unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.

Skype for Mac OS X

File size:

92.2 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings AudioVideoSettings_TestAudioButtonLabel:
= Test Audio
= Test audio
Strings AudioVideoSettings_TestAudioButtonStartLabel:
= Start audio test
Strings AudioVideoSettings_TestAudioButtonStopLabel:
= Stop audio test
Strings PersonalizedOffersPanel_ToastMessageRedirectingToBalancePanel:
= Redirecting...
Strings CallControls_ScreenShareCoachMarkLabel:
= Share your screen
Strings CallControls_ScreenShareCoachMarkLine1:
= Browse the web
Strings CallControls_ScreenShareCoachMarkLine2:
= View documents together
Strings CallControls_ScreenShareCoachMarkLine3:
= Start a presentation
Strings CallControls_MicrophoneMutedAccessibilityLabel:
= Microphone muted
Strings CallControls_MicrophoneUnmutedAccessibilityLabel:
= Microphone unmuted
Strings CallCard_CallStartedMarker:
= Call started
Strings CallCard_CallEndedMarker:
= Call ended
Strings CallCard_CallMarker:
= Call
Strings CallCard_MissedCallMarker:
= Missed call
Strings CallCard_Marker:
= {markerText} - {markerValue}
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_ContactRowAccessibilityLabelSMS:
= Send SMS to {phone}, {phoneType}
= Send SMS to {phone}, {phoneType}, {price}
Strings CallPanel_AudioDeviceBusy:
= We could not connect to your selected audio device since it may be in use by another application.
Strings ContactsPanel_MoreContacts:
= More Contacts
= More
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_NotSyncedHeader:
= Increase your network
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_NotSyncedFirstText:
= Some of your contacts may already use Skype.
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_NotSyncedSecondText:
= Sync your address book to see who they are.
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_SyncAddressBookButton:
= Sync Address Book
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_SearchCTAText:
= Use Search to find people on Skype.
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_ContactsCTAText:
= Go to Contacts to see your device and Skype contacts.
Strings CortanaConsentModal_Title:
= Need some help?
Strings CortanaConsentModal_Description:
= To give more relevant replies and suggestions Cortana needs permission to use your location and Skype conversation history.
Strings CortanaConsentModal_MoreInformationLink:
= More information
Strings CortanaConsentModal_SureButtonTitle:
= Agree
Strings CortanaConsentModal_MaybeLaterButtonTitle:
= Maybe later
Strings DiscoverPeoplePanel_DiscoverPeoplePanelTitle:
= Discover People
Strings DiscoverPeoplePanel_CloseButtonAccessibilityTitle:
= Close discover people.
Strings CreditExpiration_DialogTitle:
= Keep Your Skype Credit Active
Strings CreditExpiration_DismissButtonLabel:
= Dismiss
Strings CreditExpiration_CallButtonLabel:
= Call any phone
Strings CreditExpiration_MakeAPurchaseButtonLabel:
= Make a purchase
Strings CreditExpiration_Text:
= Call any phone or make a purchase and your Skype Credit will be active for another 180 days*
Strings CreditExpiration_Explanation:
= * Skype Credit becomes inactive if you haven't used it in 180 days. {readMore}
Strings CreditExpiration_CreditExpirationLinkLabel:
= Learn more
Strings CreditExpiration_WebTitle:
= How do I reactivate Skype Credit?
Strings DetailsPanelHeader_NotificationsLabel:
= {count, plural, =1{1 NOTIFICATION} other{# NOTIFICATIONS}}
Strings DetailsPanelHeader_CloseUserProfileButtonTitle:
= Close user profile
Strings DetailsPanelHeader_CloseGroupProfileButtonTitle:
= Close group profile
Strings DetailsPanelHeader_CloseBotProfileButtonTitle:
= Close bot profile
Strings Entitlements_DefaultSubscriptionName:
= Calling subscription
Strings FileTransfer_UnsupportedEncryptedFile:
= Receiving encrypted files on web is not supported
= Skype for Web does not support receiving encrypted files.
Strings GroupProfilePanel_NotificationsHeader:
Strings HighlightsItemView_NoHighlights:
= {name} does not have any highlights at the moment.
