unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Windows

The free application Skype for Windows has been updated to version, and this means that right now you can download the new version from the official site or from our blog using the button below. Although it is not known what changed in the Skype for Windows, we can only assume that the application has become better.

Skype for Windows

File size:

59.8 MB

Operating system:


Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:

2 077


The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Windows. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Windows, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Files /LICENSES.chromium.html [+25.83KB]
Files /Skype.exe [-432.49KB]
Files /blink_image_resources_200_percent.pak [+0.82KB]
Files /content_shell.pak [-1546.46KB]
Files /ffmpeg.dll [+7.51KB]
Files /icudtl.dat [+64.92KB]
Files /libEGL.dll [+0.01KB]
Files /libGLESv2.dll [+160.51KB]
Files /locales/am.pak [-0.52KB]
Files /locales/ar.pak [-0.62KB]
Files /locales/bg.pak [-0.63KB]
Files /locales/bn.pak [-0.86KB]
Files /locales/ca.pak [-0.4KB]
Files /locales/cs.pak [-0.33KB]
Files /locales/da.pak [-0.28KB]
Files /locales/de.pak [-0.38KB]
Files /locales/el.pak [-0.67KB]
Files /locales/en-GB.pak [-0.28KB]
Files /locales/en-US.pak [-0.28KB]
Files /locales/es-419.pak [-0.43KB]
Files /locales/es.pak [-0.43KB]
Files /locales/et.pak [-0.3KB]
Files /locales/fa.pak [-0.49KB]
Files /locales/fake-bidi.pak [-0.49KB]
Files /locales/fi.pak [-0.34KB]
Files /locales/fil.pak [-0.4KB]
Files /locales/fr.pak [-0.41KB]
Files /locales/gu.pak [-0.6KB]
Files /locales/he.pak [-0.45KB]
Files /locales/hi.pak [-0.7KB]
Files /locales/hr.pak [-0.38KB]
Files /locales/hu.pak [-0.31KB]
Files /locales/id.pak [-0.33KB]
Files /locales/it.pak [-0.36KB]
Files /locales/ja.pak [-0.41KB]
Files /locales/kn.pak [-0.78KB]
Files /locales/ko.pak [-0.33KB]
Files /locales/lt.pak [-0.39KB]
Files /locales/lv.pak [-0.36KB]
Files /locales/ml.pak [-0.72KB]
Files /locales/mr.pak [-0.68KB]
Files /locales/ms.pak [-0.33KB]
Files /locales/nb.pak [-0.28KB]
Files /locales/nl.pak [-0.33KB]
Files /locales/pl.pak [-0.35KB]
Files /locales/pt-BR.pak [-0.36KB]
Files /locales/pt-PT.pak [-0.34KB]
Files /locales/ro.pak [-0.35KB]
Files /locales/ru.pak [-0.55KB]
Files /locales/sk.pak [-0.31KB]
Files /locales/sl.pak [-0.35KB]
Files /locales/sr.pak [-0.55KB]
Files /locales/sv.pak [-0.29KB]
Files /locales/sw.pak [-0.38KB]
Files /locales/ta.pak [-0.73KB]
Files /locales/te.pak [-0.71KB]
Files /locales/th.pak [-0.73KB]
Files /locales/tr.pak [-0.34KB]
Files /locales/uk.pak [-0.55KB]
Files /locales/vi.pak [-0.42KB]
Files /locales/zh-CN.pak [-0.31KB]
Files /locales/zh-TW.pak [-0.31KB]
Files /natives_blob.bin [-16.64KB]
Files /node.dll [+19.5KB]
Files /pdf_viewer_resources.pak [+23.27KB]
Files /resources/app.asar [-85.25KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/keyboard-layout/build/Release/keyboard-layout-manager.node [+0.01KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/keytar/build/Release/keytar.node [-0.01KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/skype-coexistence/build/Release/coexistence.node [+0.01KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/Processing.NDI.Lib.x86.dll [++]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RTMPLTFM.dll [+2238KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmCodecs.dll [+15KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmControl.dll [+0.99KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmMediaManager.dll [+2.5KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/RtmPal.dll [+69KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/TxNdi.dll [++]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/skypert.dll [+17.01KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/slimcore.node [+60.5KB]
Files /resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/slimcore/bin/ssScreenVVS2.dll [+0.5KB]
Files /resources/electron.asar [+16.8KB]
Files /snapshot_blob.bin [+32.57KB]
Files /third-party_attributions.html [+0.01KB]
Files /ui_resources_200_percent.pak [+0.68KB]
