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Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Android

A new version of Skype for Android has been released. You can install it from the Play Store or download from our blog. As for changes in the Skype for Android, about them nothing is yet known.

Skype for Android

File size:

30.8 MB

Operating system:


Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Android. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Android, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings BalanceStatePanel_UpgradeSubscriptionButtonLabel:
= Upgrade subscription
Strings BalanceStatePanel_UpgradeSubscriptionAccessibilityLabel:
= Upgrade subscription
Strings BalanceStatePanel_UpgradeSubscriptionButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Upgrade to {upgradeOfferName} subscription
Strings BalanceStatePanel_UpgradeSubscriptionCoachmarkTitle:
= Upgrade your subscription
Strings BalanceStatePanel_UpgradeSubscriptionCoachmarkLabel:
= You're almost out of minutes for this month. Upgrade your subscription to continue calling.
Strings CallCard_CallerName:
= from {caller}
Strings CallCard_Marker:
= {markerText} - {markerValue}
= {markerText} {markerValue}
Strings CallBanner_IncomingCallAccessibilityLabel:
= Incoming call from {conversationName}
Strings CallBanner_EncryptedIncomingCallCaption:
= Incoming private call
= Incoming private call from {conversationName}
Strings CallBanner_EncryptedIncomingCallAccessibilityLabel:
= Incoming private call
Strings CapturePreview_PenColorPickerAccessibilityLabel:
= Pen color picker
Strings CapturePreview_PenColorChange:
= Pen color {color}
Strings CapturePreview_PenColorPickerWithColorAccessibilityLabel:
= Pen color picker, {color}
Strings Color_White:
= White
Strings Color_Black:
= Black
Strings Color_Red:
= Red
Strings Color_Redorange:
= Red orange
Strings Color_Orange:
= Orange
Strings Color_Yelloworange:
= Yellow orange
Strings Color_Yellow:
= Yellow
Strings Color_Yellowgreen:
= Yellow green
Strings Color_Green:
= Green
Strings Color_Bluegreen:
= Blue green
Strings Color_Blue:
= Blue
Strings Color_Blueviolet:
= Blue violet
Strings Color_Violet:
= Violet
Strings Color_Redviolet:
= Red violet
Strings ContentPanelHeader_DontStartVideoCallButtonTitle:
= Video calling disabled
Strings ContentPanelHeader_PrivateConversationTab:
= Private
Strings ContentPanelHeader_SkypeConversationTab:
= Skype
Strings ContentPanelHeader_SMSConversationTab:
Strings ContentPanelHeader_GenericConversationTab:
= Chat
Strings ContentPanelHeader_SwitchToConversation:
= Switch to {conversationType} conversation
Strings ContentPanelHeader_CurrentConversationTab:
= {conversationType} conversation, active
Strings ContentToReactTransformer_MoneyRequestPreviewLabel:
= Money Request
Strings ConversationsListItem_PrivateMessage:
= Private message
Strings CurrencyFormatter_Non_Globalization_Aware:
= {price}{currency}
= {currency}{price}
Strings ColorThemeDialog_ShortcutThemeToggleLightAccessible:
= Light theme selected
Strings ColorThemeDialog_ShortcutThemeToggleDarkAccessible:
= Dark theme selected
Strings CreditPurchase_UpgradeSubscriptionOrderTitle:
= Subscription details
Strings CreditPurchase_UpgradeSubscriptionSubtitle:
= New subscription:
Strings CreditPurchase_SubscriptionUpgradeDisclaimer:
= Your current subscription will be cancelled and you'll have until {date} to use any remaining minutes.
Strings CreditPurchase_UpgradeNowButton:
= Upgrade now
Strings MobileRecentsFilter_ShowCategoriesCoachmarkTitle:
= Where did my Pinned chats go?
= Pinned chats are now Favorites!
Strings MobileRecentsFilter_ShowCategoriesCoachmarkText:
= Pinned chats are now Favorites! Select 'Show categories' to pin your Favorites to the top.
= Favorites are shown at the top of your chat list. Manage how they appear by selecting 'Hide favorites' from this menu.
Strings DetailsPanelHeader_ChatSettingsTitle:
= Chat Settings
Strings DetailsPanelHeader_CloseChatSettingsButtonTitle:
= Close chat settings
Strings Global_HideLabel:
= Hide
Strings Global_RetryLabel:
= Retry
Strings HighlightsConfirmationDialog_TrustSkypeSuggestionTitle:
= Prioritized sharing
Strings HighlightsConfirmationDialog_TrustSkypeSuggestionComment:
= It looks like you have a lot of contacts on Skype. We'll help you prioritize who can see your highlights based on the people you talk to the most.
Strings HighlightsConfirmationDialog_TrustSkypeSuggestionConfirmLabel:
= Okay, got it
Strings HighlightsPanel_ErrorBannerDescriptionText:
= Something went wrong...
Strings HighlightsItemView_HideDialogTitle:
= Hide {ownerName}'s highlights
Strings HighlightsItemView_HideDialogContent:
= Are you sure you want to stop seeing {ownerName}'s highlights?
Strings InfoPanel_ChatSettings:
= Chat settings
Strings InfoPanel_DeleteConfirmationDialogTitleSkype:
= Delete Skype Chat
Strings InfoPanel_DeleteConfirmationDialogTitleE2EE:
= Delete Private Chat
Strings InfoPanel_DeleteConfirmationDialogTitleSMS:
= Delete SMS Chat
Strings MessageComposer_SearchStickersPlaceholder:
= Search Stickers
Strings MessageComposer_SearchMojisPlaceholder:
= Search Mojis
Strings MessageComposer_SearchEmoticonsPlaceholder:
= Search Emoticons
Strings MessageStream_MessagesSelected:
= Selected Messages: {count}
= {count, plural, =1{{count} selected message} other{{count} selected messages}}
Strings MessageStream_CopyMetadata:
= {displayName}, {time}
Strings MessageStream_SelectionToggleOn:
= Message selected,
Strings MessageStream_SelectionToggleOff:
= Message not selected,
Strings Money_SettingsLabel:
= Settings
Strings Money_HelpLabel:
= Help
Strings MoneyRequestNode_MoneyRequest:
Strings MoneyRequestNode_Send:
= Send
Strings MoneyRequestNode_RequestPending:
= Pending
Strings MoneyRequestNode_RequestCompleted:
= Completed
Strings MoneyRequestNode_RequestDeclined:
= Declined
Strings HighlightsManageMembers_Title:
= Who can see my highlights
Strings HighlightsManageMembers_ToggleSwitchLabel:
= Share my highlights with everyone
Strings HighlightsManageMembers_SuggestedPeopleHeader:
Strings HighlightsManageMembers_OtherPeopleHeader:
Strings HighlightsManageMembers_ErrorDialogTitle:
= :( Uh oh
Strings HighlightsManageMembers_ErrorDialogMessage:
= You can share highlights with up to 600 friends only. Deselect someone to add someone new.
Strings HighlightsManageMembers_UpgradeHighlightsErrorTitle:
= Upgrade highlights
Strings HighlightsManageMembers_UpgradeHighlightsErrorMessage:
= We've made some changes to highlights. Tap OK to see more.
Strings HighlightsManageMembers_UpgradeHighlightsErrorOkButton:
= Ok, Let's go
Strings HighlightsManageMembers_UpgradeHighlightsErrorNotNowButton:
= Not now
Strings HighlightsManageMembers_AllPeopleLabel:
= All people
Strings NewConnectionIndicator_UserAddedToContactList:
= {gender, select, female{{user} was added to your Skype contact list.} male{{user} was added to your Skype contact list.} other{{user} was added to your Skype contact list.}}
Strings Notifications_MoneyRequestTransferBody:
= I sent you money transfer request
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle5:
= Easily turn a chat into a night out 🎉 💃 🕺 with friends. Try it now
= Easily turn a chat into a night out 🎉 🙌 🎡 with friends. Try it now
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle5_7:
= Easily turn a chat into a night out 🎉 💃 🕺 with friends. Try it now