Strings HighlightsItemView_NoHighlightsButtonLabel:
= Chat with {name}
Strings HighlightsItemView_LoadingHighlights:
= Loading highlights...
Strings HighlightsItemView_FromHighlights:
= From {name}'s highlights
Strings HighlightsItemView_FailedToCreateConvHighlights:
= There was a problem creating this chat, please try again later.
Strings HighlightsItemView_NextHighlights:
= More highlights
Strings HighlightsItemView_ChatButtonTitle:
= Chat
Strings HighlightsItemView_RemoveButtonTitle:
= Remove
Strings HighlightsItemView_ReportButtonTitle:
= Report highlight
Strings HighlightsItemView_ViewProfileLabel:
= View profile
Strings HighlightsItemView_HighlightAddressBookButtonTitle:
= Skype Conversations
Strings HighlightsItemView_HighlightCloseButtonTitle:
= Close
Strings HighlightsItemView_HighlightReactionInfoTitle:
= Send a private message
Strings HighlightsItemView_MediaPostedJustNow:
= Just now
Strings HighlightsItemView_MediaPostedMinutes:
= {count, plural, =1{1 minute ago} other{# minutes ago}}
Strings HighlightsItemView_MediaPostedHours:
= {count, plural, =1{1 hour ago} other{# hours ago}}
Strings HighlightsItemView_MediaPostedDays:
= {count, plural, =1{1 day ago} other{# days ago}}
Strings HighlightsItemView_RemoveHighlightContent:
= Are you sure you want to remove this highlight?
Strings HighlightsItemView_HighlightsRemoveDialogTitle:
= Remove from your highlights
Strings HighlightsItemView_HighlightCommentTitle:
= Highlight comment:
Strings HighlightsItemView_MessageSentLabel:
= Message sent
Strings HighlightsItemView_CommentedOnYourHighlight:
= commented on your highlight.
Strings HighlightsItemView_YouCommentedOnYourHighlight:
= You commented on a highlight.
Strings HighlightsItemView_ForwardHighlightsLabel:
= Forward Highlight
Strings HighlightsItemView_HighlightsForwardedText:
= {gender, select, female{{sender} shared a highlight from {owner}.} male{{sender} shared a highlight from {owner}.} other{{sender} shared a highlight from {owner}.}}
Strings HighlightsItemView_YouForwardedHighlightsText:
= You shared {owner}'s highlight.
Strings HighlightsItemView_HighlightsForwardedLabel:
= Highlight Forwarded
Strings HighlightsItemView_TryOutReactionsCoachmarkTitle:
= Reaction
Strings HighlightsItemView_TryOutReactionsCoachmarkLabel:
= Tap here to react to this highlight
Strings HighlightsItemView_TryOutForwardHighlightCoachmarkTitle:
= Forward
Strings HighlightsItemView_TryOutForwardHighlightCoachmarkLabel:
= Share this highlight with friends
Strings HighlightsItemView_TryOutChatReactionHighlightCoachmarkTitle:
= Message
Strings HighlightsItemView_TryOutChatReactionHighlightCoachmarkLabel:
= Tap here to send a message about this highlight
Strings HighlightsSkypeChannelViewer_TapToSeeMoreButtonLabel:
= Tap to see more
Strings Hub_ActivityTabTitle:
= Activity
Strings MediaBar_PeopleTitle:
= People
Strings MediaViewer_StartSharing:
= Start sharing
Strings MediaViewer_StopSharing:
= Stop viewing together
Strings MediaViewer_CloseSharingPromptMessage:
= Exiting gallery will stop viewing together.
Strings MoreContactsTab_AddContactButtonTitle:
= Add Contact
= Add
Strings MoreContactsTab_InvitePeopleButtonTitle:
= Invite People
= Invite
Strings MoreContactsTab_DiscoverPeopleButtonTitle:
= Discover People
= Discover
Strings MoreContactsTab_FindBotsButtonTitle:
= Find Bots
= Bots
Strings NoSearchResults_Title:
= No results found for {query}
Strings NoSearchResults_InviteSubtitle:
= You can send them an invite to join Skype.
Strings NoSearchResults_CallSubtitle:
= You can send them an invite to join Skype or call the number.
