unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.

Skype for Mac OS X

File size:

91.1 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings AccessibilityLabel_MediaMessageSending:
= {senderName} is sending {messageContent} at {timestamp}.
Strings AccessibilityLabel_NewReactionToMessage:
= {senderName} reacted with emoticon {reaction} to {messageContent}
Strings AccessibilityLabel_RemovedReactionToMessage:
= {senderName} removed emoticon {reaction} which was a reaction to {messageContent}
Strings AccessibilityLabel_DialogClosed:
= {dialogTitle} closed
Strings AlertsPanel_EmptyStateDescriptionAlternative:
= Check back to see new @ mentions, reactions, quotes and much more.
Strings AlertCard_UserAcceptedCallInvite:
= {gender, select, female{{user} accepted call invite '{subject}'} male{{user} accepted call invite '{subject}'} other{{user} accepted call invite '{subject}'}}
Strings AlertCard_UserDeclinedCallInvite:
= {gender, select, female{{user} declined call invite '{subject}'} male{{user} declined call invite '{subject}'} other{{user} declined call invite '{subject}'}}
Strings AlertCard_CallInviteReceived:
= {gender, select, female{{user} invited you to a call '{subject}'} male{{user} invited you to a call '{subject}'} other{{user} invited you to a call '{subject}'}}
Strings AlertCard_CallInviteCanceled:
= {gender, select, female{{user} canceled the call '{subject}'} male{{user} canceled the call '{subject}'} other{{user} canceled the call '{subject}'}}
Strings AlertCard_SingleUserReactedAccessibilityLabel:
= {firstName} reacted to {messageContent}
Strings AlertCard_SingleUserReactedWithReactionAccessibilityLabel:
= {firstName} reacted with emoticon {reaction} to {messageContent}
Strings AlertCard_TwoUsersReactedAccessibilityLabel:
= {firstName} and {secondName} reacted to {messageContent}
Strings AlertCard_MultipleUsersReactedAccessibilityLabel:
= {nuberOfUsersReacted, plural, other{{firstName} and # others reacted to {messageContent}}}
Strings ArchivedConversationsPanel_Title:
= Hidden chats
Strings AudioVideoSettings_TitleForCompactVersion:
= Check Audio and Video
Strings AudioVideoSettings_AudioTestTitle:
= Test your audio
Strings AudioVideoSettings_VideoTestTitle:
= Test your video
Strings AudioVideoSettings_TestAudioButtonLabelForCompactVersion:
= Play test sound
Strings AudioVideoSettings_MicrophoneLevelMeter:
= Microphone Level Meter
Strings PersonalizedOffersPanel_TitleSkypeCreditUpper:
Strings ContactCard_ChatButtonTitle:
= Chat
Strings CallControls_CallButtonSpeakerVolumeLabel:
= Change speaker volume
= Change speaker volume slider
Strings CallControls_CallButtonMicrophoneVolumeLabel:
= Change microphone volume
= Change microphone volume slider
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StartAudioOnly:
= Start Audio Only
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StopAudioOnly:
= Stop Audio Only
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_WishUBotBackgroundChange:
= Virtual reality change background
Strings CallCard_MissedCallFromCallerMarker:
= Missed call from {caller}
Strings CallBanner_KeyboardShortcutAccessibilityLabel:
= Use keyboard shortcut {acceptCall} to accept and {rejectCall} to reject.
Strings CallBanner_IncomingCallAccessibilityLabelWithKeyboardShortcut:
= {incomingCall}. {keyboardShortcut}
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_StartAudioCallKeyboardShortcutAccessibilityLabel:
= Starting audio call
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_StartVideoCallKeyboardShortcutAccessibilityLabel:
= Starting video call
Strings CallPanel_CloseDialpadTooltipTitle:
= Enter numbers using the dial pad
= Close the dial pad
Strings CallPanel_DisplayNameWithMicrophoneMuted:
= {displayName}, microphone muted
Strings CallPreview_JoinButtonTitle:
= Join
Strings CallPreview_ToggleMicrophoneAccessibilityLabel:
= Microphone
Strings CapturePanel_ZoomInfo:
= Zoom.
