unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.

Skype for Mac OS X

File size:

91.7 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings AccessibilityLabel_ViewUpcomingCallDetailsButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= {displayName}, view upcoming call details.
Strings AccessibilityLabel_ScheduledCallBannerStartingAtTime:
= You have an upcoming call titled {title} starting at {time}
Strings AccessibilityLabel_ScheduledCallBannerStartingNow:
= You have an upcoming call titled {title} starting now
Strings AccessibilityLabel_ScheduledCallInvitationStreamItem:
= call invitation {subject}
Strings AlertCard_UserAcceptedCallInvite:
= {gender, select, female{{user} accepted call invite '{subject}'} male{{user} accepted call invite '{subject}'} other{{user} accepted call invite '{subject}'}}
= {gender, select, female{{user} accepted your call invite: '{subject}'} male{{user} accepted your call invite: '{subject}'} other{{user} accepted your call invite: '{subject}'}}
Strings AlertCard_UserDeclinedCallInvite:
= {gender, select, female{{user} declined call invite '{subject}'} male{{user} declined call invite '{subject}'} other{{user} declined call invite '{subject}'}}
= {gender, select, female{{user} declined your call invite: '{subject}'} male{{user} declined your call invite: '{subject}'} other{{user} declined your call invite: '{subject}'}}
Strings AlertCard_CallInviteReceived:
= {gender, select, female{{user} invited you to a call '{subject}'} male{{user} invited you to a call '{subject}'} other{{user} invited you to a call '{subject}'}}
= {gender, select, female{{user} invited you to a call: '{subject}'} male{{user} invited you to a call: '{subject}'} other{{user} invited you to a call: '{subject}'}}
Strings AlertCard_CallInviteDeleted:
= {gender, select, female{{user} deleted a call: '{subject}'} male{{user} deleted a call: '{subject}'} other{{user} deleted a call: '{subject}'}}
Strings AlertCard_CallInviteEdited:
= {gender, select, female{{user} updated a call: '{subject}'} male{{user} updated a call: '{subject}'} other{{user} updated a call: '{subject}'}}
Strings ContactCard_ChatButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Chat with {userName}
Strings ContactCard_ContactCardAccessibilityLabel:
= a contact, {contactValue}
Strings CallControls_ShowFullVideo:
= Show full video
= See full video feed
Strings CallControls_ShowCroppedVideo:
= Show cropped video
= Fit and crop video
Strings CallControls_CallMenuMuteMicrophone:
= Mute microphone
Strings CallControls_CallMenuUnmuteMicrophone:
= Unmute microphone
Strings CallControls_CallMenuBlurBackground:
= Blur background
Strings CallControls_CallMenuUnBlurBackground:
= Unblur background
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_SwitchScreenOrWindow:
= Switch screen or window
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StopIncomingVideo:
= Turn off incoming video
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StartIncomingVideo:
= Allow incoming video
Strings ScreenSharingModal_ShareScreenOrWindow:
= Start sharing
Strings ScreenSharingModal_ShareScreenDropDownOption:
= Share screen
Strings ScreenSharingModal_ShareWindowDropDownOption:
= Share application window
Strings CallPanel_MicrophoneServerMuted:
= Another participant muted your microphone
Strings CallPanel_EnterFullScreen:
= Enter full-screen
Strings CallPanel_ExitFullScreen:
= Exit full-screen
Strings CallTranscription_Expand:
= Subtitle history
Strings CallTranscription_Collapse:
= Close
Strings CallTranscription_StartSubtitles:
= Turning subtitles on...
Strings CallTranscription_JumpToLast:
= Jump to last subtitle
Strings CapturePanel_ZoomInfo:
= Zoom.
= {zoomFactor}×
Strings CapturePanel_ZoomInfoAccessibilityLabel:
= Zoom. {zoomFactor}×. Tap to change zoom.
Strings AugmentedPermissions_VideoEscalationPromptTitle:
= Want to use your camera for this call?
