unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Android

A new version of Skype for Android has been released. You can install it from the Play Store or download from our blog. As for changes in the Skype for Android, about them nothing is yet known.

Skype for Android

File size:

29.8 MB

Operating system:


Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Android. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Android, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings AccessibilityLabel_CallMarker:
= {markerText}, {duration}
Strings AccessibilityLabel_CallDeclined:
= A declined call
Strings AccessibilityLabel_CallNoAnswer:
= An unanswered call
Strings AccessibilityLabel_CallFailed:
= A failed call
Strings AccessibilityLabel_CallRecording:
= a call recording which is available for {numberOfDays, plural, =1{1 day} other{{numberOfDays} days}}
Strings AccessibilityLabel_SelectedProfileBubbleRemoveUser:
= Double tap to remove {displayName}
= {displayName}. Item {index} of {totalCount}. Double tap to remove.
Strings AccessibilityLabel_SelectedProfileBubbleRemoveUserOnDesktop:
= Click to remove {displayName}
= {displayName}. Item {index} of {totalCount}. Click to remove.
Strings AudioVideoSettings_RingAdditionalDeviceLabel:
= Ring on additional device
Strings AudioVideoSettings_RingingDeviceLabel:
= Also ring on
Strings AudioVideoSettings_UnmuteRingingTitle:
= Unmute for incoming calls
Strings AudioVideoSettings_UseSelectedDeviceLabel:
= Use selected device
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_CelebrateButtonTitle:
= Celebrate
Strings CallCard_CallEndedStatusWithDurationMessage:
= Call ended - {duration}
Strings CallCard_CallDeclinedStatusMessage:
= Call declined
Strings CallCard_EncryptedCallStartedStatusMessage:
= Private call started
= Call started
Strings CallCard_EncryptedCallEndedStatusMessage:
= Private call ended
= Call ended
Strings CallCard_EncryptedCallEndedStatusWithDurationMessage:
= Call ended - {duration}
Strings CallCard_EncryptedCallMissedStatusMessage:
= Missed private call
= Missed call
Strings CallCard_EncryptedCallNoAnswerStatusMessage:
= No answer
Strings CallCard_EncryptedCallFailedStatusMessage:
= Call failed
Strings CallCard_EncryptedCallDeclinedStatusMessage:
= Call declined
Strings CallPanel_ShowRecentsButtonTitle:
= Show recent chats
Strings CallRecordingLearnMorePanel_DescriptionText:
= Be sure to save any call recordings you'd like to keep as they're only available for {numberOfDays} days.
= Be sure to save any call recordings you'd like to keep as they're only available for {numberOfDays, plural, =1{1 day} other{{numberOfDays} days}}.
Strings CapturePanel_CaptureButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Capture photo or video
= Capture photo or video. Tap for photo, hold for video.
Strings CapturePanel_CapturePhotoButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Capture photo.
Strings CapturePreview_AddTextAccessibilityLabel:
= Add caption
= Add text
Strings CapturePreview_DoneAddingTextAccessibilityLabel:
= Done adding text
Strings CapturePreview_UnableToRecord:
= Unable to record video message. Please try again.
Strings ContentPanelHeader_SearchConversationPlaceholder:
= Search in conversation
= Find messages in current conversation
Strings ContentPanelHeaderTitle_Find:
= Find
Strings ContentPanelHeaderTitle_FindButtonTitle:
= Find
Strings ContentToDisplayTransformerBase_HistoryHiddenUpdateMessage:
= {gender, select, female{{initiator} has hidden the conversation history from new participants} male{{initiator} has hidden the conversation history from new participants} other{{initiator} has hidden the conversation history from new participants}}
= {gender, select, female{{initiator} has hidden the chat history from new participants} male{{initiator} has hidden the chat history from new participants} other{{initiator} has hidden the chat history from new participants}}
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_DescriptionText:
= To help find friends on Skype we will periodically send your contacts to Microsoft. You can change your privacy settings in Profile > Settings > Contacts, including how people can find you.
= To help find your friends, we will periodically sync and store your contacts. You can change your privacy settings in Profile > Settings > Contacts, including how people can find you.
Strings ColorThemeDialog_ThemeUpper:
Strings ColorThemeDialog_AccessibleThemeUpper:
Strings ColorThemeDialog_ModesUpper:
Strings ColorThemeDialog_AccessibleModesUpper:
Strings ColorThemeDialog_LightModeLabel:
= Light mode
Strings ColorThemeDialog_DarkModeLabel:
= Dark mode
Strings ColorThemeDialog_SystemModeLabel:
= Use system setting
Strings ColorThemeDialog_HighContrastLightMode:
= High contrast light mode
Strings ColorThemeDialog_HighContrastDarkMode:
= High contrast dark mode
Strings ColorThemeDialog_HighContrastLight:
= High contrast light
Strings ColorThemeDialog_HighContrastDark:
= High contrast dark
Strings FindPanel_FindPanelHeaderTitle:
= Add to chat
= Content and tools
Strings TodoAddin_DefaultToDoListAlias:
= To-Do
Strings TodoAddin_DeletedTodo:
= Task deleted. Tap to undo.
= To-do deleted. Tap to undo.
Strings TodoAddin_DeletedTodoList:
= Task list deleted.
= To-do list deleted.
Strings TodoAddin_EditToDoListName:
= Edit to-do list name
Strings TodoAddin_SaveToDoListName:
= Save to-do list name
Strings TodoAddin_SaveTaskSubject:
= Save task subject
= Save to-do subject
Strings TodoAddin_ToDoCompleteStatusLabel:
= Mark to-do '{todoText}' as incomplete.
Strings TodoAddin_ToDoIncompleteStatusLabel:
= Mark to-do '{todoText}' as complete.
Strings TodoAddin_ToDoMarkAsIncomplete:
= To-do '{todoText}' marked as incomplete.
Strings TodoAddin_ToDoMarkAsComplete:
= To-do '{todoText}' marked as complete.
Strings Global_YesLabel:
= Yes
Strings Global_NoLabel:
= No
Strings GroupProfilePanel_GenerateJoinLinkEnabledTitleForCall:
= Share a link for others to join
Strings MediaBar_FilePickerDescription:
= Share files
Strings MediaBar_LocationDescription:
= Share a location
Strings MediaBar_MoneyDescription:
= Send and receive money
Strings MediaBar_MediaDescription:
= Share photos and videos
Strings MediaBar_SMSDescription:
= Send SMS using Skype credits
Strings MediaBar_VideoMessageDescription:
= Send a video message
Strings MessageComposerOverflow_AddTitle:
= Add to chat
= Content and tools
Strings MyProfilePanel_UserVoice:
= Suggest a feature
Strings Notifications_MultiReactionNotificationMessage:
= Last reaction: {creator}
Strings Onboarding_CoachMarkChatPlusTitle1:
= Add to chat
= Content and tools
Strings QuitDialog_WindowMessage:
= Are you sure you want to close the window? Closing the window will end this call.
Strings QuitDialog_EndCallLabel:
= End Call
Strings UserSettingsPanel_NotificationsDisabledPeriod1Day:
= For 1 day
Strings UserSettingsPanel_NotificationsDisabledPeriod1Hour:
= For 1 hour
Strings UserSettingsPanel_NotificationsDisabledPeriod1Week:
= For 1 week
Strings UserSettingsPanel_NotificationsDisabledPeriod8Hours:
= For 8 hours
Strings UserSettingsPanel_NotificationsDisabledPeriodIndefinitely:
= Indefinitely
Strings UserSettingsPanel_NotificationsDisabledPeriodTitle:
= Disable push notifications for new messages:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_GeneralTitleUpper:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ProfilePictureCaptionNoPhoto:
= Add a picture that represents you to customize how others see you
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ProfilePictureCaptionWithPhoto:
= Keep your photo up to date so your friends can find you easily on Skype
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ProfilePictureVisibilityTitle:
= Visibility
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ProfilePictureVisibilitySubtitle:
= Choose who can see your profile picture
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ProfilePicturePublicDescription:
= Visible to everyone on Skype
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ProfilePictureContactsOnlyDescription:
= Visible just to your contacts
Strings UserSettingsPanel_AllowCallsFromContactsOnlyOldPanel:
= Only allow calls from contacts to ring on this device
Strings UserSettingsPanel_AllowCallsFromContactsOnly:
= Only allow calls from connections to ring on this device
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ContactRemovedAccessibilityLabel:
= Contact {displayName} was removed
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingSectionHeader:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingDescription:
= Diagnostic and error reports
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingDescriptionSubtitle:
= Changes will be applied the next time the app is launched.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingDialogHeader:
= Diagnostic and error reports
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingDialogContent1:
= Troubleshoot issues you have with Skype by sending diagnostic and error reports to Microsoft. These reports are used to diagnose problems but may contain personal information such as your name, profile details, and chat content.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingDialogContent2:
= It is recommended that you turn off these reports after you've finished troubleshooting your issue as reports are continuously collected in the background and may affect performance.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingDialogContent3:
= Would you like to enable diagnostic and error reports? Skype will automatically close and reports will be enabled the next time you launch the app.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_LoggingDialogContent3a:
= Would you like to enable diagnostic and error reports? Reports will be enabled the next time you quit and relaunch the app.
Strings ReactionsStream_CelebrateButtonGenericTitle:
= It's someone's birthday.
Strings ReactionsStream_CelebrateButtonTitle1User:
= It's {firstUser}'s birthday today.
Strings ReactionsStream_CelebrateButtonTitle2Users:
= It's {firstUser}'s and {secondUsers}'s birthday today.
Strings ReactionsStream_CelebrateButtonTitleMoreUsers:
= {count, plural, =1{It's {firstUser}'s, {secondUsers}'s, and 1 other person's birthday today.} other{It's {firstUser}'s, {secondUsers}'s, and # other people's birthday today.}}
Strings SearchResultsList_InviteFriendHeader:
Strings SearchResultsList_InviteTitle:
= Invite Friends
Strings SearchResultsList_InviteSubtitle:
= Not seeing your friends here? Send them an invite to join Skype!
Strings SetConversationParticipantsPanel_CreateNewCellularSmsConversation:
= Create new SMS conversation
= New SMS
Strings ShareWithPanel_AudioPreviewInfo:
= Audio
Strings ShareWithPanel_AudioMessagePreviewInfo:
= Audio message
Strings ShareWithPanel_SendToAccessibilityLabel:
= Send to {displayName}
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConnectDevicePanelNoDevicesStep2:
= 2. Open the Skype on your computer
= 2. Open Skype on your computer
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ConfirmAuthReqBody:
= Verification code: {pin} For extra security, match the verification code from the one on your compupter. Find your computer's verification code at Skype > Settings > Messagin > SMS