Strings CapturePanel_ChangeZoomInstruction:
= Tap to change zoom.
Strings ConnectivityStatusBar_CaptivePortalAlert:
= Finish your Wi-Fi setup.
Strings ConnectivityStatusBar_CaptivePortalAlertAction:
= Connect
Strings AddContactPanel_InputSelectedPlaceholder:
= Find people on Skype
= Find people
Strings AddContactPanel_InputPlaceholderDescription:
= Search for people using their Skype Name, phone number, email and full name.
= Search for people using their Skype Name, phone number, email or full name.
Strings AddPhoneNumberPanel_NameInputPlaceholder:
= Name
Strings AddPhoneNumberPanel_EditContactTitle:
= Edit contact
Strings AddPhoneNumberPanel_ContactSavedAnouncement:
= Contact saved
Strings AddPhoneNumberPanel_ErrorAnouncement:
= There was a problem saving this contact. Please try again later.
Strings AddPhoneNumberPanel_EditErrorAnouncement:
= There was a problem editing this contact. Please try again later.
Strings AddPhoneNumberPanel_AlreadyExistsErrorTitle:
= Phone number already exists
Strings AddPhoneNumberPanel_AlreadyExistsErrorMessage:
= This phone number already exists in your contacts as {displayName}. Would you like to view their profile?
Strings ContentPanelHeader_SearchInConversationClearTitle:
= Clear text
Strings ContentPanelHeader_SearchInConversationNextResultTitle:
= Next result
Strings ContentPanelHeader_SearchInConversationPreviousResultTitle:
= Previous result
Strings ContentToReactTransformer_ContactCardIconPreviewLabel:
= contact card
Strings ConversationsListItem_HiddenConversation:
= Hidden conversation
Strings ConversationsListItem_UnhideItemLabel:
= Unhide conversation
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_NotSyncedHeaderAlternative:
= Start chatting on Skype
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_NotSyncedFirstTextAlternative:
= Use Search to find anyone on Skype.
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_NotSyncedSecondTextAlternative:
= Sync your address book to easily find your friends.
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_SyncAddressBookButtonAlternative:
= Sync Contacts
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_SearchCTATextAlternative:
= Use Search to find anyone on Skype.
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_EmptyChatsHeaderAlternative:
= Start a new chat
= Start chatting on Skype
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_ContactsCTATextAlternative:
= Go to Contacts to see your Skype and device contacts.
Strings Colors_Multi:
= Multiple colors
Strings Colors_Classic:
= Classic
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_HeaderText:
= Sync Your Contacts
= Find Contacts Easily
Strings ColorThemeDialog_HeaderTextShort:
= Theme
Strings ColorThemeDialog_PreviewUpper:
Strings ColorThemeDialog_ColorUpper:
Strings CreditPurchase_UserNotEligibleForOffer:
= Unfortunately, you're not eligible for free trial. Your paid subscription will begin immediately.
= Unfortunately, you're not eligible for free trial. Please purchase paid subscription.
Strings CreditPurchase_PurchaseCreditLegal:
= By clicking '{buttonLabel}', you agree to the {msServiceAgreementLink}.