Strings CapturePreview_StartAndStopRecordingButton:
= Start and stop recording
Strings ContactsPanel_SearchPeopleGroupsMessagesButtonTitle:
= People, groups & messages
Strings AddPhoneNumberPanel_EnterPhoneNumberTitle:
= Enter phone number
Strings ContentPanelHeader_SearchInConversationCoachmarkTitle:
= Find In Current Conversation
Strings ContentPanelHeader_SearchInConversationCoachmarkBody:
= You can search for messages in a specific conversation by selecting Find
Strings ConversationsListItem_BusyUserLabel:
= busy,
= do not disturb,
Strings ConversationsListItem_IdleUserLabel:
= recently active,
Strings ConversationsListItem_AwayUserLabel:
= away,
Strings ConversationsListItem_MarkReadLabelShort:
= Read
Strings ConversationsListItem_MarkUnreadLabelShort:
= Unread
Strings ConversationsListItem_MuteLabel:
= Mute
Strings ConversationsListItem_UnmuteLabel:
= Unmute
Strings ConversationsListItem_LeftGroupAccessibilityAnnouncement:
= Left group
Strings ConversationsListPanel_SearchPeopleGroupsMessagesButtonTitle:
= People, groups & messages
Strings DeleteAllConversationsConfirmationDialog_Title:
= Delete all conversations
Strings DeleteAllConversationsConfirmationDialog_Body:
= Deleting all conversations will clear the messages on all conversations for this account only from your devices. You will not be able to recover those messages but you will still be able to talk to those contacts or groups.
Strings DeleteAllConversationsConfirmationDialog_DeleteAllButton:
= Delete all
Strings DragAndDrop_AlertForPrivateConversationDroppingTitle:
= Unable to share file
Strings DragAndDrop_AlertForPrivateConversationDroppingBody:
= Forwarding files to private conversations is currently not supported
Strings DNDSettingDialog_DNDSettingTitle:
= Do Not Disturb is on
= Do not disturb is on
Strings DNDSettingDialog_CallAndChatNotificationDuringDNDDialogContent:
= Your presence will be set to Do Not Disturb. You will not receive notifications about incoming calls or messages.
= Your presence will be set to do not disturb. You will not receive notifications about incoming calls or messages.
Strings DNDSettingDialog_CallNotificationDuringDNDDialogContent:
= Your presence will be set to Do Not Disturb. You will not receive notifications about incoming calls.
= Your presence will be set to do not disturb. You will not receive notifications about incoming calls.
Strings DNDSettingDialog_ChatNotificationDuringDNDDialogContent:
= Your presence will be set to Do Not Disturb. You will not receive notifications about incoming messages.
= Your presence will be set to do not disturb. You will not receive notifications about incoming messages.
Strings DNDSettingDialog_NotificationDuringDNDDialogContent:
= Your presence will be set to Do Not Disturb. You will receive notifications about incoming messages.
= Your presence will be set to do not disturb. You will receive notifications about incoming messages.
Strings DNDSettingDialog_DontAskMeAgain:
= Don't ask me again
= Do not display this information again
Strings FileTransfer_RetryImageSendAction:
= Retry to send image
Strings FileTransfer_FileAvailibilityMessage:
= Files are available for {numberOfDays, plural, =1{1 day} other{{numberOfDays} days}} {learnMoreLink}
= Files are available for {numberOfDays, plural, =1{1 day} other{{numberOfDays} days}}. {learnMoreLink}
Strings FileTransfer_FileNotAvailableMessage:
= This file is no longer available for download
= This file is no longer available for download. {learnMoreLink}
Strings FileTransfer_AutoDownloadFilesDisclaimerHeader:
= Enable automatic downloads
Strings FileTransfer_AutoDownloadFilesDisclaimerMessage:
= By enabling this setting, Skype will automatically download all new files received in your conversations.
Strings FileTransfer_AutoDownloadFilesDisclaimerAccept:
= Accept
Strings OneDrive_AllLabelUpperCase:
Strings OneDrive_ConnectionErrorMessage:
= We are experiencing network connectivity issues, please check your connection and try again
Strings OneDrive_CreateSharingLinkErrorMessage:
= Cannot create sharing link, please check your connection and try again
Strings OneDrive_FolderEmptyMainText:
= The folder is empty
Strings OneDrive_FolderEmptySubText:
= No other files to see here...
Strings OneDrive_GetAllItemsErrorMessage:
= Cannot get folder items, please check your connection and try again
Strings OneDrive_GetDriveErrorMessage:
= Cannot get drive details, please check your connection and try again
Strings OneDrive_GetPermissionErrorMessage:
= Cannot get sharing link, please check your connection and try again
Strings OneDrive_GetRecentItemErrorMessage:
= Cannot get recent items, please check your connection and try again
Strings OneDrive_FileItemAccessibilityText:
= File {itemName}
Strings OneDrive_FolderItemAccessibilityText:
= Folder {itemName}
Strings OneDrive_InvalidDate:
= Invalid date
Strings OneDrive_ItemsListAccessibilityText:
= Folder items
Strings OneDrive_MenuShareFolderLabel:
= Share folder
Strings OneDrive_MenuHomeLabel:
= Home
Strings OneDrive_OpenFolderAccessibilityText:
= Open folder {folderName}
Strings OneDrive_OpenFolderLabel:
= Open folder
Strings OneDrive_RecentListEmpty:
= No recent items
Strings OneDrive_RecentsLabelUpperCase:
Strings OneDrive_SearchInputPlaceholder:
= Search everything
Strings OneDrive_SearchItemEmpty:
= No items match your search. It can take a few minutes for new or edited items to appear in search results.
