeAd_HideAdMenuHideButton:
= Hide
Strings NgcUpgradeNode_NgcUpgradeManyMessage:
= {users} and {lastUser} were unable to join this call. They may need to come online, update Skype, or they’re using an unsupported device. Find out more at
= {users} and {lastUser} were unable to join this call. They may need to come online, update Skype, or they're using an unsupported device. Find out more at
Strings Notifications_IncomingRinglessCallMessageOnAndroidDesktop:
= {caller} started a call.
Strings Notifications_IncomingRinglessCallMessageOnIOS:
= {caller} started a call in '{group}'
Strings Notifications_IncomingRinglessCallMessageJoinButtonLabel:
= Join
Strings Notifications_IncomingRinglessCallMessageCloseButtonLabel:
= Close
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle11:
= Make someone’s day extra special
= Make someone's day extra special
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle20:
= Mother’s Day is coming up!
= Mother's Day is coming up!
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle27:
= One tap and you’re in!
= One tap and you're in!
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle35:
= Happy Mother’s Day!
= Happy Mother's Day!
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle9:
= Personalize it in a hue that’s you, share your favorite GIFs and say it in style 👌
= Personalize it in a hue that's you, share your favorite GIFs and say it in style 👌
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle21:
= Can’t hang out in person? See mom smile over a Skype video call
= Can't hang out in person? See mom smile over a Skype video call
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle28:
= Turn everyday chats into memorable moments with video calls, message reactions, and highlights
= Turn everyday chats into memorable moments with video calls, message and reactions
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle33:
= If you can’t say 'I love you' in person this Mother’s Day, say it face-to-face with Skype 💕
= If you can't say 'I love you' in person this Mother's Day, say it face-to-face with Skype 💕
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle42:
= You’re one step away from free group video calling, messaging, and more!
= You're one step away from free group video calling, messaging, and more!
Strings Onboarding_LandingPageEmergencyCallingLabel:
= Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and can’t be used for emergency calling.
= Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and can't be used for emergency calling.
Strings Onboarding_TutorialTitle:
= We’ve redesigned Skype for you
= We've redesigned Skype for you
Strings Onboarding_NewUserTutorialTitle:
= We’re glad you’re here
= We're glad you're here
Strings Onboarding_TutorialBody:
= Let’s take a quick tour to see what’s new and different!
= Let's take a quick tour to see what's new and different!
Strings Onboarding_NewUserTutorialBody:
= Let’s take a quick tour to see Skype’s key features!
= Let's take a quick tour to see Skype's key features!
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenBoxCheckAccountTitle:
= You are signed in as {msa}
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenBoxCheckAccountReadMore:
= Read more
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenBoxCheckAccountTrySwitch:
= Try {switchAccountLink} if you do not see your contacts or conversation history.
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenBoxCheckAccountSwitchLink:
= switching accounts
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenCarouselBody1:
= Thanks for updating to the latest version of Skype. Let’s take a quick look around…
= Thanks for updating to the latest version of Skype. Let's take a quick look around…
Strings Onboarding_ClearMoodMessageButtonTitle:
= Clear mood message
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsQuickActions:
= Here are some quick actions to get you started
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardTitle1:
= What's New in Skype
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardText1:
= Stay up to date with the latest features and updates in Skype. Don't miss a thing!
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardButton1:
= Learn more
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardTitle2:
= Experience Skype on mobile
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardText2:
= Get the Skype mobile app for your phone and stay connected even while you are on the go.
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardButton2:
= Download now
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardTitle3:
= Stay connected
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardText3:
= Search for someone to start chatting with or go to Contacts to see who's available.
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardButton3:
= Start a conversation
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardTitle4:
= Search for friends
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardText4:
= Use Search in the sidebar to quickly find family, friends or colleagues on Skype.
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardButton4:
= Use Search
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardTitle5:
= Call mobiles and landlines
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardText5:
= Skype to Skype calls are always free, but you can also call mobiles and landlines from Skype at great low rates.
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardButton5:
= Open Dialpad
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardTitle6:
= Share your profile
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardText6:
= Connect with anyone by sharing a link to your profile with them - even if they're not on Skype.
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenWithCardsCardButton6:
= Share profile
Strings PstnUtils_BlockedRegulatoryIndia:
= You will not be able to call landlines or mobiles in India from Skype when you’re inside India.
= You will not be able to call landlines or mobiles in India from Skype when you're inside India.
Strings PstnUtils_InsufficientFundsAdding:
= You don’t have enough Skype Credit to add {displayName} to the call.
= You don't have enough Skype Credit to add {displayName} to the call.