Strings MobileRecentsFilter_EnableCompactLayout:
= Enable compact layout
Strings MobileRecentsFilter_DisableCompactLayout:
= Disable compact layout
Strings MobileRecentsFilter_HiddenChats:
= Hidden chats
Strings DesktopRecentsFilter_Time:
= Time
= Sort by Time
Strings DesktopRecentsFilter_Unread:
= Unread
= Sort by Unread
Strings DesktopRecentsFilter_Active:
= Active
= Sort by Active
Strings DesktopRecentsFilter_ShowMessagePreviews:
= Show message previews
Strings DesktopRecentsFilter_HidePreviews:
= Hide message previews
Strings DesktopRecentsFilter_RecentConversations:
= Recent chats
Strings DesktopRecentsFilter_RecentConversationsUppercase:
Strings DesktopRecentsFilter_HiddenConversations:
= Hidden chats
Strings DesktopRecentsFilter_HiddenConversationsUppercase:
Strings ContactsPanelFilter_Tabs:
= Tabs
Strings ContactsPanelFilter_Sections:
= Sections
Strings ContactsPanelFilter_SkypeTab:
= View my contacts
Strings ContactsPanelFilter_AllTab:
= View all
Strings ContactsPanelFilter_Skype:
= My contacts
Strings ContactsPanelFilter_SkypeUppercase:
Strings ContactsPanelFilter_All:
= All
Strings ContactsPanelFilter_AllUppercase:
Strings ContactsPanelFilter_ShowFavorites:
= Show favorites
Strings ContactsPanelFilter_HideFavorites:
= Hide favorites
Strings ContactsPanelFilter_ShowActiveNow:
= Show active now
Strings ContactsPanelFilter_HideActiveNow:
= Hide active now
Strings ContactsPanelFilter_FilterOptions:
= Filter options
Strings ContactsPanelFilter_FilterByMenu:
= Filter menu
Strings DateTimeRelative_Now:
= Now
Strings DateTimeRelative_AbbreviatedDateTime:
= {day}, {monthDate}, {year} at {time}
Strings DetailsPanelHeader_ShareContactToConversationTitle:
= Select Contacts to Share
Strings DragAndDrop_FileUploadMessage:
= Drop files to send
Strings DragAndDrop_DragDropConfirmationTitle:
= Send file
Strings DragAndDrop_DragDropConfirmationBody:
= Send the file to {name} via ...
Strings Entitlements_FreeTrialSubscriptionName:
= {subscriptionName} (free trial)
Strings TodoAddin_AddTask:
= Add a task
Strings TodoAddin_ConnectionErrorMessage:
= We are experiencing network connectivity issues, please check your connection and try again
Strings TodoAddin_CreateListErrorMessage:
= We were unable to create your task list, please try again later
Strings TodoAddin_CreateTaskErrorMessage:
= We were unable to create your todo, please try again later
Strings TodoAddin_CreateTaskFolder:
= Create new list
Strings TodoAddin_CreateTaskLabel:
= Add a new task to '{listName}' list
Strings TodoAddin_CreateTaskFolderLabel:
= Create new task list
Strings TodoAddin_DefaultTaskFolderAlias:
= Tasks
Strings TodoAddin_DefaultTaskFolderLabel:
= Default list 'task'
Strings TodoAddin_DeleteConfirmationTitle:
= '{itemToDelete}' will be permanently deleted.
= '{itemToDelete}' will be permanently deleted
Strings TodoAddin_DeletedTask:
= Task deleted. Tap to undo
Strings TodoAddin_DeleteTaskErrorMessage:
= We were unable to delete your task, please try again later
Strings TodoAddin_DeletedTaskFolder:
= Task list deleted
Strings TodoAddin_DeleteListErrorMessage:
= We were unable to delete your task list, please try again later
Strings TodoAddin_DeleteTodoConfirmationMenuOption:
= Delete to-do
= Delete task
Strings TodoAddin_EditTask:
= Edit task '{todoText}'
Strings TodoAddin_EditTaskFolderName:
= Edit task list name
Strings TodoAddin_GetListErrorMessage:
= We were unable to get your task list, please try again later
Strings TodoAddin_GetListsErrorMessage:
= We were unable to get your task lists, please try again later
Strings TodoAddin_HideCompletedTasks:
= Hide completed to-dos
= Hide completed tasks
Strings TodoAddin_HidingCompletedTasks:
= Hiding completed tasks
Strings TodoAddin_MarkTaskAsComplete:
= Task '{todoText}' marked as complete
Strings TodoAddin_MarkTaskAsIncomplete:
= Task '{todoText}' marked as incomplete
Strings TodoAddin_SaveTaskFolderName:
= Save task list name
Strings TodoAddin_SaveTaskSubject:
= Save to-do subject
= Save task subject
Strings TodoAddin_SaveToList:
= Save to
Strings TodoAddin_ShowCompletedTasksErrorMessage:
= We were unable to show your completed todos, please try again later
Strings TodoAddin_ShowCompletedTasks:
= Show completed to-dos
= Show completed tasks
Strings TodoAddin_ShowingCompletedTasks:
= Showing completed tasks
Strings TodoAddin_TaskAdded:
= Task '{todoText}' added
Strings TodoAddin_TaskAddFailed:
= Task failed to add
Strings TodoAddin_TaskCompleteStatusLabel:
= Mark task '{todoText}' as incomplete
Strings TodoAddin_TaskDeleted:
= Task '{todoText}' deleted
Strings TodoAddin_TaskDeleteFailed:
= Task item failed to delete
Strings TodoAddin_TaskIncompleteStatusLabel:
= Mark task '{todoText}' as complete
Strings TodoAddin_TaskFolderCreated:
= Task list '{taskFolderName}' created
Strings TodoAddin_TaskFolderNameUpdated:
= Task list name updated
Strings TodoAddin_TaskFolderNameLabel:
= Task list '{listName}'