Strings OneDrive_SearchItemsErrorMessage:
= Cannot get search results, please check your connection and try again
Strings OneDrive_SearchLabel:
= Search onedrive
Strings OneDrive_ShareLinkLabel:
= Share link
Strings OneDrive_ShareLinkWith:
= Share link with {conversationTitle}
Strings OneDrive_SharePreviewFooterNote:
= Anyone with this link can access this item
Strings OneDrive_ViewFileLabel:
= View file
Strings GalleryPanel_PanelTitleGroupAccessibilityLabel:
= Group gallery
Strings GalleryPanel_PanelTitleOneOnOneAccessibilityLabel:
= Chat gallery
Strings Global_UnhideLabel:
= Unhide
Strings Global_ShowLabel:
= Hide
Strings Global_AccessibilitySkipLink:
= For the best screen reader experience please use Google Chrome and NVDA.
Strings Global_AccessibilityDesktopSkipLink:
= Alternatively, Skype for Desktop supports NVDA and Skype for Windows 10 supports NVDA and Windows Narrator.
Strings Global_AlertAccessibilityTitle:
= {title}, {message}
Strings GroupProfilePanel_LeftGroupAccessibilityAnnouncement:
= Left group
Strings GuestJoin_ContinueToSiSuLabel:
= Continue
Strings GuestUpsell_BodyText:
= Your guest account has limited access to this Skype group for up to 24 hours. Sign in with a Microsoft account to stay connected to the group and enjoy the full Skype experience.
= Call and chat with this group using your guest account.
Strings GuestUpsell_BodySubText:
= Guest accounts are valid for 24 hours. Get the unlimited Skype experience by signing in with a Microsoft account.
Strings HubHeaderPanel_SearchHubAccessibilityLabel:
= Search for people, groups & messages
Strings InfoPanel_DeleteConfirmationDialogTitle:
= Delete chat
= Delete conversation
Strings InfoPanel_DeleteConfirmationDialogTitleE2EE:
= Delete private conversation
= Delete Private Conversation
Strings InfoPanel_DeleteConfirmationDialogTitleSMS:
= Delete SMS Chat
= Delete SMS Conversation
Strings InfoPanel_DeleteConfirmationDialogContent:
= Are you sure you want to delete this chat?
= Are you sure you want to delete this conversation? It will only be deleted for you and no one else.
Strings InfoPanel_WhichConversationToDelete:
= Which one do you want to delete for {name}?
= Which conversation with {name} do you want to delete?
Strings MessageComposer_AccessibilityAnnouncement_EmoticonInserted:
= inserted
Strings Moji_SendMoji:
= Double tap to send
= {mojiName}. Double tap to send
Strings MyProfilePanel_MoodMessageSaved:
= Mood massage saved
= Mood message saved
Strings Notifications_ScheduledCallAcceptedBody:
= {gender, select, female{{displayName} accepted your call invite} male{{displayName} accepted your call invite} other{{displayName} accepted your call invite}}
= {gender, select, female{{displayName} accepted your call invite: '{subject}'} male{{displayName} accepted your call invite: '{subject}'} other{{displayName} accepted your call invite: '{subject}'}}
Strings Notifications_ScheduledCallDeclinedBody:
= {gender, select, female{{displayName} declined your call invite} male{{displayName} declined your call invite} other{{displayName} declined your call invite}}
= {gender, select, female{{displayName} declined your call invite: '{subject}'} male{{displayName} declined your call invite: '{subject}'} other{{displayName} declined your call invite: '{subject}'}}
Strings Notifications_ScheduledCallPreReminderBody:
= {gender, select, female{Call with {userName} starting soon} male{Call with {userName} starting soon} other{Call with {userName} starting soon}}
= Call '{subject}' is starting soon
Strings Notifications_ScheduledCallReminderBody:
= {gender, select, female{Call with {userName} has started} male{Call with {userName} has started} other{Call with {userName} has started}}
= Call '{subject}' is starting now
Strings Notifications_ScheduledCallEditedBody:
= {gender, select, female{{displayName} made a change to the scheduled call} male{{displayName} made a change to the scheduled call} other{{displayName} made a change to the scheduled call}}
= {gender, select, female{{displayName} updated a call: '{subject}'} male{{displayName} updated a call: '{subject}'} other{{displayName} updated a call: '{subject}'}}
Strings Notifications_ScheduledCallDeletedBody:
= {gender, select, female{{displayName} deleted a call: '{subject}'} male{{displayName} deleted a call: '{subject}'} other{{displayName} deleted a call: '{subject}'}}
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenSearchForContactsCallToAction:
= Search for Contacts
Strings PSTNPhoneNumberInput_AccessibilityLabel:
= Phone number.