= Verification code: {pin} For extra security, match the verification code from the one on your computer. Find your computer's verification code at Skype > Settings > Messaging > SMS
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_UnpairedAgentInfoBodyText:
= Allow Skype on this device to access SMS messages on your Android phone. Tap button below to send your phone a notification to complete setup.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_SetupText:
= Setup
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_SetupAccessibilityLabel:
= Setup
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_SendNotificationText:
= Send Notification
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_SendNotificationLabelText:
= Send Notification
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ViaPhoneLabel:
= Via your phone (SMS Connect)
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_SendNotificationButtonText:
= Setup
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_MoreInfoText:
= More Info
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_MoreInfoAccessibilityLabel:
= More Info
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_InstallSkypeText1:
= Use Skype on your PC or Mac to read and reply to your Android phone's SMS messages. To get started...
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_InstallSkypeText2:
= 1. Tap the button to install Skype on your Android phone.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_GetSignedInAsWithOutNameText:
= 2. Sign in to Skype.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_GetSignedInAsWithNameText:
= 2. Sign in with {signedInAs}.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ViaSkypeSmsLabel:
= Via Skype (Skype SMS)
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_ViaSkypeSmsLabelBottom:
= Send SMS messages using Skype and pay with Skype Credit
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_EnabledText:
= Enabled
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_DisabledText:
= Disabled
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_IncompleteText:
= Incomplete
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_UnpairedButtonlabelBottom:
= See and reply to your Android phone's SMS conversations directly inside Skype. Tap button below to send your phone a notification to complete setup.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_BottomLabelWithName:
= Use Skype on your PC or Mac to read and reply to your Android phone's SMS messages. To get started, Tap the button to install Skype on your Android phone. Then sign in with {signedInAs}
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_BottomLabel:
= Use Skype on your PC or Mac to read and reply to your Android phone's SMS messages. To get started, Tap the button to install Skype on your Android phone. Then sign in to Skype.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_RemoveThisDeviceText:
= Remove this device
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_HeaderLabel:
= SMS on your PC or Mac
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_MobileNumber:
= {phoneNumber} (mobile number)
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_PairedAgentDescriptionText:
= Use Skype on your PC or Mac to read and reply to your Android phone's SMS messages.
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_MoreActionsAccessibilityLabel:
= More Actions
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_AlertContentDialogText:
= Are you sure you want to remove this device? Your SMS conversations will be removed from Skype
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_RemovedText:
= Remove
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_InstallOnPhoneText:
= Install on phone
Strings SmsConnectRelaySettings_InstallOnPhoneAccessibilityLabel:
= Install on phone
Strings VideoNode_CallRecordingAvailabilityMessage:
= Recordings are available for {numberOfDays} days
= Recordings are available for {numberOfDays, plural, =1{1 day} other{{numberOfDays} days}}
Strings Plugin_CreateTaskHelpTextPrefix:
= This will be saved in
Strings Plugin_CreateTaskHelpTextSuffix:
= Microsoft To-Do
Strings CallCard_CallRejectedStatusMessage:
= Call rejected
Strings CallPreview_ToggleCameraLabel:
= Camera
Strings CapturePreview_ToggleAddTextAccessibilityLabel:
= Toggle caption style.
Strings CapturePreview_AddEffectsAccessibilityLabel:
= Add effects.
Strings CapturePreview_CloseAddEffectsAccessibilityLabel:
= Close adding effects.
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_AlternativeDescriptionText:
= To help find your friends, we will periodically sync and store your contacts. You can change your privacy settings in Profile>Settings, including how people can find you.
Strings TodoAddin_DefaultTaskFolderAlias:
= To-Do
Strings TodoAddin_EditTaskFolderName:
= Edit task folder name
Strings TodoAddin_ShareTaskFolder:
= Share task folder
Strings TodoAddin_SaveTaskFolderName:
= Save task folder name
Strings PesPicker_LockedStickerPackTitle:
= Unlock the Family Pack
Strings PesPicker_LockedStickerPackSubtitle:
= Update your profile picture to unlock these awesome stickers.
Strings PesPicker_LockedStickerPackButtonTitle:
= Unlock
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ProfilePictureCaption:
= Help your friends find you on Skype by keeping your picture public.
Strings Plugin_CreateTaskHelpText:
= This will be saved in Microsoft To-Do

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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