Download Skype for Windows
14 731 downloads
At a time when insiders are testing the eighth version of Skype for Windows, a new version of the seventh branch has been released. Although nothing is known about this release, judging by some lines, the developers are preparing to switch to the eighth version…
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), #I just hope v8(?) isn't like the latest Android version, which is utterly terrible!... No easy way to roll back unfortunately.
), # ↑+1
), # ↑+4
), # ↑+301
), #-9
), # ↑The problem about skype , before or now under microsoft ,is the stupid way of making the accounts , and specially those security features that are so secure that u cant even change your password , Lets not talk about the fact that u can correct nothing if u dont have a handy ; i dont have one , and i dont want one .
), #+1208
), # ↑+3
), #+1208
), # ↑+3
), #
), # ↑+7
), #Any workaround in order to avoid the app?
Tx to anyone who could be of any help.
), # ↑+7
), # ↑Hope this will fixed before the final release.
No comment on the graphic, Android style; but it isnt awful.
), # ↑+3
), #+1208
), # ↑+2
), #