Files /version [+0.01KB]
Strings AccessibilityLabel_StickerWithoutName:
= a sticker
Strings AlertsPanel_AllFilter:
= All
Strings AlertsPanel_HighPriorityFilter:
= Mentions
Strings AlertsPanel_ReactionsFilter:
= Reactions
Strings AlertsPanel_ViewByMenu:
= View menu
Strings AudioVideoSettings_DefaultDeviceLabel:
= Default device
Strings AudioVideoSettings_DefaultCommunicationsDeviceLabel:
= Default communications device
Strings BalanceStatePanel_SkypeCreditAndSubscriptionsAccessibilityText:
= Skype Credit and Subscriptions. Your Skype Credit balance is {amount} and you have {count, plural, =0{no subscriptions} =1{1 subscription} other{# subscriptions}}.
Strings BalanceStatePanel_SkypeCreditAccessibilityText:
= Your Skype Credit balance is {amount}.
Strings PersonalizedOffersPanel_SectionTitleCallingPlansRecommended:
= Recommended for you
Strings PersonalizedOffersPanel_SectionTitleCallingPlansPopular:
= You may also like
Strings CallControls_CallButtonCloseOverflowMenu:
= Close Options
Strings CallCard_IncomingCall:
= Incoming call
Strings CallCard_OutgoingCall:
= Outgoing call
Strings CallBanner_IncomingCallOneOnOneCaption:
= Incoming call...
Strings CallBanner_IncomingCallOneOnOneAccessibilityLabel:
= Incoming call from {callerName}
Strings CallBanner_IncomingCallEncryptedCaption:
= Incoming private call...
Strings CallBanner_IncomingCallEncryptedAccessibilityLabel:
= Incoming private call from {callerName}
Strings CallBanner_IncomingCallGroupCaption:
= Incoming call from {callerName}...
Strings CallBanner_IncomingCallGroupAccessibilityLabel:
= {groupName}: Incoming call from {callerName}
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_CallPhoneSectionTitle:
= Call phone
Strings CallPanel_CloseCallStats:
= Close call stats
Strings CallPanel_CopyCallStats:
= Copy call stats
Strings CallPanel_RibbonLayoutAccessibilityLabel:
= Call layout
Strings CallPanel_RibbonSettingsAccessibilityLabel:
= Call layout and settings
Strings CallPanel_CallParticipantScreenshareLabel:
= {displayName}, screen share
Strings CallPanel_ClosePhoto:
= Close photo preview
Strings CapturePanel_QRCodeJoinGroupTitle:
= Group found!
Strings CapturePanel_QRCodeJoinGroupMessage:
= Would you like to join the group?
Strings CapturePanel_QRCodeJoinGroupMessageDismiss:
= Dismiss
Strings CapturePanel_QRCodeJoinGroupMessageConfirm:
= Join Group
Strings CapturePreview_ItemCannotBeSelected:
= {count, plural, one{Sorry, videos longer than a minute are currently not supported in Highlights. This video can still be sent to chats.} other{Sorry, videos longer than {count} minutes are currently not supported in Highlights. This video can still be sent to chats.}}
= {count, plural, =1{Sorry, videos longer than a minute are currently not supported in Highlights. This video can still be sent to chats.} other{Sorry, videos longer than {count} minutes are currently not supported in Highlights. This video can still be sent to chats.}}
Strings CapturePreview_StopRecording:
= Stop recording
Strings CapturePreview_RecordButtonStartAccessibilityLabel:
= Start recording
Strings ContactsPanel_LocalAddressBookTabTitle:
= Local address book
Strings ContactsPanel_ViewByMenu:
= View menu
Strings SyncAddressBookDialog_SyncSuccessComment:
= {shortCircuitMatches, plural, =0{No Contacts Found} =1{1 Contact Found} other {# Contacts Found}}
= {shortCircuitMatches, plural, =0{No Contacts Found} =1{1 Contact Found} other{# Contacts Found}}
Strings OrderStatusListener_UserBalanceAccessibilityLabel:
= Your balance is {formattedUserBalance}.
Strings CreditPurchase_ProcessingOrderAccessibilityLable:
= We are processing your order. You will be notified once the order has been processed.
Strings Entitlements_SubscriptionsSmallCaps:
= {count, plural, =0{no subscription} =1{1 subscription} other{# subscriptions}}
Strings Global_AppTitle:
= Skype
Strings Global_LinkAccessibilityLabel:
= link
Strings Global_HeaderAccessibilityLabel:
= header
Strings HighlightsFollow_PendingLabelAllCaps:
Strings HighlightsPanel_EmptyMyHighlightsExistingUserLabel2:
= Highlights expire after 7 days
Strings HighlightsPanel_EmptyMyHighlightsExistingUserAccessibilityLabel:
= No active highlights. Highlights expire after 7 days
Strings HighlightsPanel_EmptyMyHighlightsNewUserLabel1:
= Create a highlight
Strings HighlightsPanel_EmptyMyHighlightsNewUserLabel2:
= Your active highlights will appear here
Strings HighlightsPanel_EmptyMyHighlightsNewUserAccessibilityLabel:
= Create a highlight. Your active highlights will appear here
Strings HighlightsPanel_NewHighlightsAccessibilityLabel:
= New Highlights
Strings HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_ManageUsersCardTitle:
= Who can see your highlights?
Strings HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_ManageUsersCardDescription:
= To get started, select all the friends and family you’d like to share your highlights with.
= To get started, select all the friends and family you'd like to share your highlights with.
Strings HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_ManageUsersCardDescriptionSecondary:
= Only people you choose will be able to see your highlights and you’ll only have to do this once.
= Only people you choose will be able to see your highlights. You can change who can see your highlights at any time.
Strings HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_ReturningUserCardTitle:
= Welcome back to highlights
= Updates to highlights
Strings HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_ReturningUserCardDescription:
= It's now easier to share your highlights with even more people on Skype.
= It's now easier to create a new highlight and view everything your friends and family are sharing.
Strings HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_ReturningUserCardSecondaryDescription:
= To continue, select the people you’d like to share your highlights with.
= We've also made it easier to share your highlights with people you care about most.
Strings HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_ManageUsersButtonLabel:
= Select contacts
= Select people
Strings HighlightsOnboardingCarousel_MaybeLaterButtonLabel:
= Maybe later
Strings Hub_UnreadCounterScreenReaderLabel:
= {count, plural, =0{No unread notifications.} =1{1 unread notification.} other{# unread notifications.}}
Strings Hub_FindBotLabelGrouped:
= Add Bots
Strings Hub_AddContactsLabelGrouped:
= Add New Contact
Strings InputEntity_StickerFallbackText:
= A sticker was sent to you, but this version of Skype doesn't support it. Get the latest Skype version at
= A sticker was sent to you, but this version of Skype doesn't support it. Learn more by visiting
Strings LocationPicker_NearByPlacesListLabel:
= Nearby places list
Strings MediaPickerPanel_MediaPickerGalleryItem:
= Gallery item
= Gallery item {index} of {total}, {type}
Strings MediaPickerPanel_MediaPickerGalleryItemSelected:
= Gallery item, selected
= Gallery item {index} of {total}, {type} - selected
Strings MediaPickerPanel_ItemCannotBeSelected:
= {count, plural, one{Sorry, videos longer than a minute are currently not supported.} other{Sorry, videos longer than {count} minutes are currently not supported.}}
= {count, plural, =1{Sorry, videos longer than a minute are currently not supported.} other{Sorry, videos longer than {count} minutes are currently not supported.}}
Strings MessageComposerOverflow_CloseSearch:
= Close search
Strings MessageStream_MessagesSelected:
= {count, plural, =1{{count} selected message} other{{count} selected messages}}
= {count, plural, other{{count} selected}}
Strings MixedReality_Recent:
= Recent
Strings MixedReality_Favorites:
= Favorites
Strings HighlightsManageMembers_Description:
= Select the people you'd like to share your highlights with
Strings HighlightsManageMembers_SelectAllLabel:
= Select all
Strings MyProfilePanel_MakeAvatarPublicButton:
= Make picture visible
Strings MyProfilePanel_MakeAvatarPublicLabel:
= Help people recognize you easily on Skype
Strings MyProfilePanel_ChangeAvatarToPublicConfirmation:
= Your picture is now public
Strings MyProfilePanel_RemoveLabel:
= Remove
Strings MyProfilePanel_RemoveAvatarTitle:
= Are you sure you want to remove your photo?
Strings MyProfilePanel_YourNamePlaceholder:
= Your name
Strings Notifications_IncomingCallEncryptedMessage:
= 🔒 {caller} is calling
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle23:
= Chat with friends—for free!
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle24:
= Call the United States for free! 🌎
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle25:
= Reach friends 👫 on any device
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle26:
= Experience life together every day
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle27:
= One tap and you’re in!
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle28:
= Connect with your personal network 🤓
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle29:
= Transferring money is a breeze on Skype
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle30:
= Break the language barrier
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle31:
= Never miss a beat
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle32:
= Jump back into the conversation
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle24:
= Free calls to mobiles and landlines in the United States and Canada from India
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle25:
= Skype works across devices and languages, meaning no one is left out of the conversation
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle26:
= Free group video calling for up to 25 friends
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle27:
= Free group video calling is just a tap away ✨
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle28:
= Turn everyday chats into memorable moments with video calls, message reactions, and highlights
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle29:
= Skype works across devices and languages, meaning no one is left out of the conversation 🙌
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle30:
= Send and receive money on Skype by linking your PayPal account. Select countries/regions only.
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle31:
= Chat with anyone who speaks a different language with Skype Translator
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle32:
= Sign back in to Skype to catch up on your chats and calls
Strings Onboarding_CoachMarkDialogTitle:
= Tutorial dialog
Strings Onboarding_CoachMarkCloseInfoDesktop:
= Press ESC key to close tutorial dialog.
Strings PSTNDialerPanel_CountriesAndRegionsAccessibilityLabel:
= Countries and Regions, {countryTitle}.
= Countries and Regions calling code, {countryTitle}.
Strings PSTNPhoneNumberInput_OnBackspaceAnnouncement:
= {symbol} deleted
Strings PSTNPhoneNumberInput_OnLongBackspaceAnnouncement:
= Phone number cleared
Strings UserSettingsPanel_EnableLogging:
= Enable logging
Strings UserSettingsPanel_YourStatusIsAccessibilityLabel:
= Your presence status is {status}
Strings PeopleList_RecommendedUserAccessibilityLabel:
= {mutualContactCount, plural, =1{Recommended {userName} with 1 mutual contact} other{Recommended {userName} with # mutual contacts}}
Strings InviteShare_MoreButtonButtonSubtitle:
= Send as SMS, email or through another app
Strings InviteShare_ShowQRCodeButtonLabel:
= QR Code
Strings InviteShare_ShowQRCodeButtonSubtitle:
= Scan or display my code
Strings InviteShare_ShareCopyButtonLabel:
= Copy
= Copy to clipboard
Strings InviteShare_ShareCopiedButtonLabel:
= Copied to clipboard
Strings InviteShare_SharingHint:
= Anyone who scans this QR code or uses your share link can easily connect with you on Skype
= Share your link to anyone on or off Skype to connect with you easily.
Strings InviteShare_ScanQRButtonLabel:
= Scan QR
Strings SignInSignUp_SignInWithHeader:
= Sign in with...
= Sign in with…
Strings SignOutConfirmation_SignOutRememberMeButtonTitle:
= Yes but remember me
= Yes
Strings SignOutConfirmation_SignOutForgetMeButtonTitle:
= Yes and forget me
= Yes and forget account
Strings SMSMessaging_ContactOptionsPopupSendSMSLabelAllCaps:
Strings TextEditControl_DisplayNameAndMoodAccessibilityLabel:
= {name}, {mood}, edit display name and mood message.
= Edit display name and mood message.