Strings TodoAddin_TaskUpdated:
= Task updated successfully
Strings TodoAddin_UpdateListNameErrorMessage:
= We were unable to update the name of your task list, please try again later
Strings TodoAddin_UpdateTaskStatusErrorMessage:
= We were unable to update your task status, please try again later
Strings TodoAddin_UpdateTaskSubjectErrorMessage:
= We were unable to update the subject of your task, please try again later
Strings Global_MoreOptionsClosed:
= Menu closed
Strings Global_ItemSelectedAccessibilityLabel:
= {text}, selected
Strings Global_ItemUnselectedAccessibilityLabel:
= {text}, not selected
Strings Global_ErrorTitle:
= Error
Strings GuestJoin_HeaderText:
= Join as
Strings GuestJoin_PreHeaderText:
= Joining you to conversation
Strings GuestJoin_SubHeaderText:
= Ready to jump into your conversation?
Strings GuestJoin_PlaceholderText:
= Enter your name
Strings GuestJoin_JoinAsGuestLabel:
= Join as guest
Strings GuestJoin_JoinConversationLabel:
= Join conversation
Strings GuestUpsell_TitleText:
= Guest account
Strings GuestUpsell_HeaderText:
= Thanks for using Skype
Strings GuestUpsell_BodyText:
= Your guest account has limited access to this Skype group for up to 24 hours. Sign in with a Microsoft account to stay connected to the group and enjoy the full Skype experience.
Strings GuestUpsell_SignInButtonLabel:
= Sign in or create account
Strings GuestUpsell_LeaveGroupButtonLabel:
= Leave group
Strings GuestUpsell_BannerText:
= Signed in as guest
Strings GuestUpsell_BannerTextWithGuestName:
= Signed in as guest ({guestName})
Strings GuestUpsell_BannerButtonLabel:
= Learn more
Strings GuestUpsell_BannerButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Signed in as guest. Learn more
Strings GuestJoinUnavailableDialog_TitleText:
= Guest Sign-In unavailable
Strings GuestJoinUnavailableDialog_BodyText:
= For security reasons, you can't currently join this conversation as a guest. To continue, please sign in with Microsoft
Strings GuestJoinUnavailableDialog_DismissButtonLabel:
= OK
Strings Hub_NewGroupChatLabel:
= New Group
= New Group Chat
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_Title:
= Hotkeys
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_Title2:
= Keyboard Shortcuts
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ExtendedTitle:
= Skype Hotkeys
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ExtendedTitle2:
= Skype Keyboard Shortcuts
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ActionTitle:
= Action
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_HotkeysTitle:
= Hotkeys
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_GeneralCategoryHeader:
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_MessagingCategoryHeader:
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_CallingCategoryHeader:
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_OpenNotificationPanel:
= Open Notification panel
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_OpenAppSettings:
= Open app settings
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_OpenHelpInABrowser:
= Open Help in default browser
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_OpenDialpad:
= Launch dial pad
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_StartNewConversation:
= Start new conversation
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_NewGroup:
= New group chat
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_OpenContactsPanel:
= Open contacts
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_OpenBotsPanel:
= Open contact screen to bots
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_SendFeedback:
= Send feedback
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_OpenThemePicker:
= Open themes
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_NavigateToRecents:
= Navigate to recent chats
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ShowConversationProfile:
= Show conversation profile
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_AddPeopleToConversation:
= Add people to conversation
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_SendFile:
= Send a file
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_StartVideoCall:
= Start a video call
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_StartAudioCall:
= Start an audio call
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ToggleGallery:
= Open gallery
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_MarkAsUnread:
= Mark as unread
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_HangupOrRejectCall:
= Hang up
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ToggleMicrophone:
= Toggle mute
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ToggleCamera:
= Toggle camera
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_AcceptIncomingCall:
= Answer incoming call
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_AddPeopleToCall:
= Add people to a call