= Press Call button to dial the phone number.
Strings PSTNPhoneNumberInput_AccessibilityLabelEnterToCall:
= Phone number. Press Enter to dial the phone number.
= Press Enter to dial the phone number.
Strings PSTNPhoneNumberInput_NumberPlaceholder:
= Number
= Enter number to dial
Strings PSTNPhoneNumberInput_A11yLabelContactsFound:
= Search found some contacts
Strings PSTNPhoneNumberInput_AccessibilityLabelEnteredPhoneNr:
= Entered phone number: {number}
Strings PSTNPhoneNumberInput_AccessibilityLabelDestinationCountry:
= Destination country/region - {country}
Strings QuickCallPanel_UpcomingCallsSectionHeader:
Strings UpcomingCallsHelper_ShowMoreUpcomingCallsTitle:
= Show more
Strings UpcomingCallsHelper_ShowMoreAccessibilityLabel:
= Show all upcoming calls
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TextSizeLarge:
= Large
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TextSizeLarger:
= Larger
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ChatNotificationsDuringDND:
= {gender, select, female{Show chat notifications while Do Not Disturb is on} male{Show chat notifications while Do Not Disturb is on} other{Show chat notifications while Do Not Disturb is on}}
= {gender, select, female{Show chat notifications while do not disturb is on} male{Show chat notifications while do not disturb is on} other{Show chat notifications while do not disturb is on}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_CallNotificationsDuringDND:
= {gender, select, female{Show call notifications while Do Not Disturb is on} male{Show call notifications while Do Not Disturb is on} other{Show call notifications while Do Not Disturb is on}}
= {gender, select, female{Show call notifications while do not disturb is on} male{Show call notifications while do not disturb is on} other{Show call notifications while do not disturb is on}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ChatNotificationsDuringDNDSecondary:
= {gender, select, female{Receive push and in-app banner notifications while Do Not Disturb is on} male{Receive push and in-app banner notifications while Do Not Disturb is on} other{Receive push and in-app banner notifications while Do Not Disturb is on}}
= {gender, select, female{Receive push and in-app banner notifications while do not disturb is on} male{Receive push and in-app banner notifications while do not disturb is on} other{Receive push and in-app banner notifications while do not disturb is on}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_CallNotificationsDuringDNDSecondary:
= {gender, select, female{Receive push call notifications while Do Not Disturb is on} male{Receive push call notifications while Do Not Disturb is on} other{Receive push call notifications while Do Not Disturb is on}}
= {gender, select, female{Receive push call notifications while do not disturb is on} male{Receive push call notifications while do not disturb is on} other{Receive push call notifications while do not disturb is on}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_FileDownloadLocationLabel:
= When I recieve a file
Strings UserSettingsPanel_FileDownloadDefaultLocation:
= Save the file to: {downloadLocationLink}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ChangeFileDownloadLocationButton:
= Change Directory
Strings UserSettingsPanel_DeleteAllConversationsButton:
= Delete all conversations
Strings UserSettingsPanel_AutoDownloadFilesTitle:
= Automatically accept incoming files
Strings UserSettingsPanel_AutoDownloadFilesSubtitle:
= New files received in chat will be automatically downloaded to this device.
Strings CallingSettingsPanel_SubtitlesButtonLabel:
= Call subtitles
Strings AdvancedCallingSettingsPanel_AutomaticCallAnswerSectionTitleUpperLabel:
Strings AdvancedCallingSettingsPanel_ContentCreatorsSectionTitleUpperLabel:
Strings SubtitlesSettingsPanel_EnableSubtitlesForAllCalls:
= Show subtitles for all voice and video calls
Strings ReactionsStream_CallingParticipant:
= Calling {participant}...
