unofficial blog

Remarkable features of Skype

Skype for Mac OS X

The Skype for Mac application is now available for download from the official site. Also, you can download the new version from our blog. At the moment nothing is known, what exactly has changed in Skype for Mac OS X.

Skype for Mac OS X

File size:

86.6 MB

Operating system:

Mac OS X

Skype version:

Release date:

Total downloads:



The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.

Strings AlertCard_HighlightsSkypeChannelTitle:
= Skype posted a new highlight
Strings OfferCard_CreditOfferShortName:
= Call Worldwide
Strings OfferCard_CreditOfferFullName:
= Landlines and mobiles up to {estimatedCallingMinutes} minutes
= Mobiles and landlines
Strings OfferCard_SeeRatesLink:
= See rates
Strings OfferCard_StartCallingButtonLabel:
= Start calling
Strings BrowserSharePreview_PreviewTitle:
= Ready to Send?
Strings BrowserSharePreview_PreviewDescription:
= This is what others will see when you share.
Strings BrowserSharePreview_SendTitle:
= Send
Strings CallControls_CallButtonSpeakerVolume:
= Speaker volume
Strings CallControls_CallButtonSpeakerVolumeAccessibilityLabel:
= Change speaker volume
Strings CallControlsOverFlowMenu_StopShareScreen:
= Stop screen sharing
= Stop sharing
Strings CallOptionsMenu_CallFundedBy_CallingPlan:
= Subscription
= Covered by Subscription
Strings CallOptionsMenu_CallFundedBy_FreeCall:
= Skype - Free
= Free on Skype
Strings CallOptionsMenu_CallFundedBy_NoFunding:
= No funding
= Get Skype Credit
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_CallButtonAccessibilityLabel:
= Call, free on Skype
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_CallButtonLabel:
= Call on Skype
= Call
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_ContactRowAccessibilityLabel:
= {phoneOrEmail}, {phoneType}, {price}
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_ContactRowAccessibilityLabelSMS:
= Send SMS to {phone}, {phoneType}
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_DesktopTitle:
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_FreeLabel:
= Free
= Free on Skype
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_VideoCallAccessibilityLabel:
= Video call, free on Skype.
Strings CallOrInviteMenu_VideoCallButtonLabel:
= Video call on Skype
= Video call
Strings CallPanel_NoNetworkHeader:
= Connection Lost
Strings CallPanel_NoNetworkBody:
= There was a problem with the network
Strings CallPanel_CameraStoppedWorkingOutOfMemory:
= You don't have enough memory to start your webcam. Try closing some apps or restarting Skype.
= We could not connect to your selected camera. Try closing other applications or restarting Skype
Strings CallPanel_CameraBusy:
= It looks like your webcam is being used by another app. If you still want video, close that app and try again.
= We could not connect to your selected camera since it may be in use by another application.
Strings CallPanel_CameraFailed:
= We could not connect to your selected camera. Please select a different camera or try restarting Skype
Strings CallPanel_NoCameraFound:
= No camera found
Strings CallPanel_CameraChanged:
= Camera device changed to {deviceName}.
Strings CallPanel_MicrophoneChanged:
= Microphone device changed to {deviceName}.
Strings CallPanel_SpeakerChanged:
= Speaker device changed to {deviceName}.
Strings CallPanel_NewCamera:
= Switch video to {deviceName}?
Strings CallPanel_SoundSharingStopped:
= Your sound sharing stopped working due to an unexpected error.
Strings CallPanel_SpeakerMuted:
= Speakers muted
Strings CallPanel_MicrophoneMuted:
= Microphone muted
Strings CallPanel_SpeakerAndMicrophoneMuted:
= Microphone and speakers muted
Strings CapturePanel_FaceEffectsTitle:
= Enable face effects
Strings CapturePanel_FaceEffectsAccessibilityLabel:
= Enable face effects
Strings CapturePreview_TryOutEffectsCoachmarkLabel:
= Try photo effects
Strings PhoneNumberVerification_Experiments_EnterNumberHeaderText_TreatmentA:
= Let Friends Easily Find You
= Connect With Friends
Strings PhoneNumberVerification_Experiments_EnterNumberHeaderText_TreatmentB:
= Find Friends On Skype
= Find Friends
Strings CreditPurchase_AddCreditPopupDescription:
= Add {formattedPrice} credit using this card?
Strings CreditPurchase_AddSubscriptionPopupDescription:
= Add this calling plan using this card?
Strings CreditPurchase_RecurringWarningTag:
= Billed monthly
Strings DesktopFindPanelDragAndDrop_DropImages:
= Drop images here to share
Strings HighlightsSkypeChannelViewer_SwipeToViewMoreButtonLabel:
= Swipe up to see more
Strings CallRatesWebFlow_Title:
= Call rates
Strings MessageStream_CallOrSendSMS:
= Call or send SMS messages to this number
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle1:
= Meet your new Skype
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle1:
= Turn everyday chats into memorable moments
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationTitle2:
= Experience the new Skype
Strings Notifications_OEMNotificationSubTitle2:
= A ton of new features to supercharge your chats
Strings UserSettingsPanel_Active:
= Active
= {gender, select, female{Active} male{Active} other{Active}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_Invisible:
= Invisible
= {gender, select, female{Invisible} male{Invisible} other{Invisible}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_DoNotDisturb:
= Do not disturb
= {gender, select, female{Do not disturb} male{Do not disturb} other{Do not disturb}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_ChatNotificationsDuringDND:
= Show chat notifications while Do Not Disturb is on
= {gender, select, female{Show chat notifications while Do Not Disturb is on} male{Show chat notifications while Do Not Disturb is on} other{Show chat notifications while Do Not Disturb is on}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_CallNotificationsDuringDND:
= Show call notifications while Do Not Disturb is on
= {gender, select, female{Show call notifications while Do Not Disturb is on} male{Show call notifications while Do Not Disturb is on} other{Show call notifications while Do Not Disturb is on}}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_SyncAddressBook:
= Sync your address book
= Sync your contacts
Strings UserSettingsPanel_HighlightsPostedNotificationSecondary:
= Receive notifications when people you follow post new highlights
= Receive push notifications when people you follow post new highlights
Strings UserSettingsPanel_HighlightsFollowRequestNotificationSecondary:
= Receive notifications when people send you follow requests
= Receive push notifications when people send you follow requests
Strings UserSettingsPanel_HighlightsFollowAcceptedNotificationSecondary:
= Receive notifications when people accept your follow requests
= Receive push notifications when people accept your follow requests
Strings UserSettingsPanel_EnableCallMonitor:
= Show call window when Skype is in the background
Strings PeopleList_SyncAddressBookHeader:
Strings PeopleList_SyncAddressBookLabel:
= Sync Your Address Book
= Sync Your Contacts
Strings SMSMessaging_CreditTitle:
= You have {balance} Skype Credit
Strings SMSMessaging_SmsSelectorPhoneOptionAccessibilityTitle:
= Send messages to {phoneNumber}.
= Send SMS to {phoneNumber}.
Strings SMSMessaging_SmsRateAndCharactersLabel:
= {charactersRemaining} characters remaining, {formattedPrice} cost for SMS
Strings SMSMessaging_SmsCount:
= Sending {fragments} SMS,
Strings SMSMessaging_SmsPriceFetchFailure:
= SMS cost not known
Strings SMSMessaging_ContactOptionsPopupSendSMSLabel:
= Send SMS
Strings UnansweredCallActions_TryAgain:
= Please try again or send a message.
Strings UnansweredCallActions_AudioCall:
= Audio Call
Strings AddressBookContactListItem_CallActionMenuTitle:
= Call:
Strings AddressBookContactListItem_InviteActionMenuTitle:
= Send an invite to:
Strings AddressBookContactListItem_InviteButtonActionMenuLabel:
= Invite {displayName} to Skype
Strings OfferCard_CreditOfferCallRate:
= From {rate}/min
Strings CallOptionsMenu_CancelLabel:
= Cancel
Strings CallOptionsMenu_CallSkypeMetadata:
= Free on Skype
Strings CallOptionsMenu_CallAccessibilityLabel:
= Call, {type}, {callee}, {index} of {total}.
Strings CallOptionsMenu_CallLabelNoType:
= {callee}, {index} of {total}.
Strings CallOptionsMenu_CallFundedBy_Credit_Short:
= {price}/min
Strings CallOptionsMenu_CallFundedBy_FreeCall_Short:
= Free
Strings CallOptionsMenu_Phone:
= {phone}
Strings CallOptionsMenu_PhoneType:
= ({phonetype})
Strings CallPanel_CameraStoppedWorking:
= Your camera stopped working.
Strings PopCards_OnBoardingStepsCompleted:
= Steps {current}/{total}
Strings UserSettingsPanel_EnableAndroidCallMonitor:
= Show call window when Skype is in the background

Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.

1 comment

  1. 0 0 0
    kopedaki (karma: 0),
    All the skype versions are so cool , but , you must download only 8 versions because 5 versions , 6 versions and 7 versions have ended the support .

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