unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Windows

The free application Skype for Windows has been updated to version, and this means that right now you can download the new version from the official site or from our blog using the button below. Although it is not known what changed in the Skype for Windows, we can only assume that the application has become better.

Skype for Windows

File size:

59.9 MB

Operating system:


Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:

1 770


The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Windows. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Windows, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Files /Skype.exe [+2.52KB]
Files /libEGL.dll [-0.2KB]
Files /resources/app.asar [+602.4KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/Processing.NDI.Lib.x86.dll [+0.02KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RTMPLTFM.dll [-7.48KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmCodecs.dll [+22.8KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmControl.dll [+0.01KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmMediaManager.dll [-10.48KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmPal.dll [-1.48KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/TxNdi.dll [+9.02KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/sharing-indicator.node [+0.01KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/skypert.dll [+3.02KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/slimcore.node [+28KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/ssScreenVVS2.dll [-0.02KB]
Files /resources/electron.asar [+0.44KB]
Strings AccessibilityLabel_DiverseEmoticonAccessibilityLabel:
= Double tap and hold to bring up skin tone options
Strings AccessibilityLabel_EmoticonTone2:
= {emoticonName} with light skin tone
Strings AccessibilityLabel_EmoticonTone3:
= {emoticonName} with medium-light skin tone
Strings AccessibilityLabel_EmoticonTone4:
= {emoticonName} with medium skin tone
Strings AccessibilityLabel_EmoticonTone5:
= {emoticonName} with medium-dark skin tone
Strings AccessibilityLabel_EmoticonTone6:
= {emoticonName} with dark skin tone
Strings OfferCard_SubscriptionOfferFreeTrialPriceAccessibilityLabel:
= First month for free, afterwards price is {price} {period}.
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StartSubtitles:
= Turn subtitles on
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StopSubtitles:
= Turn subtitles off
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StartAudioOnly:
= Start Audio Only
= Enable audio-only
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StopAudioOnly:
= Stop Audio Only
= Disable audio-only
Strings CallPanel_CallRosterAccessibilityLabel:
= Call participants
Strings CallPanel_StartCaptioning:
= Starting captioning...
Strings CallPanel_StartSubtitles:
= Turning subtitles on...
Strings CapturePermissions_PermissionMicrophoneAndCamera:
= Microphone and Camera
Strings AugmentedPermissions_RequestPermissionsChromeTextMic:
= Click 'Allow' so others can hear you in the call
Strings AugmentedPermissions_RequestPermissionsChromeTextCam:
= Click 'Allow' so others can see you in the call
Strings AugmentedPermissions_RequestPermissionsChromeTextBoth:
= Click 'Allow' so others can see and hear you in the call
Strings AugmentedPermissions_RequestPermissionsEdgeTextMic:
= Click 'Yes' so others can hear you in the call
Strings AugmentedPermissions_RequestPermissionsEdgeTextCam:
= Click 'Yes' so others can see you in the call
Strings AugmentedPermissions_RequestPermissionsEdgeTextBoth:
= Click 'Yes' so others can see and hear you in the call
Strings AugmentedPermissions_CameraDeficiencyMainDisplayTextChrome:
= Grant access to your camera by clicking the icon as shown above, and then 'Always Allow'
Strings AugmentedPermissions_MicrophoneDeficiencyMainDisplayTextChrome:
= Grant access to your microphone by clicking the icon as shown above, and then 'Always Allow'
Strings AugmentedPermissions_MicrophoneAndCameraDeficiencyMainDisplayTextChrome:
= Grant access to your camera and mic by clicking the icon as shown above, and then 'Always Allow'
Strings AugmentedPermissions_CameraDeficiencyMainDisplayTextEdge:
= Grant access to your camera by clicking the above icon and toggling your permissions to 'On'