Strings PstnUtils_AddingFailedNoCreditTitle:
= This person isn’t on Skype yet
= This person isn't on Skype yet
Strings PstnUtils_NoSubscriptionCoverTitle:
= This number isn’t included in your current subscription
= This number isn't included in your current subscription
Strings QuickCallPanel_NoCallsTitle:
= You haven’t made any calls on Skype yet
= You haven't made any calls on Skype yet
Strings SearchHint_Groups:
= Search for groups you’ve created and have joined.
= Search for groups you've created and have joined.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SyncAddressBookSubtitle:
= Last synced:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SyncedJustNow:
= Just now
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SyncedMinutesAgo:
= {count, plural, =1{1 minute ago} other{# minutes ago}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SyncedHoursAgo:
= {count, plural, =1{1 hour ago} other{# hours ago}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SyncedYesterday:
= Yesterday
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SyncedDaysAgo:
= {count, plural, =1{1 day ago} other{# days ago}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_EmergencyCallingLabel:
= Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and can’t be used for emergency calling from this country/region.
= Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and can't be used for emergency calling from this country/region.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_PicturePrefetchTitle:
= Auto-download photos
Strings UserSettingsPanel_PicturePrefetchStatusOff:
= Never
Strings UserSettingsPanel_PicturePrefetchStatusOn:
= Wi-Fi and cellular
Strings UserSettingsPanel_PicturePrefetchStatusWifi:
= Wi-Fi only
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SkypeProfileButtonTitle:
= Skype profile
Strings PeopleYouMayKnowLearnMoreView_DummyRachelAvatarDisplayName:
= Rachel Vaughan
Strings PeopleYouMayKnowLearnMoreView_DummyKennethAvatarDisplayName:
= Kenneth Marchand
Strings PeopleYouMayKnowLearnMoreView_DummyEliseAvatarDisplayName:
= Elise Gibson
Strings SubtitlesSettingsPanel_OnlyShowSubtitlesForOtherParticipantsLabel:
= Only show subtitles for other participants
Strings SignInSignUp_TreatmentB:
= Experience one-to-one or group HD video calling for free.
Strings SignInSignUp_TreatmentC:
= Experience one-to-one or group video calling for free.
Strings SignInSignUp_TreatmentD:
= Free HD video and voice calls anywhere in the world.
Strings SignInSignUp_TreatmentE:
= Stay in touch with the people who matter most.
Strings SignInSignUp_TreatmentF:
= Get everyone together for a face-to-face video call.
Strings SignInSignUp_TreatmentG:
= Stay connected with friends and family around the world for free.
Strings SignInSignUp_LetsGetStartedText:
= Let's get started
Strings SignInSignUp_T1MigrationRecoveryWithUsernameText:
= Would you like to try signing in to Skype with this account?
= Would you like to try signing in to Skype with this Microsoft account?
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDeviceHeader:
= Select which devices you’d like to be able to send and receive SMS messages with.
= Select which devices you'd like to be able to send and receive SMS messages with.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_EnableSkypeInBackgroundLabel:
= Run Skype in background
= Sync SMS when Skype is not running
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_EnableSkypeInBackgroundDescription:
= Run Skype in the background to improve SMS Connect relay performance
= Allow Skype to run in the background to make sure you always receive your SMS in Skype even when the app is not open.
Strings SkypeSmsToSmsConnectControl_SkypeSmsToSmsConnectInfoAgent:
= Sending is currently set to use SMS Connect on desktop. To send new SMS use your phone’s SMS app.
= Sending is currently set to use SMS Connect on desktop. To send new SMS use your phone's SMS app.
Strings StreamItem_SendingNoNetwork:
= This message will be sent once you reconnect
Strings StreamItem_ActionShowReportedMessage:
= Show
Strings SwiftCard_Fallback:
= Eek! We can’t show this card on the version of Skype you have.
= Eek! We can't show this card on the version of Skype you have.
Strings UnansweredCallTitle_NoMicAndCamPermission:
= To make this call, Skype needs permission to use your microphone and camera.
Strings UrlConverter_ProcessingInviteLinkFailedMessage:
= There was a problem with your link. It may have expired or wasn’t copied correctly.
= There was a problem with your link. It may have expired or wasn't copied correctly.
Strings CallSubtitleToast_SpokenLanguageDropdownOptionDefaultText:
= Select language
Strings Poll_ExpirationDateText:
= Poll ends at
Strings Poll_SummaryButtonTextBeforeExpiration:
= View details

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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• When asking a question, please specify the operating system and the version of Skype.
• If you encounter any errors, copy the full text of the message here.
• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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