unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.

Skype for Mac OS X

File size:

84.8 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings AccessibilityLabel_SelectedProfileBubbleRemoved:
= Removed {displayName}
Strings CallPanel_AudioDeviceFailed:
= Your audio device failed. Connect another device, or try updating your audio drivers and restarting your computer.
= There was a problem with your audio device. Connect to another device, update your audio drivers or try restarting your computer.
Strings CallPanel_MicrophoneFailed:
= There was a problem with your microphone. Connect to another microphone, update your audio drivers or try restarting your computer.
Strings CallPanel_SpeakerFailed:
= There was a problem with your speakers. Connect to another speaker, update your audio drivers or try restarting your computer.
Strings CallPanel_GoLiveDescription:
= We've notified rest of your group.
= We've notified the rest of your group.
Strings CallPanel_SnapshotNotification:
= {name} took a snapshot
Strings ConnectivityStatusBar_NoInternetConnectionAccessibilityAnnouncement:
= No internet connection
Strings ConnectivityStatusBar_ConnectingAccessibilityAnnouncement:
= Connecting
Strings ContentPanelHeader_PrivateCallButtonTitle:
= Private Audio Call
Strings ContentPanelHeader_JoinGoLiveTitle:
= Join
Strings ContentPanelHeader_GoLiveWithoutVideoCoachMarkText:
= Start a call without ringing everyone in the group.
Strings ContentPanelHeader_GoLiveToolTip:
= Go live - start your video without ringing everyone
= Go Live - start your video without ringing everyone
Strings ContentPanelHeader_GoLiveWithoutVideoToolTip:
= Go Live - start a call without ringing everyone
Strings ContentPanelHeader_GoLiveDisabledToolTip:
= This group is too large to go live in.
= This group is too large to Go Live in.
Strings ContentPanelHeader_JoinGoLiveToolTip:
= Join Go Live
Strings ContentPanelHeader_JoinGoLiveWithVideoToolTip:
= Join Go Live with video
Strings ConversationsListItem_BlockContactAccessibilityAnnouncement:
= {displayName} blocked
Strings ConversationsListItem_PrivateConversationInvitation:
= Private conversation invitation
Strings DetailsPanelHeader_ShowMoreTitle:
= Show more
Strings Global_ApplyButtonTitle:
= Apply
Strings InfoPanel_DeleteConversationLabel:
= Delete conversation
Strings SearchHint_Messages:
= Search for messages in your current chat or chat history. Find @mentions and more.
= Search for messages in your current chat or in all chats.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ManageContactsTitleUpper:
Strings SettingsLanguages_zh_HK:
= 中文(香港特別行政區) - Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong SAR)
Strings SwiftQuickReplyListView_AccessibilityLabelPrefix:
= Cortana suggestion, {accessibilityLabel}
Strings GroupProfilePanel_NotificationsHeader:
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenCallSectionTitle:
= Talk With The World
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenCallSectionBody:
= Call friends and family on Skype for free or mobiles and landlines across the world at low affordable rates.
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenGroupSectionTitle:
= Powerful Features For Groups
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenGroupSectionBody:
= Skype offers a fantastic group calling experience. Simple and powerful group messaging brings people closer together.
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenEverywhereSectionTitle:
= Bring Skype Everywhere
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenEverywhereSectionBody:
= Take your conversations on the go and keep everything in sync. Available on iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux and Xbox.
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenPersonalizeBody:
= You are unique, why wouldn't your Skype experience be too?
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenPersonalizeDescription:
= Add your photo and choose your theme.
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenPersonalizeCallToAction:
= Personalize Skype
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenFindFriendsCallToAction:
= Find Friends
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenStartConversationCallToAction:
= Start a New Group
Strings Onboarding_LandingScreenDownloadForMobileCallToAction:
= Download for Mobile
Strings PeopleList_NoResults:
= No results found

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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