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Download Skype for Windows

The free application Skype for Windows has been updated to version, and this means that right now you can download the new version from the official site or from our blog using the button below…
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2 752


  1. 2 +2 0
    Rick (karma: +179),
    The whole settings panel has been almost completely reorganized.

    Also, read receipts were added.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1212),
      Hello! Thanks for your message. I noticed the "classic" settings panel in the insider release. Also, there are available "Private conversations". But I do not see any receipts. Where can I find them?
      1. 0 0 0
        Rick (karma: +179),
        It seems that one 8.27 isn't the same as the next 8.27. That option should be in Messaging, but isn't on this released version, only Insider. I guess they figure it's not ready quite yet.

        I've never used it, but I thought Private Conversations were announced earlier this year. Maybe only being made available to non-Insiders now, after all this time? Also, I wonder how many people, like me, have assumed that Skype conversations were *always* encrypted "end-to-end."
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1212),
          Yes, they are, but by default Skype uses the AES encryption, while private conversations are using Signal Protocol. Now, a private conversation will only be available on the device that was used to create or accept that conversation. Thus, even if someone hacks your account, he will not be able to read your private conversations.
  2. 0 0 0
    don loustel (karma: 0),
    How do I connect to someone in saskatoon, don, t know if they are on skype.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1212),
      Try to find him using his email address or phone number.
  3. 0 0 0
    E. DEL SETTE (karma: +3),
    Recently I have succesfully updated my Skype version, but not only ALL my contacts have disappeared, but I find it difficult to use. Can I return to the old version?
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1212),
      Uninstall Skype 8 and install Skype Classic for Windows.
  4. 0 0 0
    Pascal (karma: 0),
    Thank you very much. Your site is extremely helpful each time the version change.
  5. 0 0 0
    merian (karma: +7),
    I have updated my skype to the latest version 8.27 but is not working. When I click the skype icon, the page where I last left is the one that shows in the screen and it is just frozen. I've been uninstalling and installing so many times and it's still the same. Help please.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1212),
      Try to run cmd.exe as administrator and execute the following commands:
      1) Terminate all Skype processes:
      taskkill /IM skype.exe /F

      2) Reset Skype data:
      rd /Q /S "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Skype for Desktop"

      After that, start Skype and check if it works correctly.
      1. 0 0 0
        merian (karma: +7),
        Thanks for the reply but I tried it and this was what I got:
        for the first one- error: the process "skype.exe/F" not found

        for the second one- parameter format not correct

        I'm so hopeless. :(
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1212),
          In the first case, there is nothing to worry about, simply there is no process. As for second command, please try to copy-paste the command from the comment above. Keep in mind that you must run the first command before the second one.
  6. 0 0 0
    Herby (karma: 0),
    How can I get the images of the caller onto a large screen and the image of me into a small screen ?
    Similar to how it used to be !
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1212),
      Double-click on desired image to bring it to front.
  7. 0 0 0
    Rich (karma: +3),
    How do I see conversations in separate windows (Skype
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1212),
      Unfortunately, this feature is not yet supported in Skype 8.

      I recommend you to send feedback to developers and ask them to implement this feature in the new Skype. Please read here how to do it.
  8. 0 0 0
    Karen (karma: +3),
    Group video conference does not work well on the new Skype. We could not see each other Initially I only saw myself but some of them could see each other Then 3 or the 4 appeared on my screen part way through but the 4th never did. Also when one of them called in late there was no way to add her to the group call as there was on the last version. I had to have all of them hang up so I could send out the group call again. This is really not functional.
  9. 0 0 0
    Warren (karma: 0),
    I cannot delete skype entire conversations. If click on the conversation, select delete & confirm deletion and if I check it still remains? Tried this numerous times.
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1212),
      Please confirm if you're doing the same as follows: How to delete conversation in Skype 8.
  10. 0 0 0
    Ryan (karma: +3),
    I just installed the newest version of Skype on 2 machines. On one it is working fine but on the other, when I try to log on for the first time, I get the error message, Unable to connect. Can someone help me with this issue?
  11. 0 0 0
    Cindy Scott (karma: +3),
    How do I delete history of conversations? Earlier version had "tools' which allowed me to set the boundaries; I cannot find any way to delete them from this new version Please advise.

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