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_Search:
= Search for all contacts, messages and bots
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_SearchInConversation:
= Search within selected conversation
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ToggleTheme:
= Toggle between light and dark mode
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_EditMessage:
= Edit the last message sent
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_FocusMessageComposer:
= Focus the message composer
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_EnableMultipleSelectMessages:
= Multi-select messages
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_TakeCallSnapshot:
= Take a snapshot
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ArchiveConversation:
= Archive selected conversation
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_NextSearchResult:
= Select the next message in search results
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_PreviousSearchResult:
= Select the previous message in search results
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_OpenKeyboardShortcuts:
= View keyboard shortcuts
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_OpenMainWindow:
= Open the main Skype window
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_Refresh:
= Refresh the app
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ZoomIn:
= Zoom in
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ZoomOut:
= Zoom out
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ResetZoom:
= View actual size
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ZoomCombined:
= Zoom in, zoom out, or view actual size
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_LeftArrow:
= Left arrow
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_RightArrow:
= Right arrow
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_UpArrow:
= Up arrow
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_DownArrow:
= Down arrow
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ZoomInstructionsMac:
= Use the View button to zoom in, out, or return to actual size. {zoomincommand} to zoom in, {zoomoutcommand} to zoom out, {resetzoomcommand} for actual size.
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ZoomInstructionsWindows:
= Use {viewcommand} to bring up the View menu to zoom in, out, or return to actual size. {zoomincommand} to zoom in, {zoomoutcommand} to zoom out, {resetzoomcommand} for actual size.
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ShiftKey:
= Shift
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_EscapeKey:
= Escape
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_EscapeKeyShort:
= Esc
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_DeleteKey:
= Delete
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_SpaceKey:
= Space
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_PageUpKey:
= Page up
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_PageDownKey:
= Page down
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_CommaKey:
= Comma
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_CommandKey:
= Command
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ControlKey:
= Control
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ControlKeyShort:
= Ctrl
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_ReturnKey:
= Return
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_EnterKey:
= Enter
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_AltKey:
= Alt
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_OptionKey:
= Option
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_TabKey:
= Tab
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_MinusKey:
= Minus
Strings KeyboardShortcuts_PlusKey:
= Plus
Strings HiddenChatsPanel_Title:
= Hidden chats
Strings HubHeaderPanel_SearchHubTitle:
= People, groups & messages
Strings InfoPanel_UnhideConversationButtonLabel:
= Unhide conversation
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_PanelTitleContactsPrivacy:
= Privacy
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_ProfileSectionHeaderCaps:
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_ProfileSectionExplanation:
= Your profile is visible to people in your Skype contact list and everyone below.
Strings ManageSearchInfoPanel_ProfileVisiblityButton:
= View list
Strings MediaBar_ContactPickerTitle:
= Send contacts to this chat
Strings MediaBar_ContactTitle:
= Contact
Strings MediaBar_ContactPickerDescription:
= Share contacts

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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• When asking a question, please specify the operating system and the version of Skype.
• If you encounter any errors, copy the full text of the message here.
• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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