Strings ReactionsStream_CallingTwoParticipants:
= Calling {firstParticipant} and {secondParticipant}...
Strings ReactionsStream_CallingMultipleParticipants:
= {count, plural, other{Calling {participant} and # others}}
Strings SearchInputControl_PlaceHolderTextPeopleGroupsMessages:
= People, groups & messages
Strings SettingsLanguages_ResetLanguageOptionWeb:
= Browser language
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_ar:
= لغة الجهاز
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_bg:
= Език на устройството
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_ca:
= Idioma del dispositiu
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_cs:
= Jazyk zařízení
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_da:
= Enhedssprog
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_de:
= Gerätesprache
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_el:
= Γλώσσα συσκευής
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_en:
= Device language
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_es:
= Idioma del dispositivo
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_et:
= Seadme keel
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_fi:
= Laitteen kieli
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_fr:
= Langue de l'appareil
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_he:
= ‎שפת מכשיר
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_hi:
= डिवाइस की भाषा
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_hr:
= Jezik uređaja
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_hu:
= Az eszköz nyelve
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_id:
= Bahasa perangkat
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_it:
= Lingua del dispositivo
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_ja:
= デバイスの言語
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_ko:
= 장치 언어
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_lt:
= Įrenginio kalba
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_lv:
= Ierīces valoda
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_ms:
= Bahasa peranti
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_nb:
= Språk for enheten
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_nl:
= Taal van het apparaat
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_pl:
= Język urządzenia
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_pt:
= Idioma do dispositivo
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_ro:
= Limba dispozitivului
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_ru:
= Язык устройства
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_sk:
= Jazyk zariadenia
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_sl:
= Jezik naprave
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_sr:
= Jezik uređaja
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_sv:
= Enhetsspråk
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_th:
= ภาษาของอุปกรณ์
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_tr:
= Cihaz dili
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_uk:
= Мова пристрою
Strings ResetLanguageOptionWeb_vi:
= Ngôn ngữ thiết bị
Strings SkypeUserListItem_ViewUpcomingCallDetailsButtonLabel:
= View upcoming call details
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_DisableSmsConnectAlertTitle:
= Disable SMS Connect
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_DisableSmsConnectAlertContent:
= SMS Connect will be turned off and all SMS conversations and connected devices will be removed from Skype.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_DisableSmsConnectAlertConfirm:
= Yes
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_DisableSmsConnectAlertCancel:
= No
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_SmsConnectLearnMoreLink:
= Learn more
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_MoreInfoForSmsConnectLabel:
= More info on SMS Connect
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_MoreInfoOnVerificationCodeLabel:
= More info on verification code
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_EnableSkypeInBackgroundLabel:
= Run Skype in background
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_EnableSkypeInBackgroundDescription:
= Run Skype in the background to improve SMS Connect relay performance
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_NotificationSentStatus:
= Notification sent
Strings SmsConnectMessaging_SmsCharacterCounterLabel:
= {charactersRemaining, plural, =1{1 character remaining for SMS} other{{charactersRemaining} characters remaining for SMS}}
Strings SmsConnectMessaging_SmsFragmentCountLabel:
= Sending {fragments} SMS,
Strings VideoNode_CancelSendTitle:
= Stop video sending
= Cancel sending video
Strings VideoNode_CancelSendBody:
= Are you sure you want to stop sending the video?
= Are you sure you want to cancel sending the video?
Strings VideoNode_RetrySendAction:
= Retry to send video
Strings MediaNode_SendingFailed:
= Sending failed
Strings MediaNode_DownloadFailed:
= Download failed
Strings MediaNode_MediaNotAvailableForSending:
= This file is no longer available for sending
Strings IncomingVideoDisabledToast_BannerTitle:
= Incoming video disabled
Strings IncomingVideoDisabledToast_ResumeLinkText:
= Allow incoming video
Strings ScheduleCall_HeaderTitle:
= Schedule a call
= Schedule call
Strings ScheduleCall_InvalidDateErrorMessage:
= Select a date in the future
Strings ScheduleCall_InvalidTimeErrorMessage:
= Select a time in the future
Strings ScheduleCall_ScheduleNextCallBodyContent:
= Set a time and date for your next call with {displayName} and get a reminder in Skype.
= Set a time and date for your next call with {shortDisplayName} and get a reminder in Skype.
Strings ScheduleCall_DeleteConfirmationTitle:
= Delete scheduled call?
= Delete Skype call?
