Skype 7.41.198 for Mac OS X
1 830 downloads
Released one more version of Skype for Mac OS X, that appeared instead of 7.40 (by the way, the previous version also jumped over one version). But for this time also nothing is known about Skype 7.41.198 for Mac OS X.
File size:
44.0 MBOperating system:
Mac OS XSkype version:
7.41.198Release date:
Total downloads:
1 830Changelog
The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype 7.41.198 for Mac OS X. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Mac OS X, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.
New | Now Skype chat supports animated GIFs |
Tuned | Added new options tp control received images |
Strings | MenuItemTitle_AddBotToContacts := Add Bot to Contacts |
Strings | MenuItemTitle_HangEveryoneUp := Hang Everyone Up |
Strings | MediaDocument_Context_MenuItem_RevealInFinder := Reveal in Finder |
Strings | WebLogin_DefaultErrorTitle := Unfortunately, Skype is not available right now |
Strings | WebLogin_DefaultErrorDescription := Please check your internet connection and try again. |
Strings | SkypeHome_DefaultErrorTitle := Skype Home is unavailable at the moment |
Strings | SkypeHome_DefaultErrorDescription := Check back later to see your news and alerts. |
Strings | GenericWebView_DefaultErrorTitle := Unfortunately, the resource you requested is not available right now |
Strings | GenericWebView_DefaultErrorDescription := Please check your internet connection and try again. |
Strings | ContactInfoView_AddBot_ButtonTitle := Add Bot |
Strings | EmoticonPicker_EmoticonSearch_SearchField_Placeholder := Search for emoticons and Mojis |
Strings | EmoticonPicker_SearchButton_Tooltip := Search |
Strings | EmoticonPicker_EmoticonSearch_Moji_Section_Title := Mojis |
Strings | EmoticonPicker_EmoticonSearch_Emoticon_Section_Title := Emoticons |
Strings | EmoticonPicker_EmoticonSearch_NoResults_TextField_Placeholder := Nothing found |
Strings | EmoticonPicker_EmoticonSearch_Suggestions_Section_Title := Suggestions |
Strings | EmoticonPicker_EmoticonSearch_Suggestions_GreetingsButton_Title := Greetings |
Strings | EmoticonPicker_EmoticonSearch_Suggestions_HappyButton_Title := Happy |
Strings | EmoticonPicker_EmoticonSearch_Suggestions_LoveButton_Title := Love |
Strings | EmoticonPicker_EmoticonSearch_Suggestions_AngryButton_Title := Angry |
Strings | EmoticonPicker_EmoticonSearch_Suggestions_ConfusedButton_Title := Confused |
Strings | EmoticonPicker_EmoticonSearch_Suggestions_DisgustButton_Title := Disgust |
Strings | CloudFileTransferMessage_QuickLookTooltip := Quick Look |
Strings | CloudFileTransferMessage_RevealInFinderTooltip := Reveal In Finder |
Strings | SwiftCardMessage_VideoCard_MuteButton_VoiceOver := Mute |
Strings | SwiftCardMessage_VideoCard_UnmuteButton_VoiceOver := Unmute |
Strings | SwiftCardMessage_VideoCard_PlayButton_VoiceOver := Play video |
Strings | SwiftCardMessage_VideoCard_PauseButton_VoiceOver := Pause video |
Strings | SwiftCardMessage_VideoCard_EnterFullScreenButton_VoiceOver := Full screen |
Strings | SwiftCardMessage_VideoCard_ExitFullScreenButton_VoiceOver := Exit full screen |
Strings | SwiftCardMessage_AudioCard_Retry_VoiceOver := retry |
Strings | SwiftCard_AccessibilityDescription_AudioCard := audio |
Strings | SwiftCard_AccessibilityDescription_GIFCard := gif |
Strings | SwiftCard_AccessibilityDescription_VideoCard := video |
Strings | CallAlert_Failed_To_Sponsor := You don’t have enough Skype Credit to add %@ to the call. |
Strings | VideoCallButton_Disabled_Tooltip_Generic := Video calling is currently unavailable for this conversation |
Strings | CallButton_Disabled_Tooltip_Generic := Calling is currently unavailable for this conversation |
Strings | BotMessage_PrivacyMode_At_Message := <b>%1$@</b> receives messages containing <b>@%2$@</b>. |
Strings | BotMessage_PrivacyMode_All_Messages := <b>%@</b> receives all messages and content sent in this group. |
Strings | Capability_Receive_All_Messages := add the bot to group chats (this bot receives all messages and content sent in the group) |
Strings | Capability_Receive_Mention_Messages := add the bot to group chats (this bot receives messages sent to it using @%@) |
Strings | AccountStatusBannerMessage_PartialBlock := Your account has been restricted from using Skype’s paid features. <a href= ''>Fix your account</a>. |
Strings | PIC_ErrorTextCheckConnection := |
Strings | PIC_ErrorTextNoConnection := |
Strings | PIC_ErrorTextCheckConnectionTryAgain := |
Strings | PIC_ErrorScreenTitle := |
Strings | MediaDocument_Context_MenuItem_Download := |
Strings | WebLoginViewLabel_SkypeNotAvailable := |
Strings | WebLoginViewLabel_NoConnection := |
Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.
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), # ↑P.S. Please note that this is an unofficial blog.