Strings AugmentedPermissions_MicrophoneDeficiencyMainDisplayTextEdge:
= Grant access to your microphone by clicking the above icon and toggling your permissions to 'On'
Strings AugmentedPermissions_MicrophoneAndCameraDeficiencyMainDisplayTextEdge:
= Grant access to your microphone and camera by clicking the above icon and toggling your permissions to 'On'
Strings AugmentedPermissions_DownloadNativeAppSuggestion:
= For a better experience...
Strings AugmentedPermissions_DownloadNativeAppLabel:
= Get Skype for Desktop
Strings ColorThemeDialog_ReverseThemeTitle:
= Reverse theme
Strings CreditPurchase_SkypeCreditAsPaymentInstrument:
= {instrumentName}: {creditBalance}
Strings SubscriptionIntroduction_Title_1:
= We have low cost calling plans available for most countries around the globe
= We have low cost calling plans available for most countries and regions around the globe
Strings DragAndDrop_FileUploadOrContactShareMessage:
= Drop files or contact details to send
Strings DNDSettingDialog_DNDSettingTitle:
= Do Not Disturb is on
Strings DNDSettingDialog_CallAndChatNotificationDuringDNDDialogContent:
= Your presence will be set to Do Not Disturb. You will not receive notifications about incoming calls or messages.
Strings DNDSettingDialog_CallNotificationDuringDNDDialogContent:
= Your presence will be set to Do Not Disturb. You will not receive notifications about incoming calls.
Strings DNDSettingDialog_ChatNotificationDuringDNDDialogContent:
= Your presence will be set to Do Not Disturb. You will not receive notifications about incoming messages.
Strings DNDSettingDialog_NotificationDuringDNDDialogContent:
= Your presence will be set to Do Not Disturb. You will receive notifications about incoming messages.
Strings DNDSettingDialog_DontAskMeAgain:
= Don't ask me again
Strings DNDSettingDialog_DoNothing:
= Ok
Strings DNDSettingDialog_ViewNotificationsSetting:
= View Settings
Strings Entitlements_SkypeToPhoneIntro:
= Call phones at affordable rates
Strings FileTransfer_FileAvailibilityMessage:
= Files are available for {numberOfDays, plural, =1{1 day} other{{numberOfDays} days}} {learnMoreLink}
Strings FileTransfer_FileNotAvailableMessage:
= This file is no longer available for download
Strings FileTransfer_FileLearnMoreLinkText:
= Learn more
Strings Global_ConfirmLabel:
= Confirm
Strings GuestJoin_GenericSessionExpirationHeaderText:
= Guest session ended
Strings GuestJoin_GenericSessionExpirationSubHeaderText:
= Sign in to arrange your own free conference calls and chat groups that anyone can join.
Strings MediaViewer_DownloadPaused:
= Download paused...
= Download cancelled
Strings MediaViewer_PauseDownload:
= Pause video download
= Cancel video download
Strings MediaViewer_ResumeDownload:
= Resume video download
= Download video
Strings MyProfilePanel_MoodMessageSaved:
= Mood massage saved
Strings MyProfilePanel_DisplayNameSaved:
= Name saved
Strings Notifications_ScheduledCallAcceptedBody:
= {gender, select, female{{inviteeName} accepted your call} male{{inviteeName} accepted your call} other{{inviteeName} accepted your call}}
= {gender, select, female{{displayName} accepted your call invite} male{{displayName} accepted your call invite} other{{displayName} accepted your call invite}}
Strings Notifications_ScheduledCallDeclinedBody:
= {gender, select, female{{inviteeName} declined your call} male{{inviteeName} declined your call} other{{inviteeName} declined your call}}
= {gender, select, female{{displayName} declined your call invite} male{{displayName} declined your call invite} other{{displayName} declined your call invite}}
Strings Notifications_ScheduledCallReminderBody:
= {gender, select, female{Call with {userName} starting now} male{Call with {userName} starting now} other{Call with {userName} starting now}}
= {gender, select, female{Call with {userName} has started} male{Call with {userName} has started} other{Call with {userName} has started}}
Strings Notifications_ScheduledCallEditedBody:
= {gender, select, female{{displayName} made a change to the scheduled call} male{{displayName} made a change to the scheduled call} other{{displayName} made a change to the scheduled call}}
Strings PesPicker_DiversityPickerAnnouncement:
= Skin tone selection
Strings PopCards_CelebrationEngagementCallAndMessageTitle:
= Send a message or give {firstName} {lastName} a call and celebrate together.
Strings PopCards_CelebrationEngagementMessageButtonText:
= Send message
Strings Onboarding_WizardGenericStepNextButton:
= Next
Strings Onboarding_WizardGenericStepContinueButton:
= Continue
Strings Onboarding_WizardGenericStepConnectButton:
= Connect
Strings Onboarding_WizardGenericStepStartButton:
= Start
Strings Onboarding_WizardGenericStepSyncButton:
= Sync
Strings Onboarding_WizardGenericStepOKButton:
= OK
Strings Onboarding_WizardGenericStepConfirmButton:
= Confirm
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ScheduledCallNotifications:
= Scheduled call notifications
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ScheduledCallNotificationsSecondary:
= Receive push notifications for scheduled calls
Strings UserSettingsPanel_InAppScheduledCallNotifications:
= Scheduled call banner notifications
Strings UserSettingsPanel_InAppScheduledCallNotificationsSecondary:
= Show in-app banner notifications for scheduled calls
Strings UserSettingsPanel_Away:
= {gender, select, female{Away} male{Away} other{Away}}
Strings AdvancedCallingSettingsPanel_NdiSkypeWatermarkLocationLabel:
= Skype Watermark
Strings ReactionsStream_ParticipantUnavailable:
= {participant} unavailable
Strings InviteShare_ChangeAvatarVisibility:
= Make your profile picture public so others can see it when you share your profile.
Strings SignInSignUp_SignInWithCorporateAccount:
= Sign in to work or school
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_PhoneVerificationSaveButton:
= Save
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_PhoneVerificationContinueButton:
= Continue
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelConnected:
= PAIRED DEVICES ({count})
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelNoDevices:
= No available device.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelNoDevicesFollowSteps:
= No available device. Follow these steps to get set up.
= No available devices. Follow these steps to get set up:
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelNoDevicesStep1:
= 1. Install the latest version of Skype on your desktop from
= Install the latest version of Skype on your desktop from {url}
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelNoDevicesStep2:
= 2. Open Skype on your computer.
= Open Skype on your computer
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelNoDevicesStep3:
= 3. Sign in with {skypeId}
= Sign in with {skypeId}
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConfirmAuthReqTitle:
= Connect {epname}
= Add {epname}
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConfirmAuthReqButton:
= Confirm
= Yes
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_CancelAuthReqButton:
= No
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_InstallSkypeText2:
= 1. Tap the button to install Skype on your Android phone.
= Tap the button to install Skype on your Android phone
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_GetSignedInAsWithOutNameText:
= 2. Sign in to Skype.
= Sign in to Skype on your phone
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_GetSignedInAsWithNameText:
= 2. Sign in with {signedInAs}.
= Sign in with {signedInAs} on your phone
Strings SmsConnectAdvancedSettings_AdvancedSettingsHeader:
= Advanced settings
Strings SmsConnectAdvancedSettings_PhoneNumberSettingsButton:
= Phone number
Strings SmsConnectMessaging_SendSmsToNumberViaPhone:
= to {phoneNumber} via your phone
Strings TypingIndicator_OnePersonTyping:
= {typer} is typing...
= {typer} is typing
Strings AudioOnlyEnabledToast_AudioOnlyTitle:
= Audio-only enabled
Strings AudioOnlyEnabledToast_StopAudioOnlyLinkText:
= Allow incoming video
Strings CallRecorderToast_IsRecordingText:
= {name} is recording
= {name} is recording the call
Strings ScheduleCall_HeaderTitle:
= Schedule a call
Strings ScheduleCall_Subject:
= What is this call about (optional)
Strings ScheduleCall_Send:
= Send
Strings ScheduleCall_Reminder15MinutesBefore:
= 15 minutes before
Strings ScheduleCall_Reminder30MinutesBefore:
= 30 minutes before
Strings ScheduleCall_Reminder1HourBefore:
= 1 hour before
Strings ScheduleCall_Reminder1DayBefore:
= 1 day before
Strings ScheduleCall_Reminder1WeekBefore:
= 1 week before
Strings ScheduleCall_ReminderPanelHeaderTitle:
= Reminder
Strings ScheduleCall_InvitationSentMessageWith15MinutesReminder:
= A reminder will be sent 15 minutes before the start of the call.
Strings ScheduleCall_InvitationSentMessageWith30MinutesReminder:
= A reminder will be sent 30 minutes before the start of the call.
Strings ScheduleCall_InvitationSentMessageWith1HourReminder:
= A reminder will be sent 1 hour before the start of the call.
Strings ScheduleCall_InvitationSentMessageWith1DayReminder:
= A reminder will be sent 1 day before the start of the call.
Strings ScheduleCall_InvitationSentMessageWith1WeekReminder:
= A reminder will be sent 1 week before the start of the call.
Strings ScheduleCall_DefaultSubject:
= Skype call
Strings ScheduleCall_InviteSentTitle:
= Invite Sent
Strings ScheduleCall_Done:
= Done
Strings ScheduleCall_ScheduleNextCallBodyContent:
= Set a time and date for your next call with {displayName} and get a reminder in Skype.
Strings ScheduleCall_ScheduleNextCallButton:
= Schedule
Strings ScheduleCall_ScheduleNextCallTitle:
= Call with {displayName}
Strings ScheduleCall_DeleteLabel:
= Delete
Strings ScheduleCall_DeleteConfirmationTitle:
= Delete scheduled call?
Strings ScheduleCall_DeleteConfirmationBody:
= Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled call? It will be deleted for all invitees.
Strings ScheduleCall_DiscardChangesButtonLabel:
= Discard changes
Strings ScheduleCall_DeleteCallButtonLabel:
= Delete call
Strings ScheduleCall_PeopleTitleUpper:
Strings ScheduleCall_OrganizerTitle:
= Organizer
Strings ScheduleCall_RSVPLabel:
Strings ScheduleCall_UpcomingCallsHeaderTitle:
= Upcoming calls
Strings ScheduleCall_UpcomingCallsCallTitle:
= Call
Strings ScheduleCall_UpcomingCallsInvitedCaption:
= {displayName} is invited
Strings ScheduleCall_UpcomingCallsAcceptedCaption:
= {displayName} accepted
Strings ScheduleCall_UpcomingCallsOrganizerCaption:
= {displayName} (organizer)
Strings ScheduleCall_ScheduleNextCallContentTitle:
= Schedule your next call
Strings ScheduleCall_DeleteDialogTitle:
= Delete scheduled call?
Strings ScheduleCall_DiscardChangesDialogTitle:
= Leave and discard changes?
Strings ScheduleCall_DeleteDialogMessage:
= Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled call? It will be deleted for all invitees.
Strings ScheduleCall_DiscardChangesDialogMessage:
= Are you sure you want to leave and discard changes made to this scheduled call?
Strings SystemTray_ToolTipSignedInLabel:
= Skype - Signed In
Strings SystemTray_ToolTipSignedOutLabel:
= Skype - Not Signed In
Strings WebFooter_FAQs:
= FAQs
Strings WebFooter_Feedback:
= Feedback
Strings WebFooter_Download:
= Download Desktop Client
Strings WebFooter_Language:
= Language
Strings WebFooter_TermsOfUse:
= Terms of use
Strings WebFooter_Privacy:
= Privacy and cookie policy
Strings WebFooter_Privacy2:
= Privacy policy
Strings WebFooter_Copyright:
= © 2018 Skype and/or Microsoft.
Strings WebFooter_Copyright2:
= © 2018 Skype & Microsoft.
Strings WebFooter_Preview:
= Preview
Strings WebFooter_Preview2:
= Skype Preview
Strings QuickActionsOptions_SignIn:
= Sign In
Strings QuickActionsOptions_NewCall:
= New Call
Strings QuickActionsOptions_Dialpad:
= Dialpad
Strings QuickActionsOptions_NewChat:
= New Chat
Strings QuickActionsOptions_Recents:
= Recents
Strings QuickActionsOptions_ShareSkype:
= Share Skype
Strings QuickActionsOptions_ChangePresence:
= Change Presence
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_PhoneVerificationOkButton:
= OK
Strings VideoNode_TransferProgressText:
= {percentage}% of {size}
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_HeaderTitle:
= Schedule a call
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_Description:
= What is this call about (optional)
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_Send:
= Send
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_Reminder15MinutesBefore:
= 15 minutes before
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_Reminder30MinutesBefore:
= 30 minutes before
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_Reminder1HourBefore:
= 1 hour before
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_Reminder1DayBefore:
= 1 day before
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_Reminder1WeekBefore:
= 1 week before
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_ReminderPanelHeaderTitle:
= Reminder
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_InvitationSentMessageWith15MinutesReminder:
= A reminder will be sent 15 minutes before the start of the call.
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_InvitationSentMessageWith30MinutesReminder:
= A reminder will be sent 30 minutes before the start of the call.
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_InvitationSentMessageWith1HourReminder:
= A reminder will be sent 1 hour before the start of the call.
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_InvitationSentMessageWith1DayReminder:
= A reminder will be sent 1 day before the start of the call.
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_InvitationSentMessageWith1WeekReminder:
= A reminder will be sent 1 week before the start of the call.
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_DefaultSubject:
= Skype call
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_InviteSentTitle:
= Invite Sent
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_Done:
= Done
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_ConfirmationPanelHeaderTitle:
= Confirmation
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_ScheduleNextCallBodyContent:
= Plan your next call by creating a call reminder in your calendar
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_ScheduleNextCallButton:
= Schedule
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_ScheduleNextCallTitle:
= Call with {displayName}
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_DeleteLabel:
= Delete
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_DeleteConfirmationTitle:
= Delete scheduled call?
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_DeleteConfirmationBody:
= Are you sure you want to delete this scheduled call? It will be deleted for all invitees.
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_DiscardChangesButtonLabel:
= Discard changes
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_DeleteCallButtonLabel:
= Delete call
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_PeopleTitleUpper:
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_OrganizerTitle:
= Organizer
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_RSVPLabel:
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_UpcomingCallsHeaderTitle:
= Upcoming calls
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_UpcomingCallsCallTitle:
= Call
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_UpcomingCallsResponeTitle:
= Respond
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_UpcomingCallsViewTitle:
= View
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_UpcomingCallsInvitedCaption:
= {displayName} is invited
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_UpcomingCallsAcceptedCaption:
= {displayName} accepted
Strings ScheduleCallAddin_UpcomingCallsOrganizerCaption:
= {displayName} (organizer)
Strings SystemTray_ToolTipLabel:
= Skype

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.


  1. 0 0 0
    Rick (karma: +179),
    Thanks. If you have these version checks scripted, would you be able to add the Insider one too?
  2. 0 -1 1
    George (karma: +26),
    After "upgrading" from v7 to v8 on W10 Pro, Skype logs me out 3-4 times a week on its own. Just like that. It's extremely annoying. Do you guys know anything about this? Microsoft doesn't.

    I've already tried uninstalling Skype and deleting all related files. Also changed the Skype password. Unlinking the Microsoft account (an older suggestion I found) is not possible any more. Thank you.
  3. 0 0 0
    Luis Manuel Liendo Churquina (karma: +3),
    Ich kann nicht Skype instalieren,können Sie mir Helfen?
  4. 0 0 0
    Eugene (karma: +3),
    On my Windows 7 it does not find any Camera/Microphone/Speakers device, although I've got some and previous version was working fine with them

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• When asking a question, please specify the operating system and the version of Skype.
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• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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