Strings ScheduleCall_DeleteCallButtonLabel:
= Delete call
= Delete Skype call
Strings ScheduleCall_UpcomingCallsDeclinedCaption:
= {displayName} declined
Strings ScheduleCall_ScheduleNextCallContentTitle:
= Schedule your next call
= Want to schedule your next call?
Strings ScheduleCall_DeleteDialogTitle:
= Delete scheduled call?
= Delete Skype call?
Strings ScheduleCall_DeleteDialogMessage:
= Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled call? It will be deleted for all invitees.
= Are you sure you want to delete this Skype call? It will be deleted for all invitees.
Strings ScheduleCall_EditPanelsHeaderTitle:
= Skype call
Strings ScheduledCallCard_DeleteScheduledCallOverflowItem:
= Delete Skype call
Strings SkypeToPhonePanel_SkypeCredit:
= Skype Credit
Strings SlashCommandDescriptions_OneDrive:
= Opens OneDrive extension
Strings EngagementCoachMarks_DiversityEmoticonsTitle:
= Personalized emoticons
Strings EngagementCoachMarks_DiversityEmoticonsTextDesktop:
= Right-click on any person or hand emoticon to change skin tone
Strings EngagementCoachMarks_DiversityEmoticonsTextMobile:
= Long press on any person or hand emoticon to change skin tone
Strings AlertCard_CallInviteCanceled:
= {gender, select, female{{user} canceled the call '{subject}'} male{{user} canceled the call '{subject}'} other{{user} canceled the call '{subject}'}}
Strings CallNavigationUtils_GroupCallingNotSupportedTitle:
= Group calling is coming soon. Please check back later.
Strings CallNavigationUtils_GroupCallingNotSupportedMessage:
= In the meantime, you can use Skype iOS and Android apps for group calls.
Strings CallPanel_StartCaptioning:
= Starting captioning...
Strings CallPanel_StartSubtitles:
= Turning subtitles on...
Strings CapturePanel_ChangeZoomInstruction:
= Tap to change zoom.
Strings CapturePreview_RecordButtonStartAccessibilityLabel:
= Start recording
Strings CreateReminderPanel_SetReminderTitle:
= Set Reminder
Strings CreateReminderPanel_SetReminderButton:
= Set Reminder
Strings GuestJoin_PreHeaderText:
= Joining you to conversation
Strings GuestJoin_SubHeaderText:
= Ready to jump into your conversation?
Strings GuestUpsell_SignInButtonLabel:
= Sign in or create account
Strings QuickSignOn_SignInAsTitle:
= Sign in as
Strings QuickSignOn_ForgetThisAccountTitle:
= Forget this account
Strings QuickSignOn_SignInWithDifferentAccountTitle:
= Sign in with a different account
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TextSizeBig:
= Big
Strings UserSettingsPanel_TextSizeBigger:
= Bigger
Strings WelcomePanel_HeaderText:
= Sign in or create an account
Strings WelcomePanel_HelperText:
= To create an account provide your phone or email
Strings WelcomePanel_MSHelperText:
= Use your Microsoft account.
Strings WelcomePanel_MSSignInButtonText:
= Sign in with a Microsoft account
Strings WelcomePanel_AccountNotFoundTitle:
= Account Not Found
Strings WelcomePanel_AccountNotFoundMessage:
= Account {accountname} was not found. Please edit account name to retry or create an account with phone or email.
Strings WelcomePanel_AccountNotFoundEditButtonText:
= Edit Account Name
Strings WelcomePanel_AccountNotFoundCreateButtonText:
= Create Account
Strings WelcomePanel_WhatsThisWebPageTitle:
= Microsoft Account
Strings WelcomePanel_ProblemSigningInLinkText:
= Problems signing in?
Strings WelcomePanel_IfExistsErrorTitle:
= Could Not Find Account
Strings WelcomePanel_IfExistsErrorText:
= We were unable to determine your account status. Please sign in or create an account
Strings WelcomePanel_IfExistsErrorSignInButtonText:
= Sign In
Strings WelcomePanel_IfExistsErrorCreateAccountButtonText:
= Create Account
Strings ScheduledCallCard_CancelScheduledCallOverflowItem:
= Cancel scheduled call

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

1 comment

  1. 0 -1 1 (karma: -1),
    The new update, no longer compatible with Mac OS X 10.9.5. This version, is the last version working on 10.9.5, Mavericks.

    Problem is, the update notification is not "OS version aware" on, so it replaces with and apparently, it won't launch.

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• When asking a question, please specify the operating system and the version of Skype.
• If you encounter any errors, copy the full text of the message here.
• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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