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle6:
= The new Skype, for all your sunsets 🌇 & selfies 🤳
= The new Skype, for all your sunsets 🌇 & selfies 📸
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle6_7:
= The new Skype, for all your sunsets 🌇 & selfies 🤳
Strings PesPicker_RecentEmoticonPackTitle:
= Recently Used Emoticons
= Recently used
Strings PesPicker_RecentMojiPackTitle:
= Recently Used Moji
= Recently used
Strings PesPicker_RecentStickerPackTitle:
= Recently Used Stickers
= Recently used
Strings PesPicker_EmoticonTitle:
= Emoticon
= Emoticons
Strings PesPicker_MojiTitle:
= Moji
= Mojis
Strings PesPicker_LockedStickerPackTitle:
= Unlock the Family Pack
Strings PesPicker_LockedStickerPackSubtitle:
= Update your profile picture to unlock these awesome stickers.
Strings PesPicker_LockedStickerPackButtonTitle:
= Unlock
Strings Onboarding_FinishSetupBannerTitle:
= Welcome to Skype!
Strings Onboarding_FinishSetupBannerDescription:
= Complete a few steps to make sure you're all set for the best experience.
Strings Onboarding_FinishSetupBannerCallToAction:
= Finish Setup
Strings ProfileCard_UnHideHighlights:
= Unhide Highlights
Strings SearchHint_SumbitFeedbackLink:
= Tell us
Strings SearchHint_FeedbackText:
= Didn't find what you were looking for? {link}.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_HighlightsManageNotification:
= Manage notifications
Strings UserSettingsPanel_HighlightsManageNotificationDescription:
= Manage which notifications you receive
Strings UserSettingsPanel_HighlightsHidden:
= Hidden highlights
Strings UserSettingsPanel_HighlightsHiddenDescription:
= Manage the highlights you've hidden
Strings UserSettingsPanel_HighlightsHiddenDescription2:
= Highlights from people selected below will be hidden.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_HighlightsSharing:
= Highlights sharing
Strings UserSettingsPanel_HighlightsSharingDescription:
= Manage who can see your highlights
Strings UserSettingsPanel_HighlightsPeopleCountLabel:
= {count, plural, =1{1 person} other{{count} people}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ProfilePictureTitle:
= Profile picture
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ProfilePictureCaption:
= Help your friends find you on Skype by keeping your picture public.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ProfilePictureVisibilitySubtitle:
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ProfilePicturePublicLabel:
= Public (recommended)
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ProfilePictureContactsOnlyLabel:
= Contacts only
Strings ReactionsDetailsOverlayPanel_ReactionButtonTitle:
= See who reacted with {reactionId}
= See who reacted with emoticon {reactionName}
Strings SignInSignUp_SignInWithMicrosoft:
= Sign in with Microsoft
Strings SignInSignUp_SkypeCannotBeUsedAsTelephoneReplacement:
= Skype is not a replacement for your telephone and should not be used to send emergency SMS or calls.
= Skype cannot be used for emergency calling.
Strings SignOutConfirmation_SignOutSaveCredentials:
= Save my details
Strings TextEditControl_DisplayNameAndMoodAccessibilityLabel:
= {name}, {mood}, edit display name and mood message.
Strings CallRecorderToast_StopRecordingLinkText:
= Stop recording.
= Stop recording
Strings CallRecorderToast_IsRecordingText:
= {name} is recording.
= {name} is recording
Strings ChatSettings_SkypeConversation:
Strings ChatSettings_E2EEConversation:
Strings ChatSettings_SMSConversation:
Strings TextEditControl_DisplayNameAccessibilityLabel:
= {name}, edit display name.

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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