Strings NoSearchResults_InviteOrCallSubtitle:
= You can send them an invite to join Skype or call the number.
Strings NoSearchResults_InviteButton:
= Invite to Skype
Strings NoSearchResults_CallNumberButton:
= Call number
Strings Notifications_E2eeTextNotificationLabel:
= New private message
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle3:
= You are going to love the new Skype
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle4:
= Try the new Skype
Strings WindowClosedFirstTimeBalloon_Title:
= Skype
Strings WindowClosedFirstTimeBalloon_Content:
= Skype is still connected so you won't miss new messages or calls. To completely quit Skype, right click on this icon.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_InAppNotifications:
= In-app notifications
= Chat banner notifications
Strings UserSettingsPanel_InAppEngagementNotifications:
= Tips & Tricks
Strings UserSettingsPanel_InAppEngagementNotificationsSecondary:
= Show in app notifications from Skype about features. Critical system notifications will still be shown even if toggled off.
Strings UserSettingsPanel_DontIncludeMinorsInSearchAndSuggestions:
= Children are always hidden from search results and suggestions.
Strings PeopleList_AddressBookDeviceContactsHeader:
Strings SettingsLanguages_ResetLanguageOption:
= Reset to system language
= Device language
Strings SettingsLanguages_en_GB:
= English - British English
= English (UK) - British English
Strings SettingsLanguages_en_US:
= English - American English
= English (US) - American English
Strings SettingsLanguages_es_ES:
= español - Spanish
= español (España) – Spanish (Spain)
Strings SettingsLanguages_zh_CN:
= 中文 (简体) - Chinese (Simplified)
= 中文(简体) - Chinese (Simplified)
Strings SettingsLanguages_zh_TW:
= 中文 (繁體) - Chinese (Traditional)
= 中文(繁體) - Chinese (Traditional)
Strings InviteShare_DisableSharingCommand:
= Disable Sharing
Strings InviteShare_EnableSharingCommand:
= Enable Sharing
Strings InviteShare_MoreButtonButtonLabel:
= More
Strings InviteShare_PanelHeader:
= Share and connect
Strings InviteShare_QRSectionHeader:
Strings InviteShare_ResetLinkCommand:
= Reset links
Strings InviteShare_ScanACodeButtonLabel:
= Scan a code
Strings InviteShare_ShareCopyButtonLabel:
= Copy
Strings InviteShare_ShareEmailButtonLabel:
= Email
Strings InviteShare_ShareLinkSectionHeader:
Strings InviteShare_ShareSMSButtonLabel:
Strings InviteShare_SharingHint:
= Anyone who scans this QR code or uses your share link can easily connect with you on Skype
Strings SMSMessaging_SmsFundedBy_Credit:
= Skype Credit - {price}/SMS
Strings SMSMessaging_SmsFundedBy_NoFunding:
= Get Skype Credit
Strings StreamItem_ReadByAll:
= Read by all
Strings UnansweredCallTitle_Unreachable:
= {name} can't be reached on Skype at the moment.
= {name} isn't online.
Strings WelcomePanel_IfExistsErrorTitle:
= Could Not Find Account
Strings WelcomePanel_IfExistsErrorText:
= We were unable to determine your account status. Please sign in or create an account
Strings WelcomePanel_IfExistsErrorSignInButtonText:
= Sign In
Strings WelcomePanel_IfExistsErrorCreateAccountButtonText:
= Create Account
Strings ConnectorProfilePanel_ConfiguredConnectorsHeader:
Strings ConnectorProfilePanel_PrivacyAndTermsHeader:
Strings ConnectorProfilePanel_AddNewButtonTitle:
= Add new
Strings ConnectorProfilePanel_PrivacyStatementLink:
= Privacy Statement
Strings ConnectorProfilePanel_TermsOfServiceLink:
= Terms of Service
Strings ConfiguredConnectorCard_CreatedByText:
= Created By: {creator}
Strings CreateOrModifyChatScenarioNavigator_CreateConversationError:
= There was a problem creating this conversation.
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_FindFriendsHeader:
= Find friends on Skype
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_FindFriendsCallToAction:
= Sync your address book to find people you know using Skype.