Strings TextEditControl_DisplayNameAccessibilityLabel:
= Edit display name.
Strings TypingIndicator_PeopleTyping:
= { peopleTyping, plural, =2{ {firstTyper} and {secondTyper} are typing} other { # people are typing} }
= {peopleTyping, plural, =2{{firstTyper} and {secondTyper} are typing} other{# people are typing}}
Strings UserPresence_LastSeenMinutesAceessibilityLabel:
= {gender, select, female{{count, plural, =1{Last seen 1 minute ago} other{Last seen # minutes ago}}} male{{count, plural, =1{Last seen 1 minute ago} other{Last seen # minutes ago}}} other{{count, plural, =1{Last seen 1 minute ago} other{Last seen # minutes ago}}}}
Strings UserPresence_LastSeenHoursAceessibilityLabel:
= {gender, select, female{{count, plural, =1{Last seen 1 hour ago} other{Last seen # hours ago}}} male{{count, plural, =1{Last seen 1 hour ago} other{Last seen # hours ago}}} other{{count, plural, =1{Last seen 1 hour ago} other{Last seen # hours ago}}}}
Strings UserPresence_LastSeenDaysAceessibilityLabel:
= {gender, select, female{{count, plural, =1{Last seen 1 day ago} other{Last seen # days ago}}} male{{count, plural, =1{Last seen 1 day ago} other{Last seen # days ago}}} other{{count, plural, =1{Last seen 1 day ago} other{Last seen # days ago}}}}
Strings CallRecorderToast_StartedRecordingAccessibilityLabel:
= {name} started recording
Strings CallRecorderToast_StoppedRecordingAccessibilityLabel:
= {name} stopped recording
Strings CallRecorderToast_StartedRecordingInitiatorAccessibilityLabel:
= Recording started
Strings CallRecorderToast_StoppedRecordingInitiatorAccessibilityLable:
= Recording stopped
Strings BalanceStatePanel_ActiveCreditIntroAccessibilityText:
= Your Skype credit balance is {amount}.
Strings CallBanner_IncomingCallCaption:
= Incoming call...
Strings CallBanner_IncomingCallAccessibilityLabel:
= Incoming call from {conversationName}
Strings CallBanner_EncryptedIncomingCallCaption:
= Incoming private call from {conversationName}
Strings CallBanner_EncryptedIncomingCallAccessibilityLabel:
= Incoming private call
Strings CapturePanel_QRCodeStartChatTitle:
= Contact found.
Strings CapturePanel_QRCodeStartChatMessage:
= Would you like to start a chat?
Strings CapturePanel_QRCodeStartChatMessageConfirm:
= Start a Chat
Strings SignOutConfirmation_SignOutOnDeviceTitle:
= Are you sure you want to sign out on this device?

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.


  1. 0 0 0
    John IEZZI (karma: 0),
    How should I do to install this release?
    Once downloaded it informs me that I should go to the MS Store to get the official release (modern app).
    Desktop app has been retired from the market?
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
  2. 0 0 0
    Desmond Gartland (karma: +7),
    I cant install my Skype please can you help me to install
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Please describe the problem you encountered.
      1. 0 0 0
        Desmond Gartland (karma: +7),
        I can't install Skype it says I have to help parents consent I'm an adult I am a parent I've been usin Skype for the last 10 years can you please explain why this would not let me installed Skype
        1. 0 0 0
          Administrator (karma: +1208),
          I think your issue occurs due to COPPA requirements in the USA. Most likely, when you created the account you specified an incorrect birth date and now you must change it to prove that you are not a child.
          1. 0 0 0
            José Mota (karma: 0),
            i was born 1939/04/03
            1. 1 +1 0
              Administrator (karma: +1208),
              The problem is not at your age, but because you specified a wrong birthday.
  3. 0 0 0
    Horacio Ernesto (karma: 0),
    A sticker was sent, but this version of Skype doesn't support it. Learn more by visiting

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• When asking a question, please specify the operating system and the version of Skype.
• If you encounter any errors, copy the full text of the message here.
• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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