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Remarkable features of Skype

Download Skype for Windows

The free application Skype for Windows has been updated to version, and this means that right now you can download the new version from the official site or from our blog using the button below…
«More about Skype for Windows»

(5 votes)

File size:

59.9 MB

Operating system:


Current version:

Last release:

Total downloads:

2 336


  1. 0 0 0
    michelle arias baticuang (karma: 0),
    How do I share screen using Skype-
  2. 0 0 0
    Robert (karma: +3),
    bonjour je vous savoir comment faire pour voir l'historique de mes contact et de pouvoir les supprimer avec skype merci
  3. 0 0 0
    Karl (karma: 0),
    I realize this isn't specific, but it is certainly a question in the current release....

    In, how do I change the default download location for things being sent to me in chat? There doesn't seem to be any UI for that (since 8.33? earlier?). I had it set just the way I wanted it back in the good old days. At some point, Skype changed their UI and reset everything to their defaults. The whole new User Interface is pretty lousy. Simple does not always mean good. Thanks.
  4. 0 0 0
    dhaval p. shah (karma: +3),
    hello , this sofetwer is good for calling international
  5. 0 0 0
    geoffrey dingle (karma: +3),
    I have the latest Skype version 8.33 but can see no way to delete previous conversations
  6. 0 0 0
    Mike (karma: +3),
    Version was automatically installed on my Windows 7 computer and now I cannot change or add to my subscriptions. When clicking on any link for this requirement, all I get is "Opens in browser" but a browser does not open.
    Have I got to make changes to my computer or has Microsoft screwed up AGAIN?

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