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Download Skype for Windows

At a time when insiders are testing the eighth version of Skype for Windows, a new version of the seventh branch has been released. Although nothing is known about this release, judging by some lines, the developers are preparing to switch to the eighth version…
«More about Skype for Windows»

(13 votes)

File size:

56.2 MB

Operating system:

Windows 7/8/10

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Total downloads:

14 731


  1. 1 +1 0
    Dave (karma: +4),
    "It's packed with new features".... I highly doubt that!

    I just hope v8(?) isn't like the latest Android version, which is utterly terrible!... No easy way to roll back unfortunately.
    1. 1 0 1
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Well, you can test it right now by downloading Skype Preview for Windows Desktop:
    2. 1 +1 0
      Patrik (karma: +1),
      Protip: Get rushad's APK Fetcher from the playstore to make backups of apps before updating them. Don't like an update? Uninstall and reinstall the backed up APK again. Saved my ass a bunch of times before...
      1. 0 -1 1
        Dave (karma: +4),
        This is a great bit of info! - Thanks Patrik!
  2. 1 0 1
    miko (karma: +301),
    After i update skype yesterday i have problem with connection and i can't sign in.
    1. 0 0 0
      geff (karma: -9),
      Yesssssssssssssss , i have the same problem ! after i update i cant sign in with the name and pass i used just before ! A test i did was to go back with restore ( so including previous skype ) and login worked again.
      The problem about skype , before or now under microsoft ,is the stupid way of making the accounts , and specially those security features that are so secure that u cant even change your password , Lets not talk about the fact that u can correct nothing if u dont have a handy ; i dont have one , and i dont want one .
  3. 0 0 0
    ViciousVixen18 (karma: +3),
    For some reason, when I click to download it, it won't download. It just gives me a "page not working" error.
    1. 0 -1 1
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      I’m very sorry to hear that. Maybe it was a network failure. However now I checked it and I was able to download this version without any problems. Can you please check it again?
  4. 0 0 0
    Al Riyami (karma: +3),
    I have latest version on Window XP, using Strong VPN connection. I've been using SKype this way for more then 6 years without any problem. Problem started when I upgraded to latest version and now I can CALL BUT I cannot RECEIVE calls, even it doesn't ring or show miss calls. Also it doesn't connect to my mobile like it used to when I disconnect VPN on Laptop-PC and load it on my mobile. Now nothing, please advise what need to be done in order to rectify this issue. Regards Riyami.
    1. 0 -3 3
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      Hi! Please read article Skype does not receive incoming calls and let me know if it fixed your issue.
  5. 0 0 0
    zrx8 (karma: +3),
    Now that M$ de facto killed Skype on XP, the fate reached Win7 too
    1. 0 0 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      It is fair to note that in most cases this is a “user side” issue. Anyway, I wrote about this issue here: Network status on Skype for Windows constantly spins.
  6. 0 0 0
    John (karma: +7),
    I downloaded the new Skype 8 preview for desktop but when I try to install it the software requires to me to download the app from the store and in my variouses Windows 10s I removed all the apps coz I dont use a tablet nor have a touch screen.
    Any workaround in order to avoid the app?
    Tx to anyone who could be of any help.
    1. 1 +1 0
      David (karma: +4),
      You have to run the SkypePreview in compatability mode. I'm not sure why.
      1. 0 0 0
        John (karma: +7),
        Yeah, I found the trick, but I also discovered that this Preview release doesnt allow the user to choose the installation path, when the hard drive is partitioned nor I can detach the chat windows as I usually do with Skype 7.x
        Hope this will fixed before the final release.
        No comment on the graphic, Android style; but it isnt awful.
    2. 0 0 0
      Tom (karma: 0),
      try to test the program
  7. 0 0 0
    maiya (karma: +3),
    how do i share screen, i am not finding the screen share option in this version
    1. 1 +1 0
      Administrator (karma: +1208),
      On the Skype menu bar click «Call» and choose «Share Screens».
  8. 0 0 0
    claude (karma: +2),
    je voudrais pouvoir enter et voir et communication mes divers amies

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