Skype for Windows
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6 808 downloads
A couple of days ago it became known that the version of Skype for Windows has been updated to a new release which adds support of Hindi language. Also, at the request of users, in Skype for Windows developers added an option to enable or disable text formatting in Skype chats. This option is located in the program settings under Tools → Options → IM & SMS → IM appearance → Show advanced text formatting.
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43.2 MBOperating system:
WindowsSkype version: date:
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6 808Changelog
The following table contains the list of known changes in version Skype for Windows. This will help you to find out what's new in Skype for Windows, which errors have been fixed, what work did developers, and a lot of other interesting things.
New | Support of Hindi language |
Tuned | Option "Show advanced text formatting" |
Unresolved | Sometime may occur an EAccessViolation error |
Strings | sHUDDLE_EMAIL_BODYTEXT := Hi there,'+#13#10+#13#10+'I''ve made a Skype Space for us to chat, share and collaborate.'+#13#10+#13#10+'Join the Space by clicking the link:'+#13#10+'%s'+#13#10+#13#10+'*Don''t have Skype yet? Download it before you can join |
Strings | sHUDDLE_POPUP_JOIN_LINKS := = <a href='copy'>Copy link</a>%s<a href='email'>Email</a> |
Strings | sCONFIRM_DEFAULT_CHECK_TITLE := = %s for Windows |
Strings | sACC_NAME_FLIK_OPEN := = Open Skype Flik |
Strings | sACC_NAME_FLIK_MESSAGE := = From %0:s, Skype Flik, sent on %1:s |
Strings | sFLIK_PLAY := = Play Skype Flik |
Strings | sFLIK_OPEN_LINK := = Open Skype Flik Link |
Strings | sAPP_TOOLBAR_HOME := Home |
Strings | sAPP_TOOLBAR_CALL := Call |
Strings | sAPP_TOOLBAR_NEW := New |
Strings | sAPP_TOOLBAR_NEW_TOOLTIP := New conversation |
Strings | sMAINMENU_LOGGING := Turn on logging |
Strings | sCOM_RESTART_HEADER := Restart required |
Strings | sCOM_RESTART_MESSAGE := Restart Skype for your changes to take effect. |
Strings | sMAIN_MENU_SELF_HOST_FEEDBACK := Self-host feedback |
Strings | sCONTACT_GROUP_SUGGESTED_CONTACTS := Suggested contacts |
Strings | sOPTIONS_WIKI_MARKUP := Show advanced text formatting |
Strings | sEMPTY_GROUP_HUDDLE := %s's Space |
Strings | sAC_SEND_REQ_SC := %s is an address book contact. |
Strings | sZAPBUTTON_SEND_REQ_SC := Connect on Skype |
Strings | sSTATUS_UNKNOWN2_SC := Not connected on Skype yet |
Strings | sHUDDLE_EMAIL_BODY := |
Of course, we could miss something, but we are happy for any help in drawing up the complete list of changes, so if you know any details about this version, or have noticed a mistake leave a comment and we will complement or correct the information.
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