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_FindFriendsSyncContactsButton:
= Sync Your Contacts
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_SearchInfoText:
= Use Search {icon} to find anyone on Skype.
Strings ConversationsListPanelEmptyState_ContactsInfoText:
= Go to Contacts {icon} to see your device and Skype contacts.
Strings ColorThemeDialog_PunchcutThemeBubble1:
= Wow! Nice theme!
Strings ColorThemeDialog_PunchcutThemeBubble2:
= Hi guys!
Strings ColorThemeDialog_PunchcutThemeBubble3:
= I'm trying out a new theme!
Strings ColorThemeDialog_PunchcutThemeBubble4:
= Designer theme
Strings ColorThemeDialog_PunchcutThemeTitle:
= Designer color theme
Strings HighlightItemView_NoHighlights:
= {name} does not have any highlights at the moment.
Strings HighlightItemView_NoHighlightsButtonLabel:
= Chat with {name}
Strings HighlightItemView_LoadingHighlights:
= Loading highlights...
Strings HighlightItemView_FromHighlights:
= From {name}'s highlights
Strings HighlightItemView_FailedToCreateConvHighlights:
= There was a problem creating this chat, please try again later.
Strings HighlightItemView_NextHighlights:
= More highlights
Strings HighlightItemView_ChatButtonTitle:
= Chat
Strings HighlightItemView_RemoveButtonTitle:
= Remove
Strings HighlightItemView_ReportButtonTitle:
= Report Highlight
Strings HighlightItemView_HighlightAddressBookButtonTitle:
= Skype Conversations
Strings HighlightItemView_HighlightCloseButtonTitle:
= Close
Strings HighlightItemView_HighlightReactionInfoTitle:
= Send a private message
Strings HighlightItemView_MediaPostedJustNow:
= Just now
Strings HighlightItemView_MediaPostedMinutes:
= {count, plural, =1{1 minute ago} other{# minutes ago}}
Strings HighlightItemView_MediaPostedHours:
= {count, plural, =1{1 hour ago} other{# hours ago}}
Strings HighlightItemView_MediaPostedDays:
= {count, plural, =1{1 day ago} other{# days ago}}
Strings HighlightItemView_RemoveHighlightContent:
= Are you sure you want to remove this highlight?
Strings HighlightItemView_HighlightsRemoveDialogTitle:
= Remove from your highlights
Strings HighlightItemView_HighlightCommentTitle:
= Highlight comment:
Strings HighlightItemView_MessageSentLabel:
= Message sent
Strings HighlightItemView_CommentedOnYourHighlight:
= commented on your highlight.
Strings HighlightItemView_YouCommentedOnYourHighlight:
= You commented on a highlight.
Strings HighlightItemView_ForwardHighlightsLabel:
= Forward Highlight
Strings HighlightItemView_HighlightsForwardedText:
= {gender, select, female{{sender} shared a highlight from {owner}.} male{{sender} shared a highlight from {owner}.} other{{sender} shared a highlight from {owner}.}}
Strings HighlightItemView_YouForwardedHighlightsText:
= You shared {owner}'s highlight.
Strings HighlightItemView_HighlightsForwardedLabel:
= Highlight Forwarded
Strings HighlightItemView_TryOutReactionsCoachmarkLabel:
= React to this highlight
Strings HighlightItemView_TryOutForwardHighlightCoachmarkLabel:
= Share this highlight with friends
Strings NoResultsHeader_PhoneLabel:
= No results. Do you want to send an invite to this number?
Strings NoResultsHeader_EmailLabel:
= No results. Do you want to send an invite to this email?
Strings NoResultsHeader_EmailNoResults:
= No results found for {email}
Strings NoResultsHeader_NoResultsCallToAction:
= You can send them an invite to join Skype.
Strings NoResultsHeader_NoResultsInviteButton:
= Invite to Skype
Strings PeopleList_SyncAddressBookMessage:
= To easily find people you know on Skype, sync your address book and we'll do all the hard work for you.
Strings PeopleList_SyncAddressBookMessageHeader:
= No Results Found

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

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• When asking a question, please specify the operating system and the version of Skype.
• If you encounter any errors, copy the full text of the message here.
• Do not forget that this is an unofficial blog, and here you get help only from regular users of Skype.
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